does someone become a Goth?
you ask five Goths that question you’ll get five different answers.
Some will say they were influenced by the fashion. Others will say they were influenced by the music. However, everyone’s journey into the Goth subculture is unique to them. No two stories about how they became a Goth will ever be the same. What motivates one person to become part of the subculture is different from another. So there’s no one general answer to the question.
Some will say they were influenced by the fashion. Others will say they were influenced by the music. However, everyone’s journey into the Goth subculture is unique to them. No two stories about how they became a Goth will ever be the same. What motivates one person to become part of the subculture is different from another. So there’s no one general answer to the question.
people discover the Goth Subculture at an early age. Others discover the
subculture when they’re teenagers. A few find out about it when they become
young adults. And a handful find out about it in their thirties.
kids start out darkly inclined. They have an interest in dark things like
vampires, zombies, ghosts and goblins when they’re little. They like reading
stuff like horror books like the Goosebumps series. Or they like playing with
Monster High dolls over Barbies. As they grow up they find themselves
comfortable with dark dark themed comics like Batman, Spider-Man, and
kids discover the Goth subculture in their preteens. As they start discoering
things like horror movies and vampire novels they start seeing the beauty in
dark things.
large majority of kids discover the Goth subculture in their teenage years. As
they explore the darker side of life they find it’s the lifestyle they’re the
most comfortable with. That’s when they find Goth music, Goth fashions, and
Goth makeup. As they start delving deeper into the subculture they start
dressing in black and listening to Goth bands like Siouxsie and the Banshees,
Depeche Mode, London After Midnight, Type O Negative, Sisters of Mercy, and The
up in the South Bronx, I lived on the dark side of life. As a kid in the 1980s
I lived away from the kids in the projects in a rundown building on Park Avenue
near the Metro-North tracks. I was the outsider kid who didn’t fit in with the
other kids and saw the world from a uniquely dark perspective. Living around
rotting abandoned buildings and seeing New York City crumbling around me I felt
like I was in a real life horror movie. I saw heroin addicts roaming the
streets like zombies in the mid 1980s and crackheads in the late 1980s.
However, they were just window dressing.
real monsters in the Black community as I saw it were the drug dealers and the
hoodrat women who were addicted to the power they wielded over the Black
community and terrorized everyone who lived there. Living around these tyrants
I began to understand the difference between someone who was dark like myself
and someone who was truly evil.
the Black community being a socially and culturally fascist state in the 1980s
I didn’t get to know what the Goth subculture was about until my early
twenties. I felt I could relate to a lot of what Goths talked about in their
art and music. I grew up watching a lot of dark and spooky stuff like horror
movies, and syndicated TV shows like Tales from the Crypt and Tales from the
Darkside and Saturday morning cartoons like The Real Ghostbusters and
Beetlejuice. And for some strange reasons when I had my first exposure to Goth
characters like Lydia Deetz in movies like Beeteljuice and real life Goths in
episodes of the Jenny Jones show I felt an instinctive connection to them.

made Matilda become a Goth?
I wanted to answer that question in another book.
of the reasons why I wrote Spellbound was to tell Matilda’s story of how she
began her journey into the Goth subculture. After I wrote Spinsterella last
year I started listening to many Goth YouTubers talk about their babybat years in
the Goth Subculture and what motivated them be a part of the subculture. And
that’s what made me eager to get to the keyboard to write Spellbound and tell
the story of how Matilda Crowley the Black girl next door from Harlem became a
part of the Goth subculture in the dark days of New York City in 1989.
I felt that a story about the babybat
period of a Goth heroine was a story that had to be told in Young Adult and
teen fiction. So many tweens and teens want to learn about the Goth subculture
and there’s next to no stories out there for them to read to see what’s
positive about it. Yeah, there are videos on YouTube, but there really needs to
be more literature out there so kids could understand what would motivate
someone to become a part of the Goth subculture and help their parents
understand why they want to be a part of the subculture. I believe if parents
read a story from someone like myself who understood the subculture is all
about they wouldn’t worry about their kids being a part of it. There are a lot
of things parents need to worry about, but the Goth Subculture isn’t one of
Goths’ story about how they came into the Goth Subculture is unique to them.
I’m hoping Spellbound will help people all over the world understand some of
the reasons why kids, teens and young adults become part of the Goth
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