In an effort to retire old Japanese Diaclone
molds in 1986, Hasbro toys launched Transformers: The Movie. In the first 10
minutes of the film, popular characters like Brawn, Ratchet, Ironhide,
Wheeljack, and Prowl were killed off and and it all climaxed with the death of Optimus
Hasbro thought that by killing off all
the popular characters they’d be able to introduce new characters like Kup,
Arcee, and Rodimus Prime in the film and that viewers would embrace them when
they went to the toy store.
It was one of the biggest marketing
disasters of all time.
Transformers: The Movie was a
box-office failure. Most kids back then were horrified watching characters they
grew up with die in numerous disturbing ways. Worse, many kids HATED the new
characters, especially the new autobot leader Rodimus Prime.
What Hasbro didn’t bank on back then
was that kids had formed relationships with the first generation of
Transformers characters. To many of those kids Optimus Prime and his Autobot
crew were like their friends. Someone who they could come home to every
afternoon and spend time with while mom and dad were out at work. Someone who
made a hard day of school that much easier when they came home to them.
Now I have a theory to why the
Transformers brand collapsed after the 1986 Movie. I call it The Rodimus
Effect. Others will call this the New Coke effect (New Coke came out two years
earlier) because Coca-cola also alienated its customers by introducing a new
formula in 1984, but by 1986 the Coca-Cola company was smart enough to see the
error of their ways and return to the original formula after a public backlash
and get back to good customer relations by 1987.
But when it comes to comic
book/fantasy/sci-fi characters it can take much longer to repair the damage to
a brand. Hasbro felt the impact of Rodimus Prime for nine years. Even after
they brought back Optimus Prime in 1987, the damage was still felt throughout
the transformers brand for years. Products such as headmasters, targetmasters,
actionmasters, powermasters and Generation 2 all struggled at retail, and The
Transformers cartoon went into reruns after 1990. It wasn’t until the 1996
Beast Wars reboot that the Transformers brand returned to popularity with
My theory is when a company tries to
replace a kill off an iconic or popular character and replace it with another
character in the same role, the audience immediately rejects said character and
demands a return of the original.
After the establishment of Rodimus
Prime and his Autobot crew as the main characters in the Transformers TV show,
many kids were turned off. Rodimus was quickly seen in a negative light by many
who perceived his indecisiveness and insecurity as being weak. Others saw him as
cowardly. A few kids even saw him as a tool.
But in comparison to Optimus Prime he
just didn’t measure up. Rodimus was mocked, ridiculed and reviled. Even to this
day Rodimus Prime/Hot Rod toys struggle to sell at retail because of the way he
was introduced to viewers.
Even in the face of the disaster that
almost destroyed the Transformers brand, some companies still try to force
permanent changes onto customers without taking into consideration the
relationships they’ve formed with said characters.
In 2006 DC Comics killed the popular character
Blue Beetle. Ted Kord, the character who readers had grown fond of over 20
years was graphically and violently murdered by Max Lord in the panels of a DC
A few months later, DC Comics tried to
introduce Jamie Reyes, a Latino kid in the role of Blue Beetle. While the
character was very fun and had his charms, and has been pushed heavily in
merchandise by DC in TV shows like Batman: Brave and the Bold and Young
Justice, unfortunately he never gained any traction with fans who never warmed
to him.
Why? Because like many of the
Transformers fans who mourned Optimus Prime, many of those DC Comics fans were
mourning the loss of Kord, who represented the everyman character that readers
identified with. Someone who they considered a friend.
What most in the entertainment
business don’t understand that people form a bond with these fictional
characters. For many fantasy is an escape from reality. For others it becomes
their reality. But in both cases, the characters readers and viewers meet are
like friends and family. People grow close to these characters. They form
connections with them.
When these fictional characters are
killed off in an abrupt, violent fashion it can lead to a public backlash from
fans and casual customers. People need to deal with their feelings regarding
these fictional characters. In the eyes of many, especially young children
seeing someone like Optimus Prime or Ted Kord die is like watching a real close
friend or loved one die.
The adverse effects of a prolonged
Rodimus Effect can cripple a brand long-term. Indifference by a publisher or
producer by forcing changes onto customers can lead to their alienation.
Because people aren’t allowed to deal with their feelings regarding those
characters and aren’t given closure, they may stop buying products.
Worse, they may not share said
characters with their children as their fond memories are tainted by
bitterness. As they accept the fact that their favorite characters may never
return It may prove next to impossible to reach the next generation and show
them how great said characters are.
If a character isn’t working, there is
a natural and organic way to introduce new character designs or new characters
with the same name. For example, in 1986, the second Flash Barry Allen was in
the middle of a creative slump. Three years of bad writing had stalled the
title creatively and led to a sales slump.
DC Comics had no choice but to kill
Barry Allen to save the Flash Brand. So in the maxi-series Crisis of Infinite Earths
the character was sacrificed in a noble effort to save the DC Universe.
It was considered one of the defining
moments of comic book history. A symbolic passing of the Silver Age (which
Barry Allen ushered in with his first appearance) and the start of the Modern
age for DC Comics.
But creatively, it saved the Flash
brand. Because readers saw an organic series of reasons for Barry Allen’s
death, they were able to accept his loss, mourn and move on.
Moreover, they were able to accept it
when Wally West, the sidekick known as Kid Flash adopted his costume and took
on the identity of The Flash. Because he had an established relationship with
Barry Allen, DC Comics readers were eager to accept him. For some youngsters
growing up in that generation, (Generation X) West’s adoption of the Flash
mantle was like a son inheriting a parents’ cherished personal effects after
they died. Most could relate to his struggles as he tried to live up to the
standard established by someone they admired and loved.
West’s mourning of his uncle was
documented in the pages of Flash Vol.3 and allowed readers the closure they
needed to accept the passing of Barry Allen as permanent fixture in the
structure of the Post-Crisis DC Universe. When the grieving process was complete,
readers were able to fully accept Wally West as his own iconic Flash in his own
iconic costume starting with the 50th issue.
Due to the respect DC Comics editors
had for the human grieving process then, Wally West grew to become one of the most
beloved characters in the DC Universe. Over the past two decades, West has
actually grown more popular than his predecessor, being featured prominently in
DC Comics merchandising and licensing.
Other examples of natural, organic
character replacement include justice Society member Mr. Terrific. The original
Mr. Terrific was a white male. While not a popular character, he did have a
following. But his death was handled so tactfully that readers were able to
accept an African-American, Michael Holt in the role of Mr.Terrific. Due to the
tactful way the death of the original Mr.Terrific was handled, Holt was able to
connect with a new generation of readers and become popular with them.
A Rodimus Effect can happen to any
fictional character. If a writer doesn’t respect the readers relationship with
said characters, the reader has no reason to respect the publisher and continue
to buy their products. If a publisher or producer wants to introduce new
characters or new characters with the same name they have to execute their
stories in such a way that it gives those fans and customers the closure they
need to move forward.
In order to prevent a Rodimus effect,
where readers turn away from a series and walk away from a brand, fiction
writers have to understand that their readers or their viewers do grow a
personal and emotional attachment to the characters they create. If they don’t
respect that relationship, readers can become alienated, turn away from a
series and never return.
Good thing I don't plan on doing such a thing.
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