Note: Working hard on two New books including Why 70 Percent of Black women are single, so I had no time to write a blog. Try to have one up for Thursday Sorry about all the filler, trying to play catch up!
I take a deep breath to
calm my nerves as E’steem reads through the flyer detailing the mission of my
organization. I’m hoping she says yes and helps us out. With a legend like her
in our group we can inspire countless other members to walk away from the
Legion down the straight and narrow path to Christ.
Pick up E'steem: Demons Anonymous for your Kindle today! Prime users borrow for FREE!

It was a big risk
approaching her; high-ranking Old Guard demons don’t even bother talking with
low-level New Breeders like myself. But if someone who was as deeply entrenched
in the Legion could change her wicked ways, then maybe just maybe she’d be
willing to hear me out.
E’steem finishes
reading the flyer and her friendly brown eyes smile at me. “Demons Anonymous?”
she inquires.
“Yeah, it’s a support
group for demons who want to leave the Legion.”
“Other demons have left
the Legion?”
“You thought you were
the only one?”
“Usually once you join
up with Lucifer you’re in for all eternity.”
“That was the way it
was for the Old Guard. You chose to be a part of the Legion. But as the
children of those old Guard demons began roaming the earth, they were never
given that option.”
“Wasn’t the Bible
available to you?”
“In our homes that book
was considered Blasphemy.”
“So the culture of the
Legion has become a religion?”
“To the members of the
New Breed it is.”
“I’ve been hearing that
phrase a lot lately. What exactly are the New Breed?”
I thought someone as
smart as she was would know something about our history. “The New Breed are
demons born during the Industrial Revolution, I reply. “Around that time
Lucifer dissolved the Order of Lords and established a new class system for
demons to work within the Legion’s new industrial complex.”
“Demons with human
“Yeah. He felt these
new demons would blend in better with mortals. Demons he believes will help him
efficiently steal the souls of mankind through everyday sins.”
“Drones in a corporate
industrial complex.”
“Mindless workers
programmed to believe that they’re doing the right thing by going by the book
and living by the golden rule. People who were born not knowing who God truly
“Even though the Bible
is in plain sight.”
“We were never told we
had a choice.” I continue. A lot of us grew up in homes, schools and churches
believing that Lucifer’s false religion was the truth.”
“How did you find out?”
“I went to college and
met up with some Christians on campus. At first I didn’t believe them, but as I
began reading the Bible for myself, I began to see the truth in God’s Word.”
“With that way of
thinking, I’m taking it you’re not very popular in the Legion-”
“I’m not. But I didn’t
give my life to Christ to win anyone’s favor. God doesn’t want any soul to
perish. Not even a demon’s.”
E’steem’s eyes light up
after I say that. “Wow. You’re really passionate about your cause-”
“I just want the
members of the Legion to know they have a choice. And that no matter how much
they’ve sinned in their lives God will forgive them and allow them to receive
His gift of Salvation.”
“What can I do to help
“I was hoping you could
come and speak at one of our meetings. Someone with your reputation would have
a tremendous impact on our cause.”
“You must not have read
The Deadly Dish. My reputation in the
realm of Hell is pretty much finished-”
“Not exactly. Many
demons still hold you in high regard. And they’d still be eager to listen to
“You must not have seen
the pantsed picture of me in that article-”
“I have to say you do
have nice legs.”
A playful chuckle
surprises me. “I’d have to say the best part of me is up here.” She jokes pointing
at her face.
From the curious look
on her face she seems interested. I’ll try to close the deal. “So would you be
willing to come to our meeting this evening?”
E’steem looks down at
the flyer for the address then smiles as she looks up at me. “I think I can
make it tonight. Just let me check with my boss.”
Pick up E'steem: Demons Anonymous for your Kindle today! Prime users borrow for FREE!
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