I just completed the next
installment of the Isis series. It’s titled Isis: Power of the Princess. It’s a
follow-up to Isis: The Ultimate Fight
and features Nemesis and Zeus, King of the Greek gods.
Here’s the blurb:
Convicted for causing an inter-realm incident, Nemesis escapes house arrest on
Olympus and goes on the run on Earth. Hoping to prevent injury to mortals and
property damage, Zeus asks Isis to go on a diplomatic mission find the fugitive
goddess and bring her back to Olympus to face justice for her crimes.
Since the story is really
short, (10,000 words) I may just go back to the old “abstract” type covers I’d
been doing in the past for this one. I’m pondering doing another Kickstarter to
hire another artist to design the cover for Isis: Power of The Princess. I’d
love to build on the positive impression Bill Walko’s Isis: Wrath of the Cybergoddess cover received and I’d love to make hiring artists for the Isis
series cover the standard from here on in for the Isis Series, but money has
always been an issue for me. We’ll see what happens.
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I want THIS to be the Standard! |
The cover I’m planning is a
single figure/ half figure like above. Something that shouldn’t cost much. I’ll see what I
can do. If not, it’s back to my art. This drawing will NOT be the one I use.
Isis: Power of the Princess
will be in paperback and eBook. The Paperback will get wide distribution, the
eBook will be KDP Select exclusive. You can read Chapter 1 NOW!
The Geto Boys My Mind Playin Tricks on Me pumps from
the stereo in my bedroom as I finish the last few reps of my second set of
one-arm push-ups. Four walls have been staring at a goddess ever since Zeus
confined me to this suite in the Parthenon of Olympus. Thank the gods I only
have another hour before my court date. There’s quite a few people I’d like to
smite with my sword of retribution on when I get out of here.
To take my mind off the
trial these past few months, I’ve been trying to stay in shape. My body’s gone
to Hades with the food Hera has ordered her heralds to serve me. I’ve lost so
much weight I’m half the size I was when I fought in the AFC. I haven’t been
this skinny since Zeus started sending me out to mete out retribution on
I’m about to start my
crunches when my Smartphone rings. I jump up off the floor and hurry over to
the night table. When I’m greeted by Hermes’ smile broadcasting on the screen I
realize I’m going to have to cut my workout short. “Hey Nemi, are you decent?”
He inquires through the phone.
“Yeah. I’m decent.” I
“Zeus says we’re going to
have your hearing in about 15 minutes.”
“I’ll be ready.”
I hit end, toss the phone
back on the night table, and peel out of my workout gear. Then I streak across
the suite into the bathroom’s shower stall. After I wash off the sweat from
this morning’s workout and towel off, a flash of light envelops my body and the
hem of my one-shouldered toga dress falls at the middle of my thigh. When I
finish putting on my lipstick and put my hair back up in a topknot ponytail,
the chime of my Smartphone lets me know it’s time for me to face the music.
“Nemi, it’s time.” Hermes
says somberly.
“Great. Let’s get this over
I grab my Smartphone and a
flash of light takes me from the bedroom suite in Olympus to the throne room in
the west wing of the Parthenon. A pantheon of Olympian gods and demigods sit in
the gallery behind me while Zeus and Hera sit in their thrones in front of me.
The tall burly bearded red haired man dressed in a green caftan, gold belt, and
sandals looks over at my sword in its sheath and my enchanted balances covered
in a layer of dust on the evidence table before addressing me.
“Nemesis, you stand before
me charged with insubordination, dereliction of duty, harassing a goddess, and
causing an inter-realm incident.” Zeus says. “How do you answer these charges?”
I’m definitely screwed. But
I’m not going down without a fight. “Not guilty Great Zeus.” I snarl.
Hera scowls at me after I
make my plea. “Not guilty?” she says. “Clearly we have evidence of your
Hera gestures and a stack
of my fight DVDs appears on the table next to my sword and balances with AFC’s War of the Gods on top. Wow. I had no
idea they were such big fans.
“It wasn’t dereliction.” I
excuse. “Fighting in the AFC was something I did in my downtime to keep my
smiting skills sharp-”
Zeus gestures and all the
supplements I used to bulk myself up to my fighting weight appear on the table
next to my sword and enchanted balances. He gestures again and my Smartphone
slips out of my hand and begins broadcasting video of me in workout gear
training and posing in the gym onto the big screen television mounted on the
wall above the table for all the gods to see. “Downtime?” He continues. “If we
look at your schedule it seems your training regimens for the AFC has been all
you’ve been focusing your time on for the past several years.”
“I was number one. And to
stay on top I had to make some sacrifices.”
“Your number one duty was
to be the goddess of retribution.” Hera chides. “And thanks to your
insubordination and dereliction of duty, numerous mortals have gone unpunished
for their hubris.”
“I would have gotten to
them. Eventually.”
“It’s clear to me you have
an obsession with fighting in that cage-”
The gallery of gods is full
of gasps on hearing my correction of Zeus. He glares at me as he clenches his
fists. No one minimizes my sport. Not even my father.
“…Octagon has made you just
as arrogant as the mortals we send you out to punish for their hubris.” Zeus
“So is that why Hermes told
me about Isis?”
“I wanted to see how far
you would take things.” Hermes says hopping out of his seat to stand next to
“And the fact that you
disobeyed my orders and harassed and harangued Isis to get that fight a few
months ago shows me how obsessed you’ve become with fighting in the Octagon.”
Zeus continues.
“You’ve grown so callous
and so indifferent to the people you serve you have no regard for mortal or
god.” Hera says. “You have embarrassed this realm and yourself with your
malicious, reckless, and irresponsible behavior.”
“So I guess I’m guilty in
your eyes?”
“Let’s see what verdict
your balance gives.” Zeus says.
Zeus gestures and my
enchanted balances rise off the table. As they float over towards me, I take a
deep breath as they measure the worthiness of my character. When the balance
falls to the left side I frown. Crap, convicted by my own instrument of
Figures I had no chance. I
better just take my punishment and get through with it. Six months breaking
rocks in Tartarus will do wonders for my biceps and my delts. I’ll be back in
fighting shape in no time. If I’m lucky I can get another mortal fight league
to sign me up right around the time I’m released. “So what’s my sentence?”
“From your unrepentant
attitude it’s clear to me you don’t appreciate the position we have given you.”
Zeus continues. “Perhaps you’ll learn some humility in your new line of work.”
I’m getting a new job? Hmmm…This
could be interesting. “What are you gonna do? Make me a lame doctor who limps
on an enchanted wooden stick while I pine for the handsome male nurse who works
for me?”
“You wish.” Hera says.
“You’re not getting off that easy.”
“So it’s hard labor on the
ol’ Tartarus rock pile?”
“I don’t think so.” Zeus
says. “You’ll need to be soft and slender for your new position.”
So the diet of ambrosia and
vegetables was for a purpose. Big deal. I’ll find the local GNC wherever they
send me and stock up on my usual supplements.
“For the remainder of the
year you’ll be working in the Minotaur’s Maze.” Hera continues. “And if you do
a good enough job there, we may consider letting you go back to meting
retribution out on the mortals you’re supposed to serve.”
I cringe on hearing about the
location of my new job. Gods no. Not the Minotaur’s Maze! That place is a
labyrinth of horrors! I’d rather be tormented in Tartarus than even visit
there! I’ve got to get them to reconsider their judgment.
“Great Zeus, please
reconsider. I provide an essential service to mankind-”
“I don’t believe the
mortals will be harmed by you being out of circulation for such a short time.”
Zeus says. “ Besides, what’s another few months when you’ve been gone for five
“I’m just saying the whole
world could change in that little time Great Zeus.” I plead. “I mean, what
about society? What about the unrepentant mortals?”
“What about them?” Hera
says. “You’ll get to them. Eventually.”
“NO! There’s no way in
Hades I’m going there!”
“It’ll be a cold day in
Hades before I ever set foot in that place!” I say disappearing into a flash of