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Tuesday, April 30, 2019
Monday, April 29, 2019
Black Women & The Tenth Commandment
Eighty percent of Black Women say they are Christians. However,
Eighty percent of Black women violate the Tenth Commandment without even
knowing it.
The Tenth Commandment says thou shalt not covet thy
neighbor’s house. However, most Black women covet everything White women
The sad fact is most Black women covet the beauty that they
believe White Women have in American society. They covet the attention White
Women receive in American society. They covet the social status White Women
have in American society. And they want to be elevated to the high position of
social power White Women have been given by White Men in society.
When Black women covet the beauty of White Women they sin
against The Living God. Making the image of White woman a god they put before
the Living God who created them.
A God who said His followers are to have no other gods
before them.
Jesus stated that no man can serve two masters, they’ll love
one and hate the other. And Black Women shows how much she hates The Living God
by her lust after the appearance and position of a White Woman.
When Black women covet White beauty and White beauty
standards they deify White people. And instead of them having their eyes on
God, they have their eyes on the White man and the White woman and make efforts
to please them instead of the God who created them.
Showing how little they Love the Living God. And how much
they love the gods they truly serve, the White Man and White Woman.
The reason why so many Black women deify White people and
covet White beauty and White power is making the mistake of believing that the
White Woman is her neighbor. However, she is not her neighbor.
She is her enemy.
An enemy who puts her at enmity with God. Because those who
put a god before them like most Black women who worship White people have are
an enemy of The Living God. And In their quest to receive the acceptance of False gods in this life, most Black women put their souls at risk of eternal damnation.
The Truth is as Black women covet White beauty and White power they don’t love White women as they love
themselves. Instead they are jealous and envious of them because they covet the
attention their beauty standards and social position get them.
Coveting White Beauty and the position of White Women is not
just self-hatred, it shows a hatred of God. It shows ingratitude towards the
God who created Black women by saying what He created as perfect wasn’t good
enough. That what He made needs to be changed to meet the standard of a false
When Black women sew in a White woman’s hair into their head
bleach their skin and cut off their beautiful Black noses and lips to appear
White, they show the world they don’t serve The Living God, they serve false
gods, the White man and White Woman.
Black women need to understand that God made Black women. He
knew what he was doing when he made your skin and He knew what He was doing
when he made your hair. He made you in His Image. And He made you PERFECT.
Black woman, The Living God loves you. And you need to
understand that if The God who created loves you and sees you as perfect you
should love yourself enough to see the you He created as perfect.
God made your dark skin perfect. He made your kinky hair
perfect. So stop trying to change it to meet the standard of beauty of a false
god of your own creation.
Instead of coveting the White woman’s beauty and the
position that White women have in Satan’s world system, Black women need to see
the power of the position God has given them in His Natural Order. As the
Helpmeet and support of the Black man God has given you great power. And if you
embrace the love of the Living God and the Black Man he gave you, He will bless
you to be in a greater place in His Kingdom than any place you could be in The White Man’s
Friday, April 26, 2019
E’steem: The Sands Of Time Easter Eggs
E’steem: The Sands of Time was originally written to be a
stand alone story that gave readers a look at E’steem’s past and show readers
what kind of heroine she was before she became the she-demon.
Continuity wise in the SJS DIRECT Universe, E’steem: The
Sands of Time takes place before the events of the eBook Baptism of Blood: TheOrigin of E’steem.
The story for E’steem: The Sands of Time was inspired by
Disney Princess movies like Little Mermaid, Beauty And the Beast and Frozen.
With E’steem: Sands of Time I wanted to write a story to show it was possible
to write a story in the Disney Princess model featuring a Black Princess and tell
a story of Black-On-Black love that transcended time.
Yeah, I know Disney made a movie featuring Black Disney
Princess The Princess and the Frog. But Princess Tiana isn’t from a royal
bloodline like E’steem is. Nor does she have a Black prince as a love interest
like E’steem has.
In The Sands of
Time, E’steem is a Princess from the Royal Katian Bloodline who has been
adopted by the Egyptian gods. So she’s a real Princess. And her prince John
Haynes will grow up to become The CEO of Morris Phillips known as The Man Who
Rules The World in her era. That’s as close to a king as you’ll get in America.
I wrote E’steem The Sands of Time to show Black perspective
of Ancient Egypt. Every Egyptian character in the story is designed to be
BLACK. And I wrote all the characters I imagined BLACK actors as the characters.
Princess E’steem is inspired by actress Salli
Richardson-Whitfield. Whenever I write E’steem’s narrative and dialogue I
always hear Salli’s voice as E’steem’s.
Salli was the voice of Elisa Maza in Disney’s Gargoyles in
the 1990s, and from her work on that show and the strong performances she’s
given in the numerous films she’s done over the years like How U Like Me Now, Posse, A Low Down Dirty Shame, Pastor Brown and I
Will Follow, show she definitely has the acting ability to her play a
Disney Princess.
With Sands of Time I wanted to show how Ancient Egyptian
women had significant roles in the Egyptian empire and how they contributed to
society. What many don’t know is Ancient Egyptian women had lots of rights in
Ancient Egyptian society and could get educations and work in jobs at the side
of men. And I wanted to show how women had job prospects in Ancient Egyptian
society by showing how Princess E’steem aspired to become a priestess in
Pharaoh, Osiris’ temple.
The Suitors Baka, Dartrius and Ma-Sil in E’steem’s past are
inspired by the thirsty guys I’d see in my South Bronx neighborhood back in the
1980s. With the suitors I wanted to show how thirsty dudes are something that
transcend time. If guys didn’t holla at females civilization wouldn’t go on!
E’steem’s suitor Baka is named after the Master Builder
character the late Vincent Price played in the 1956 Cinematic classic The Ten
Commandments. And the reason why working for one of the builders is to pay
homage to that film.
E’steem’s suitor Dartrius is play on the name Darius. I
thought the name was Egyptian enough for a guy.
E’steem’s Suitor Ma-Sil is inspired by actor Dondre
T.Whitfield, Salli Richardson Whitfield’s husband. Whenever I heard Ma-Sil’s
dialogue I always heard Dondre’s voice as Ma-Sil. I always thought Dondre had
an amazing range as an actor from his roles like Robert on The Cosby Show,
Terrance Frye on All My Children guest spots on shows like Girlfriends and
Second Time Around. I thought he’d be great to voice over the suitor who was
the most aggressive in his pursuit of E’steem.
The-Name Ma-Sil is a homage to Ka-El Superman’s Kryptonian
name. It’s a homage to comic books, the place where I learned how to read and
I originally planned a chapter for the jealous girls E’steem
said bullied her in E’steem: Ascension to be featured in Sands of Time, but
just couldn’t fit them into the story.
Maybe in the next flashback story.
The 14-year-old John Haynes in this one is based on myself
back in the days of the 1980s. I drew a lot from my freshman years at Park West
High School to write the 14-year-old version of John Haynes. A lot of the
problems I had were his and a lot of the routines John participated in back
then were things I actually did growing up in the South Bronx. Story wise The
John in this story is coming off the breakup he had with his first girlfriend Tisha
that was mentioned in The Temptation of John Haynes and is trying to move past
the bullying and harassment he endured in Junior High school. I wanted to give
a glimpse of who he was in 1987 and how he would grow into the man he is today.
The run in with Durrell Kelly in John’s opening chapter of
The Sands of Time is actually based on a real life experience I had with guys I
used to go to school with at IS 148. Whenever they’d run into me on the train
when I was going to Park West back in 1987 they’d love to bring up many of my
past fights in Junior High. Back then I wanted to get a fresh start in High
School and show people I could be an achiever who got good grades in school.
Unfortunately, people back then didn’t want to see who I was working to become
and kept trying to throw the past in my face.
The scenes of John Haynes in the 149th Street 3rd
Avenue Train station at the start of The Sands of time were actually part of my
routine when I was attending Park West High School. Back then I’d ride the 55
bus to the train station and take the 2 train to 72nd Street to get
a 1 train to 50th Street to go to school.
On Fridays, I’d take the 2 train to 42nd Street
and Times Square to get comic books from the newsstand there before taking a 1
train back up to 50th Street to go to school. Afterschool, on some
Fridays I’d get a Two slices of pizza and I’d be ready to start my weekend
watching Saturday morning cartoons.
14-year-old John’s outfit in Sands Of Time reverses the
colors of his adult clothes. While the adult John wears a Forest green shirt,
black jeans and Chelsea boots, the teenage John wears what teenagers wore back
in 1987, a black mock turtleneck and his pants are olive surplus BDUs. He also
wears Reebok Ex-O-Fit high tops like I wore back in my Park West days.
The comic books John picks up were usually released on the
Friday of the fourth week of the Month in 1987. Usually Batman, Iron Man, West
Coast Avengers and Captain America came out at the end of the month in the late
The TV Shows and movies John talks about Star Trek The Next
Generation and Back To the Future 14-year old John talks about are Stuff I used
to watch as a teenager. Back when my family used to rent videos in the 1980s I
watched Back to the Future over a dozen times and that film and 1984’s The
Terminator was the foundation for everything I learned about Time Travel
Stories and the time travel story paradigm.
The Pharaoh Osiris is inspired by actor Samuel L. Jackson.
Whenever I write Osiris I always hear Sam Jackson’s voice as the Pharaoh.
Samuel L. Jackson has played everything from the hitman Jules in Pulp Fiction
to Mace Windu in Star Wars prequel Films to Nick Fury in Marvel Cinematic
Universe movies. If there’s anyone who could play Egypt’s First Pharoah, it’s
In The Sands of Time we see how close Osiris is to E’steem. The
way E’steem playfully banters with her father in this story is a contrast to
the bitterness she has for him in the first Isis.
Osiris has big dreams and big expectations of E’steem and he wants to see her
achieve them as a Child of the Gods.
Queen Isis is inspired by actress Angela Bassett. Whenever
I’d write Queen Isis’ dialogue I always imagined Angela Bassett’s voice as the
Queen. Angela Bassett has a regal presence like an Egyptian Queen, and I always
wanted to see her play that role in a film.
In E’steem: The Sands of Time Queen Isis is concerned about
E’steem’s well-being. She sees the pressure all of Osiris’ expectations are
putting on her and just wants E’steem to enjoy her youth before taking on the
adult responsibilities of becoming a priestess.
Both Queen Isis and Osiris’ subplots foreshadow the events
of the storyline of Baptism of Blood- The Origin of E’steem and hint at
E’steem’s future.
E’steem’s mentor Mamnet is inspired by actress Suzanne
Douglas. Suzanne Douglas played the Mom in The Parent Hood. Whenever I’d hear Manmnet’s
dialogue in my head I’d hear Suzanne’s voice. And her warm kind performance
would be perfect for a High Priestess who was making efforts to prepare a young
eager princess for the priesthood.
Mamnet is another name I took from the 1956 Cinematic Classic
The Ten Commandments. However, this time I wanted to show how she was a servant
of the Pharaoh, and not some bitter old crone like in the movie.
The villain of the story Decadia is inspired by actress Jada
Pinkett Smith. Seeing Jada’s work in numerous films like Matrix Reloaded, Set
It off, and Gotham I know she has the chops to play a high-tech villain.
Decadia’s 1980s
leather outfits and braided hairstyles are partially inspired by 1980s fashions
and Jada’s leather outfits when she played Niobe in The Matrix Reloaded. Her
futuristic leather outfits are meant to be a contrast to the Ancient Egyptian
attire and John’s 80’s fashions.
The chapter where John is transported to Ancient Egypt is
was inspired by a scene in the Canadian Animated series Class Of The Titans from Nelvana. In that animated series Herry,
the descendant of Hercules is sucked down in the sands of a hourglass from our
time to Ancient Greece. I thought that kind of visual effect would be fun way
to bring John into Ancient Egypt and have his first confrontation with Decadia
and her Chronosoldiers.
Lucifer is inspired by actor Keith David. Whenever I write
Lucifer’s narration and dialogue I always hear Keith David’s voice as Lucifer.
The Chapter where John Plays Whitney Houston’s How Will I
know is inspired by a scene in the movie Back To The Future Where Marty McFly
is in the 1950s and plays Van Halen to wake up his future Dad to give him the
message to ask his mother out. With that chapter I wanted to show how music
brings people together
I chose Whitney’s How Will I know because it’s a fun perky
song and captures the spirit of the 80s. It encapsulates the innocence of
teenage love, and makes us ponder how will E’steem know if she loves John.
The Chapter where Esteem washes John’s feet is based on a
tradition in Ancient Egypt. Usually when a traveler was a guest in a wealthy
man’s home his servants would wash their hands and feet. For a Princess to
attend to a man and wash a man’s feet is a sign that he is an honored guest in
their home. And that the Princess has a thing for him.
The bedroom encounter between teenage E’steem and John is
meant to contrast events that transpired in Chapter 102 of The Temptation ofJohn Haynes. Both scenes are meant to show how consistent E’steem’s character
is as related to her moral beliefs and principles. It’s that dedication to her
beliefs that lead E’steem to make hard choices regarding her relationship with
John in both stories.
The love story of The Sands of Time isn’t just about John
and E’steem falling in love, but showing how much they love those who don’t
love them. John and E’steem are two misfit teenagers who the world has shown no
love in either of their eras. And even though they have found love with each
other, they selflessly sacrifice their relationship to save a world of people
who haven’t shown them any love. What makes E’steem and John heroes in this
story is the courage they have to let each other go and the faith they have in
God knowing that He’ll let them find each other again when His time is right.
I was working on E’steem: The Sands of Time when my father
passed away in December of 2017. I think I was writing around Chapter 32 or so
when I got the news.
I stopped work on E’steem: The Sands of Time to go to his
funeral in North Carolina and didn’t return to work on the book until January.
Even though I grieved his loss I committed myself to finish the story.
E’steem: The Sands of Time and The Legendary Mad Matildawere the two books I was working on when I found out about my father’s health
issues in 2017. They’re two books that mean a lot to me because they’re the
last two books I was working on when he was alive.
I originally planned to release E’steem Sands of Time as part
of the Spring 2018 catalog as a standalone with Isis: Escape From Transylvania
and John Haynes: A Conversation With Death. But Bill Walko wasn’t available to
do the cover in June.
So I postponed
the book until the fall when he was available making it a part of Fantasy
Flashback Fall with another delayed book 2016’s Isis: Imitation of Life. And Bill
gave me a MASTERPIECE of a cover in October. If I ever made an animated version
of Sands of Time, Bill would be the artist I’d hire to do the designs and lead
the animation team!
The response to E’steem: The Sands of Time has been
extremely positive. Since its release in October 2018 it’s been the best-selling
E’steem series book EVER. It’s received critical praise from readers and is
seen by many as a heartwarming love story on the level of Disney’s Princess
Will I do another story about teenage E’steem? Only time
will tell.
Tuesday, April 23, 2019
E’steem Goddess Of? Now Available in Paperback & KindleUnlimited
ISBN-13: 978-1979732161
Torment! While E’steem prepares for her new role as a
goddess, the demonic dominatrix Avarisk, The Tormentor hopes to make her life a
living hell when she pays a visit to the Island of Solitude. Can New
Heliopolis’ new goddess use her new powers to beat back the deadly dominatrix?
If you’ve read
E’steem: Ascension, you definitely have to pick up E’steem Goddess of?! Dealing
directly with the aftermath of the events of E’steem: Ascension and all the
major changes the E’steem character went through in that story this story
showcases E’steem’s new avatar powers as she takes on the deadly demonic
dominatrix Avarisk, The Tormentor.
Thursday, April 18, 2019
John Haynes: The Man With Nothing To Lose Cover Concept #1
Decided to break out the custom action figures to design a
cover concept for the upcoming John Haynes: The Man With Nothing to Lose.
I was looking at some images of the late Patrick Macnee and Dame
Diana Rigg portraying John Steed And Emma Peel from The UK’s Avengers TV series
and I got inspired. Steed and Peel represented the image of a power couple in
these images.
And I thought an Black man and a Black woman standing
together back to back would represent an image of strength, confidence and
power when it was presented on the cover.
I had to make a few changes to the composition of the
figures to tell my own story about Black-on-Black love John’s fist up shows
his strength as a man ready to take a stand and fight for what’s right, and
E’steem’s hand glowing with light shows how she inspires him to keep fighting. As
I see it when a Black woman is standing by her Black man he’s a man with
nothing to lose, because he knows she’ll have his back.

I’ve got a more action oriented cover concept I’m sketching
out in my imagination with John facing off against The Block, a villain
inspired by rapper Notorious B.I.G. In that concept I’m imagining John is
facing off against one of his former bullies in the Junior High school lot one
last time. I’m hoping to get that one on paper soon.
John Haynes: The Man With Nothing to Lose is in the middle
of its second draft and I’m hoping to have it available by 2020. Until then you
can pick up the first book in the John Haynes series: John Haynes: A
Conversation With Death at Amazon in Paperback or KindleUnlimited. And you can get
caught up on John’s story by picking up the book that started it all TheTemptation of John Haynes and its sequel The Man Who Rules The World on in paperback and e-readers!
Wednesday, April 17, 2019
Tuesday, April 9, 2019
The Difference A Narrative Makes in A Story
When I write stories I oftentimes use a revolving first
person perspective to give a reader insight into what a particular character is
thinking. As the reader reads the chapter of the story being told from one
character’s viewpoint it’s like a camera lens that lets us see the action from
their perspective.
However, when I use that revolving first person perspective
to present those contrasting viewpoints it leads to some unanswered questions
for the reader: What’s the other character thinking about that scene? What does
the action look like from their perspective? How would their perspective give a reader insight into the
story if I told it from their narrative instead?
I decided to explore a change in narrative with a chapter
from of my novels, Spinsterella . In the published edition of Spinsterella we
get to see Matilda’s thoughts regarding her sexual encounter in the hotel room
with The Quiet Man in Chapter 17. However, over the Christmas Holidays I
decided to write that chapter from the perspective of The Quiet Man for fun.
From his narrative of the events there are some significant changes in
perspective and significant changes in descriptions of the details of the
If you have a copy of Spinsterella, you can compare the
published Chapter 17 to The Quiet Man’s perspective view of the action and see
the difference a narrative can make to a story.
What do you do when an attractive woman asks
you to spend time with her? I think the answer to that question is fairly
I think can spare an hour or two to hang out
with Matilda. Since we’re having such a great time I don’t think Mom will mind
me spending a little overtime at work. The only thing I’m worried about is the
possibility of an evening with the office ghoul turning into a sexual
harassment case. However, from the flirtatious smile I’m given after accepting
her invitation I don’t think I have to worry too much about my job. Yet.
I get a good look at Matilda’s sexy backside
as she saunters over to the sofa and gestures for me to have a seat. As I silp
off my barn coat and drop it on the far end of the sofa next to my swag bag,
Matilda takes off her Santa hat, slips off her sandals and drops them on the
coffee table. If she’s taking off her shoes it looks like she’s looking to get
comfortable. “You like It’s a Wonderful Life?” Matilda asks taking the remote
off the coffee table.
I don’t think a movie that dark will set a
festive mood. “Nah, that’s too depressing.” I reply falling into the center
cushion of the sofa.
“How about Scrooge?”
Work with me here Mattie. I’m trying to liven
the mood here. “Miracle on 34th Street has always been one of my
Matilda points the remote at the huge LCD TV
across from us and scrolls down the series of movies on the hotel’s on-demand
service finding the holiday classic on the listings. While it starts to play on
the big screen, I fall back on the cushions and relax. As I’m getting into the
story of the holiday classic I feel Matilda’s hand fall on my thigh. I’m
thinking she’s just getting comfortable until I feel her fingers crawling into
the waistband of my khakis. Hold on. Is she putting a move on me?
Looks like she is. I’ll just play this cool until I see where things go. I keep
my eyes focused on the TV screen as I feel her slender manicured fingers
creeping through my man forest and brush against my cock. It takes all my
resolve to keep my eyes on the TV screen when she starts stroking me off. Man,
she’s got a way with a dick, my cock is practically throbbing from the handjob
she’s given me.
I don’t think she’s done; I feel her hand
slip out of my pants and reach for the buckle of my belt. I pretend to
indifferently watch the Holiday Classic as Matilda slides off the sofa and
starts unbuttoning my khakis. After she unzips my khakis and I feel her hands
grabbing for the waistband of my pants and boxer briefs my eyes meet hers in a
glance. I keep trying to play it cool as I feel Matilda yanking down my pants
and boxers, parting my thighs and taking my hard cock in her hands. When I feel
her ebony lips kiss the head of my dick I feel a shock surge throughout my body
from my head to my toes. I keep
trying to act indifferent as I feel her tongue run down up and down my shaft
before warmth of her mouth envelops my member. When she gets a rhythm going and
her cheeks sink in I can’t play indifferent anymore. She feels so good; when I
let out a grunt she takes my dick out her mouth and gives me a playful smile.
“Dude, you know I’m sucking your dick.” She teases.
I keep laying it cool.“…And-”
“So you were just gonna let me suck your
Er…Yeah. “You looked like you were having a
good time.”
Matilda lets out a laugh on hearing my
response. “Dude you are so wrong!” She chuckles as she slaps my thigh.
“Well, what do you do when an attractive
woman wants to suck your dick?” I ask.
“I guess I can’t argue with that logic.”
Matilda concedes.
“So are you gonna finish?”
Matilda shrugs her shoulders and starts
getting back to polishing my knob. As she starts going down on me again I look
down at her slinky sexy red dress. Looks like it cost a lot of money. And I’d
love to see her in it again. “You better get out of that dress.” I request
meeting her eyes.
“Why?” Matilda asks taking my cock out of her
mouth again.
“I’d hate to see it get ruined.”
Matilda hops out from between my legs and
springs to her feet. As she reaches for the teardrop zipper on the back of her
dress I take in the strip show while she peels the spaghetti straps off her
shoulders and eases them down. My eyes grow wide seeing her breasts fall out of
the slinky silk garment and it falls into a puddle of cloth at her feet. Damn,
spooky got a body on her. Looks like she spends more time at the gym than she
does in the graveyard. When I get a look at the mistletoe embroidered on her G-String
I wonder if she’ll let me have taste of her sweetness. “You were expecting
someone to kiss the mistletoe? I flirt.
I’m give a playful smile back on the inquiry
that tells me she was. “Nah, these panties just make me feel festive.”
Maybe next time. I smile taking in the sight
of all the graceful lines of the soft sculpted muscles of the Goth Monster Au Natural. “I have to
admit I was expecting to see some tattoos.”
Matilda gives me a look on the observation as
she puts her hands on her hips. “Dude, tattoos are for whores and sailors.
“And you’re a Lady Monster.”
“Yes, I am.” Matilda says giving me a
flirtatious smile.
Matilda gives me a playful look before she
gracefully falls back to her knees. As she dives into my cock with both hands
she swirls her tongue around the head of my member before her head starts
bobbing up and down on it. Man, she’s really tearing into my dick; when I see
her cheeks sink in again, I start thinking about math equations in the effort
to keep from busting a nut. After a good minute of working my dick like a porn
star I meet her brown eyes as she takes a breath “Getting tired?” I ask.
“I’m okay.” Matilda says as she takes my cock
out of her mouth and takes a deep breath.
Well, I don’t want her to get winded on just
the foreplay. Maybe she needs to take a break. “I think you ought to lie down.”
I request.
I’m given another smile as Matilda hops off
her knees into a crouch. After she slinks onto the sofa she nestles her head on
my stomach and starts stroking me off I see if I can get her off too. I slide
my hand across her toned firm backside and slip them between her legs. As my
fingers brush back her G-string and I slide my fingers inside her Matilda lets
out a gasp. When I hear her chuckle and start to purr, I smile. I start
stroking her gently and slowly, in a few moments she throws her head back and
lets out a scream when she climaxes.
After she comes down from the orgasm Matilda
gives me an eager smile as she meets my eyes. “Dude, I’m gonna need you to get
out of those clothes.” She requests.
“You wouldn’t want me to make a mess.”
When an attractive woman asks you to get
naked, you get naked. Matilda hops off me and I ease up off the sofa. As I
start undressing, I feel Matilda’s eyes on me. When I see her stepping out of
her G-string I catch the hungry look in her eyes. Now I know why she didn’t
want me to have the shrimp at the Christmas party. She sees me as her main
Once I’m undressed I feel the Goth Monster’s
eyes on me. I’m about to lean in for a kiss but Matilda stops me with a finger
she puts to my lips. “Why don’t you have a seat?” Matilda requests.
I guess after all the foreplay she wants to
get right to business. I flop on the center of the cushion of the sofa. As
Matidla climbs on top of me I feel the anticipation building between us. Once
she straddles my hips and I feel the warmth of her velvet walls enveloping me I
let out a roar once I’m inside her. Man, she’s really putting it on me, her
pussy is putting a vice grip on my dick. How long has it been since she last
got some?
Matilda must really be into me, I hear the
sounds of her thighs slapping against mine as she rides my dick. As her breasts
and her black widow pendant bounce up and down and hit me in the face I try to
slow the frenzied pace of her hips. I cup her breasts in my hands and give her
a gentle pinch on the nipples. She throws her head back from the orgasm then
her body melts in mine as she nestles her head on my chest.
After she comes down from the second orgasm
I’m given a horny smile. “Want to take this in the bedroom?” She purrs.
With the way she’s into me I have to wonder
if she wants me to spend all of the Holidays with her. I nod my head as Matilda
hops off me. After I take her black manicured hand I ease up off the sofa and
follow the slender chalk colored woman out of the living room into the
luxurious master bedroom suite. Once we’re in the bedroom she falls into the
duvet, rolls over, and gets on her hands and knees before giving me a playful
smile that tells me to come on. I jump in bed behind her and smile as she pokes
that sexy ass of hers in the air. I become filled with anticipation as I ease
myself inside her. I grab her around her small waist and stroke her slowly then
start getting a rythym going with my hips. As I hear the sounds of her firm
toned hips slapping against mine, I hear her letting out screams of pleasure.
Her walls squeeze me tightly, I can’t take much more of this; I get one last
look at that firm toned ass of hers before I let out a loud grunt and feel
myself exploding in an incredible orgasm that hits me in the head and sends me
collapsing into the duvet. Man, that definitely wasn’t what I was expecting.
Sunday, April 7, 2019
John Haynes: Dark Succubus Cover Concept
Over the last few weeks I’ve been working hard on The John
Haynes Dark Succubus Cover Concept.
Since this one has a sequence in the realm of dreams I
wanted it to be a bit surreal with the Succubus wrapping her wing around a calm
cool and collected John.
From what I’ve read the Succubus is a dark temptress who
seduces men with their beauty and promise them their heart’s desires. Then as
they fall for their charms they take their souls on the road to Hell. While John
has been tempted by former she-demons
like E’steem in the past, he’s going to have his resolve tested when he matches
wits with Selene a sultry sexy succubus who thinks she can manipulate him into
betraying his Lord with an offer he just can’t refuse.
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Hoping to RETIRE This cover soon! |
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Full Shot of Selene! |
I’m hoping to have John Haynes: Dark Succubus out this year. The book is edited and uploaded to Kindle in Paperback and Kindle. All I’m waiting for is the cover art. Until then you can catch up on the John Haynes series by picking up The Temptation of John Haynes, The Man Who Rules The World and John Haynes: A Conversation With Death in Paperback and Kindle!
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