I’ve been really busy the last few months so I haven’t had
much time to blog. In between making appearances on radio shows, being a guest
on live streams making daily videos and trying to finish up the books of the
SJS DIRECT 2020 catalog I haven’t had much time to write regular blogs.
One of the reasons I’ve had to repost YouTube videos as
blogs is because of how hectic my work schedule has become. These days I’ve
been busy doing lots of guest spots to promote my books and my brand.
In July I made my second appearance on the Judge Joe Brown
show talking about Woke Black 007 and Halle Bailey as the Black Little Mermaid.
In addition to the Judge Joe Brown Show I’ve made multiple
appearances on numerous YouTubers live streams where I talked about comics,
science fiction, fantasy and wrestling.
I made two appearances on The Lazarus Pit with YouTuber Soul
Provider to talk comics and fantasy, and I was interviewed by Shawn Stewart from Shawn Stewart In the Morning and discussed men's issues.
I also made an appearance on YouTuber
Dukect Lounge to talk about Pro Wrestling. Got an extremely positive response
to those appearances and I’m starting to grow an audience among the comic book
and sci-fi crowd.
In Janury I made an appearance on YouTuber Straight Up’slivestream. Straight Up is a brother from South Africa
Unfortunately, I won’t be doing any more appearances on
Obsidian Radio, the show that started me doing guest appearances. He’s going in
one direction and I’m going in another. I thank Obsidian for everything he did
to help me with the Shawn James initiative and I’m grateful for everything he
did to get the word out about my books.
After doing all the comic, sci-fi and fantasy shows I’d love
to do a Goth radio show like Cemetary Confessions. If they’d have me I’d be
glad to be a guest on their show.
Along with the guest spots, I’ve been doing weekly
livestreams on Friday Night. The Friday Night shows have been a hit with my
viewers and I’m starting to find my groove going live. Doing streams I have to
have my talking points down in my head and I have to keep myself organized mentally
as I transition from talking point to talking point.
Along with the streams and the guest appearances I passed
11,000 subscribers on YouTube. Some people say that means that my channel is
getting popular, but I’ll believe it when I see the book sales go up on a
launch date.
In October I started making the move from social media to
socializing with the public face-to-face. Chris L. Brown the creator of Omega
Black, a regular viewer of my videos and livestreams invited me to attend
AnimeNYC, the biggest Anime, and Manga convention in New York City. As his
guest I got to meet him personally, and sit at his table. Chris wanted to meet
me personally because he said I was a major influence on him. I was glad to get
the opportunity to meet him, he’s a great guy and what he showed me at AnimeNYC
helped me see the growing market for African-American fantasy sci-fi and
And while I was there I ran into quite a few viewers who
watched my channel on the regular. I was surprised to see so many of my viewers
at AnimeNYC, and I was surprised at the positive reception I was given at the
After the
extremely positive experience at AnimeNYC I’m working towards the goal of
getting my own table at a con or a show and selling SJS Direct books like the
Isis series, E’steem series and John Haynes series at a comicon or a Manga show.
So if I can make things work out logistically and financially you may get the
chance to meet me in person and buy SJS DIRECT books and get an autograph!
Along with the appearances and social media, I’ve been busy
working on the books of the SJS DIRECT 2020 catalog. 2019 marked the 10th
year SJS DIRECT has been publishing, and I wanted to celebrate that milestone
with a bang.
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That bang starts with John Haynes: The Man With Nothing to
Lose, which will be coming out March 10th. To celebrate the 10th
Anniversary of SJS DIRECT, the next John Haynes series book will feature two
covers. A regular by Mike Williams, and a Variant cover by Josh Howard. While
Regular and Variant covers are something that’s done with comic books, I wanted
to see if paperback readers would be interested in picking up books with
variant covers.
There’s buzz
around the variant covers, but I need to see the sales in order to continue
producing them.
Isis: The Main Event is the next book to come out and is
scheduled for release on April 6th, just in time for Wrestlemania.
Bill Walko designed a MASTERPPIECE of a cover for Isis: The Main Event and
captures all the ENERGY and EXCITEMENT of the world of wrestling in a
spectacular image.
The story where The Goddess next door takes on The Beast
From The Bowels in steel cage carnage means a lot to me. With me being a
wrestling fan since the days of Hulkamania in the mid 80s I wanted to pay
tribute to the superstars of the squared circle with this story and give
readers an insight into the world of wrestling. Pro wrestlers, superheroes and
mythical gods share a lot of traits with each other and I explore the
similarities between them and their struggles in and out of the ring.
Readers will definitely want to pick up Isis: The Main Event
because this one is the turning point in the second story arc that started in
Isis: Wrath of the Cybergoddess and is the turning point for the overall Isis
Both Isis: The Main Event and John Haynes: The Man With
Nothing To Lose are edited and uploaded to Amazon. I’m just doing some final
edits and tweaks before the official release.
For the second year in a row I’ve got books up ready for the
Spring Catalog ready pre-order with completed covers 90 days in advance. That’s
right in line with trade publishers who advance solicit 90-180 days before
I’m working on a FUN surprise for the next E’steem book.
E’steem: Blast From the Past will follow up on the story in E’steem: The Sands
of Time and will feature Hell’s aspiring angel and John Haynes teaming up to
take on the evil version of E’steem from the past in a Time traveling E’steem
series adventure! However in addition to that story, Blast From The Past will
also feature the first E’steem comic! E’steem: No Good Deed will be a 9-page
comic by Bill Walko and will be adapting the popular E’steem: No Good Deed
story into a comic!
Thanks to all the Patreon donors, Paypal donors and
Superchats from Livestreams, I was able to raise enough money to pay for this
strip, and I’m hoping it’ll be a great teaser to the Isis Graphic novel!
I wasn’t able to raise the funds to publish the Isis Graphic
Novel last year with the indiegogo, but I’m working to get it done. I’m just
hoping God works a miracle out so I can publish my first comic book.
I finished the first draft for my eighth novel Eternal
Night. This one is the origin story of Lilith Graves, who made her first
appearance in Isis: Night of the Vampires. Eternal night details how Lilith
became a vampire and her first days in the vampire scene of the SJS DIRECT
Universe in 1994. It delves deeper into the Vampire Lore I established in the
Vampire arc and lays the foundation for everything related to the undead.
Dracula and Doc Flowers from the Isis series and Spinsterella make cameo
appearances in this story
Eternal Night was a tough story to write and took me a YEAR
and a half to complete. I had to do a LOT of research into the Goth Subculture
Goth music, The Black Church, vampires, vampire lore and The Bible. I Also had
to research the story of Lilith, Adam’s first wife who was presented in the
Talmud. I wanted to explore vampires from a spiritual perspective since Dracula
is known for getting his powers from The Devil. Most writers won’t acknowledge
that aspect of Dracula and vampires, but they’ll show him running away from
Writing Eternal Night made me thankful for my mother
teaching me about Christ and his sacrifice on The Cross. Writing about Lilith’s
journey into darkness made me realize how easy it is to take life on this earth
for granted and how someone can wind up on the road to becoming spiritually
lost. People don’t understand how many evil spirits are out there and how those
dark forces of The Enemy are working behind the scenes to take a person’s soul
straight to Hell. Writing this story made me realize those who are taught the Word
and to come to understand Christ’s sacrifice to save mankind’s one’s soul are
truly blessed to know Him and to get an opportunity at God’s gift of Salvation.
Writing Eternal Night put my relationship with Christ in perspective and made
me realize how important it truly is in my life.
I’m hoping to have Eternal Night out in October of 2020. I’m
in the middle of editing the second draft and I’m about to sketch up a concept
for the cover. I would love to have Josh Howard design it because it was his
livestream with Bryan Baugh that gave me the inspiration to write the novel.
On the sales side, THE MAN CRISIS is inching towards 300
sales. The book has received critical acclaim from men all over the world and
has transformed lives all across the globe. Over the last six months THE MAN CRISIS has sold in the UK, Germany, France, Australia and Canada. I have
received numerous messages and e-mails from readers on social media telling me
how the book has changed their lives and helped them move forward.
The John Haynes series continued to do well in the summer
and fall with Dark Succubus being one of the best selling SJS DIRECT Universe
books. One of the reasons why John Haynes: The Man With Nothing to Lose is
getting a variant cover is due to the ongoing popularity of the character. Dark
Succubus had several international sales in the UK, Canada and in South Africa.
I was FLOORED when I heard that people were buying John
Haynes books in South Africa, I never thought my stories would reach readers
that far across the globe.
People are coming back for John Haynes books like The Temptation of John Haynes and The Man Who Rules The World.
E’steem: The Sands of Time also continues to sell well.
People seem to love the teen time travel romance and they’re telling their
friends about it. Also sold some copies of E'steem Ascension and E'steem: Goddess of? So people are coming back for other E'steem series books.
Several Isis series books continue to sell decently. Isis:All That Glitters, Isis: Imitation of Life and Isis: Wrath of the Cybergoddesscontinue to pick up readers. I’d
like to see Isis series books sell as brisk as John Haynes and E’steem, because
the stories are that good.
People picked up Spellbound and the books of the
Spinsterella Trilogy. Spellbound had several sales in Germany and Australia
which was a big surprise to me. Seeing the global reach of the Spinsterella
trilogy has me thinking about writing my next Goth novel, Spinsterella’s Summer
To my surprise
I sold some copies of A Recipe for $ucce$$ during the fall. That was a book I
thought was dead. But people started picking it up later in the summer.
Stop Simpin and the Simp books continue to sell well.
I had to relaunch Misadventures of Cap’n Save Em with a new
title. It’s the same conclusion to the Simp Trilogy. I’m hoping the book can
pick its momentum up with a new title, it’s a book that
Unfortunately, sales have slowed on most of my titles over
the holiday season. So I’m trying to find new ways to get sales and find new
readers. I really want to see more of the SJS DIRECT fiction find an audience. Because
there’s a lot of great stories in the SJS DIRECT Universe I’d love for readers
to discover.
I’ve made a lot of progress with promoting and marketing
myself and the SJS DIRECT imprint. And my goal for 2020 is getting the social
media and the marketing to increase the sales of SJS DIRECT books. I want to do
everything in my power to get sales of SJS DIRECT books back up. I’ve made more
steps towards the next level, I’m just trying to get a second wind so I can
make those steps there.
Great read, Shawn James!