The 4-night
crossover event between CW’s Superhero shows Supergirl, The Flash, Arrow, and
Legends of Tomorrow could have been something epic. Unfortunately, it just
turned into an EPIC FAIL due to the inept writers at Berlanti productions who
were just out of their league when it came to writing a story on this scale.
Heroes Vs. Aliens as supposed to be an adaptation of 1988’s
Invasion! where the alien Dominators fear that Earth will be a spawning ground
for a race of metahumans that will be an unbeatable super-race. And to stop the
super race they and other alien planets insist that Earth surrender its super heroes.
Earth tells the aliens to drop dead and recruits Captain Atom to lead a force
to defend the earth.
This would have been an interesting story if Berlanti
decided to do something like Oh, introduce Captain Atom…But Berlanti
productions ain’t got that kind of budget to give us Nathaniel Adam and his
origin with Miss Martian’s CGI and Mon-El eating up the budget over on Supergirl,
and the cast of the new Outsiders-I mean Team Arrow on Arrow. So instead of
giving us a good heaping helping of story based on DC’s classic source
material, they gave us some artificially flavored slop on a plate loosely based
on Invasion! And called it Heroes Vs. Aliens. Extra light on the aliens.
After watching the first three episodes of this so-called
crossover event I felt like Clara Peller in those old Wendy’s Commercials.
Seriously, I feel ripped off by the CW’s advertising. The
ads and promos for Heroes Vs. Aliens promised us lots of heroes and even a
Deathstroke return. From those ads and promos I got hyped up expecting to see
DC’s heroes busting up bad guys. But all I got was a big bag of NOTHING. After
I watched Heroes Vs. Aliens I reminisced about the first and last time I ate
Kaboom! cereal as a kid. Kaboom! cereal looks like a taste treat on the box, but
tastes like shit when you get it in a bowl with some milk. That’s how
disappointed I was with this so-called crossover.
Plain and simple CW just didn’t have the foundation laid to
implement this kind of event even with four TV shows. Due to the misstep of
putting Supergirl on another earth, the crossover doesn’t have a solid
foundation to establish a structure for storytelling. That makes any form a
writer wraps around it awkward and uneven. If Supergirl and Flash and Arrow and
the Legends had been all on the same earth they might have been able to pull
this kind of event off next year with Arrow and the Outsiders, Deathstroke and
Superman and J’onn in the mix to give the story the gravity it would need and
the Dominators would be seen as a credible threat.

Instead of giving us that story, the writers of Arrow stole
most of their script from a Batman: The Animated Series episode, and then
tacked on an escape after the dream sequence for the Waverider Ex Machina to
save them from being annihilated by a fleet of Dominator fighters.
If that’s not BAD writing I don’t know what is.
And the cherry on top of this shit sundae with extra diharrea
sauce is the Legends of Tomorrow episode. In an effort to stop the Dominators the
team goes back to the 50’s to kidnap a Dominator. Finally we get some aliens!
For about two seconds. But after Steel, heat wave and Vixen take down the alien
then the Area 51 guys come and take down the heroes. Then in 2016 we get told
the reason for the Dominator invasion is…Barry Allen’s fault.
Yeah, I know Barry Allen’s Simp levels are beyond space and
time but this plot point is so DUMB it’s beyond logic. So Barry Allen creating
Flashpoint ruined the earth’s timelines and now it’s ruined the entire Universe
of Berlanti Earth 1. But how would people from the 1950’s find this out from
the Dominators when Barry Allen only went back in time about oh, 10 years? If
it’s because the legends team went back to the 50’s and Cisco saved the
Dominator that’s Seriously a WTF? Moment.
Aware of Barry Allen from a time anomaly that would have
Picard on Yesterday’s Enterprise Scratching his head, the G-men want Barry
Allen to surrender so they can give him up to the Dominators. Simp Lord of the
Universe Barry is about to give himself up until he’s stopped by…Oliver. Then after
another big speech, we finally get a big fight between the heroes and some of
the aliens in the last couple of minutes of Legends of Tomorrow. Then Firestorm
transmutates the Gene bomb, Felicity turns on a device to give the Dominators
pain and the aliens flee Independence Day style. Everything ends with a speech
from the Earth 1 president and Supergirl able to come back and forth between
Berlanti Earth 1 and Berlanti Earth Super and hints of Barry and Ollie in a bar
talking about forming up a Justice Leage or a Superfriends.
Good Gravy, what a mess. If Heroes Vs. Aliens could have
kept the tone, pace, and action of the last ten minutes of the fight inLegends
of Tomorrow throughout the first four hours it could have been a classic.
Instead the writing just was a jumbled mess for the first three hours and fifty
minutes. I’m just astonished at how shittacularly bad the writing on this so-called
crossover is. Heroes Vs. Aliens is like a manual on how NOT to do a time travel
storyline. And all the reasons why most Time Travel storylines SUCK.
Seriously, the writing on this so-called crossover event was
shit on a plate. From the horrific mishandling of the Cyborg Superman on
Supergirl to J’onn’s Cure Ex Machina, to Wild Dog’s opinions of Metas changing
in less than five minutes, to Ollie not trusting Kara for no reason, Heroes Vs.
Aliens is literally like a compendium of all the crap writing featured in Arrow
Season 2.5-4. All four episodes of Heroes Vs. Aliens look, sound and feel like
a first draft of a script, not a polished well thought out story arc with fast
pacing. Heroes Vs. Aliens just feels slapped together with no sense of story or
even a direction. We get told there’s an alien threat by Barry Allen, but we
never got any frames of the Dominators to tell us who they are and why they
want to invade earth until second half hour of the Legends of Tomorrow episode.
On seeing Dominators, Barry just jumps over to Supergirl’s Earth and asks for
her help, even though Superman was just introduced a few episodes ago. This
would have been a prime event to feature Tyler Hochelin being a total BOSS,
but…that’s what a GOOD writer like myself would have done. But instead of
giving us Superman and an actual appearance by Deathstroke to show us the
severity of the crisis on this earth we get Deathstroke in an Arrow dream
Damn. Just Damn.
I won’t even go into how Diggle got totally emasculated in a
frame of that big epic fight between the Heroes and the Aliens. Even in the
face of an epic Battle they find a way to make the Black man look like a bitch.
Fuck You Berlanti. Fuck You.
What makes the Heroes Vs. Aliens Crossover event an EPIC
FAIL is that it hyped itself up to be some kind of event and then didn’t
deliver on the payoff. Viewers like myself were anticipating a big epic battle
between heroes and Aliens that took us to different places in every episode
based on what we saw in the promos and in early episodes of Supergirl. But all
we got was some of the worst writing to ever grace a Superhero TV series. I had
to wonder if Tyler Perry and Akiva Goldsman were writng some of the scripts
under a pen name with all the bad dialogue and inconsistent characterizations. Heroes
Vs. Aliens should have flowed seamlessly from episode to epsisode moving the
story forward with each episode. Instead it stumbled over its own feet to a
clumsy finish. The biggest problem with Heroes Vs. Aliens is that the writers
tried to write the story around the characters and their storylines instead of just
writing a story with the characters in it.
Heroes Vs. Aliens had the potential to be a TV classic.
Instead it became a classic example of how NOT to write a crossover event.
Heroes vs. Aliens had a nice concept unfortunately the writers just couldn’t
execute it. Yeah, Greg Berlanti has the production team to bring DC Characters
to life visually, but it’s clear to me that his writing team is just not ready
to push the envelope and take the Berlantiverse to the next level. What should
have been the TV Version of Marvel Studios’ Avengers wound up as bad as an old
Superfriends episode.
Shawn you seem silent about the other hacker character Winn. Maybe because you tolerate him more.
ReplyDeleteAbout to go in on him in Monday's blog Ad. Supergirl is about to get roasted CRISPY!
DeleteAnd once again, live-action blunders yet another comic book factor: the crossover.