Summer 2015 has been a busy one for
me on the publishing side. While I’ve been publishing and promoting titles for
the summer reading season, I’ve also been doing final revisions for books like
Spinsterella for Fall 2015 and writing books like John Haynes: The Man Who
Rules The World and Isis: Imitation of Life for Summer 2016. Still trying to
make progress.
Thanks to donors I was able to get
the Isis/E'steem Kickstarter launched for the Isis/E’steem Crossover this April. And the
covers produced by Hero Busine$$ artist Bill Walko really were just AWESOME!
Both covers were strong and got a lot of attention from new readrs and helped
to give them that strong first impression.
Thanks in part to those great covers,
The Isis/E’steem Crossover featuring Isis: Night of the Vampires and E’steem Undercover did a lot better sales wise in the eBook market than last year’s
Isis: Wrath of the Cybergoddess which struggled to find an audience last summer.

Isis: Imitation of Life is coming
along. This Fantasy Flashback story set in 1937 has been a challenge to write.
I’m doing my best to pay homage to the classic 1934 movie Imitiation of Life,
and the pulp fiction like Doc Savage that were the precursors to comic books
and superheroes in this story all while trying to make the details of 1930s
Black life fit into a fantasy story. Getting near the end of the first draft of
this one, but it’s so rough I’m not going to really set a release date for it.
It needs a lot of work until I believe it’s ready for publication. I’m really
passionate about this one because its one where I get to teach Black history
and present our past from a Black perspective.
Because I struggled with Isis:
Imitaiton of Life I had to make a change to my plans. My original plan was to
start the story after Isis: Night of the Vampires and segue into the flashback
story set in 1937, but now I’m gonna write it as a standalone like Isis: Death
of a Theta. I’d love to do another Golden Age/Pulp type story set in the 1930s
or 1940s with Isis and her Terrific Three, taking on mobsters or but I’d need
to see a positive response sales wise to this one.
Thanks to that readjustment there may
be two Isis series books next year along with the E’steem series book I planned
and John Haynes: The Man Who Rules the World. I still need to finish this John
Haynes arc that started in Isis: Wrath of the Cybergoddess with a conclusion
and I’m pondering bringing in a new punk styled villain to finish it up.
The Second Edition of Stop Simpin-Why Men Don’t Need Finance to Get Romance also performed exceptionally well on
Smashwords and Kindle this Summer. I’ve gotten a lot of positive responses to
the Second Edition of Stop Simpin all over the world, and men and women are
learning why boys and men shouldn’t be submissive to women.
Thanks to the launch of the second
edition of Stop Simpin people are coming back for the other books in the Simp
Trilogy as well such as Manginas- They Think Like Men but Act Like Ladies and
The Misadventures of Captain-Save-A-Hoe.
To my surprise people are now
starting to find Why 70 Percent of Black women are Single. This was a book that
I thought was dead due to poor sales in 2014. But the eBook has started to find
some traction a year later.
While my men’s issues eBooks are finding
an audience I’m surprised to see both men and women are finding the titles and
both men and women are enjoying them.
The Atonement by Lawrence Cherry did
exceptionally well this year on its launch. This sequel to his Commemcement not
only got sales but led to sales of other titiles in the series such as School
of Hard Knocks: The Re-education of Jim Reid and the original Commencement.
After a two-year slump I actually had
some paperback sales this year. Books like All About Marilyn and The Temptation of John Haynes got some sales. I’m pondering a relaunch of the Cassandra
Cookbook as A Recipe For $ucce$$ in Paperback and possibly launching a Why 70
Percent of Black Women are Single Paperback for next year.
I’ve been experimenting with other
promotional areas. This year I did several commercials for books on YouTube and teased Spinsterella on there as well. I’ve been using my YouTube channel to let
readers know there’s a person behind the paperbacks and I’ve been building an
audience there.
Most of my summer was spent promoting
old titles, writing new titles and editing on my sixth novel Spinsterella. This
one is a sexy spooky romantic comedy featuring a Goth heroine. I spent over a
year researching Goths and the Goth subculture to write this one and I’m so
hoping I got this one right because I don’t want to offend any Goths out there.
I love the Goth subculture and I want to make every effort to present it in a
positive and humanized light.
Spinsterella’s going to be the first
R-Rated novel I’ve produced since The Cassandra Cookbok in 2008. So there’s
going to be nudity, strong language, and steamy sex scenes. Just want to give
readers who are used to PG and PG-13 books like I produce in the Isis series a
heads up if they’re not used to that kind of content. I had planned to launch
this one for Christmas, but I found out that the big Goth Holiday is Halloween.
So Spinsterella’s release is going to be October 31.
In August I got a breakthrough on The
Temptation of John Haynes sequel John Haynes: The Man Who Rules The World. I
had been planning this book since 2010 and could not get any traction. But I
got inspired and wrote the entire book in a week! With the first draft complete I’m planning to launch it in
summer of 2016 if I can get the Kickstarter for it funded.
For next year’s Kickstarter, I’m
planning on doing something different. I’m contacting comic artists and I’m
hoping I can secure someone to design the covers before I launch the project. I
believe with an artist attached to the Kickstarter and cross-promotion between
us I’ll be able to get more donors and meet the benchmark earlier. If that’s
possible I can see about adding some other extras or benchmark rewards such as
eBooks, sketches, or an exclusive story. I’m just waiting to hear back from the
artist I contacted so I can factor their price into the overall cost of the
I want comic artist covers like those
on the last two Isis series books to be the standard for my fantasy novels on
the regular. And until I can find a day job to pay for them myself the only way
I can pay for them is through crowdfunding. So every dollar that’s donated to
the Kickstarters or though PayPal is critical.
Made a little progress this summer in
my struggles. Still working hard to get more people to know about the SJS
DIRECT imprint and the books I produce. Taking more steps to the next level.
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