Sunday, July 6, 2014

Shawn Puts a SIMP On The Barbie

I recently got a comment from a dude from Australia on my Why Real Men Avoid Single Mothers blog. And the only reason I’m writing in response to this comment is to show men what a clear example of a SIMP is. His comments in  bold text and mine in plain text .

Shawn, I feel sorry for you.  At least, here in Australia, I don't know any men who think this way that you do. My wife fell upon this article and showed it to me. She was a single mother before we met and married. I quite admire her for being so strong and leaving an abusive alcoholic deadbeat husband. She has two beautiful girls who she was raising very well on her own. In fact, she helped me finance an auto because her credit was better than mine at the time. Now, we go at it together and live quite a nice life, by the beach no less! Anyhow, the single mothers who fall upon this, don't listen to this wanker, most of you are surely doing great. This chap doesn't know what he's talking about.

He feels sorry for me? Hey, I’m  not the one taking care of another man’s kids. I feel sorry for him when those kids hit puberty and they tell him that he’s not their father.
What I'm thinking is it most be some strangely biased American attitude

Sorry, but this isn’t an American attitude. Men all over the world know the score about these single mothers. I’ve talked to men from the UK, Canada, Europe and his native Australia and they all have the exact same view on single mothers. Any responsible man who avoids these women like disease and finds a childless woman to have a relationship with.

I don't know any men who think this way that you do.

He must not know many men. Hence, why he got involved with a single mom. Most men think the way I do regarding single mothers. Hell, many married women think this way regarding single mothers.

My wife fell upon this article and showed it to me.

Good Gravy. This shows me how much of a coward she is. And how you're being MANIPULATED by your wife. She didn't "fall" upon this article. She was too afraid to post a comment on in the comments section out of fear of getting ROASTED by men so she sends you to do her dirty work. You’re being PLAYED by this wife of yours and you don’t even know it

Seriously guys, this is how you get locked up and killed. Chicks tell you about something they disagree with and then they get you to put on your Ben Cooper Cape and Mickey Mouse galoshes to play Captain Save a Hoe. And as you go to defend this woman from shit she STARTED, you wind up either getting killed or arrested.

And while you’re in the grave or doing time being spit roasted by Bubba and Tiny, she’s getting her back blown out by another dude.

Any other man would have told this woman it’s the internet, it’s his opinion and moved on. Not type in a response to a piece from a stranger 8,000 miles away to defend her honor. 

She was a single mother before we met and married.

…And you don’t see where this is a problem? Here you are a healthy working class man with his whole life ahead of him and you CHOOSE the woman with baggage? You have your pick of single childless women and you CHOOSE the woman with a boatload of problems to get involved with?

The Simp is Strong in this one.

I quite admire her for being so strong and leaving an abusive alcoholic deadbeat husband.
You think he’s gone? You think he’s gone?
*Shawn falls out of his chair laughing*

You admire her for being so strong and leaving an abusive alcoholic deadbeat? Clearly your Mangina is showing.

Dude, the child’s father will NEVER BE GONE. Like a killer in a Slasher movie this dude will be back at a time when you least expect him TO RUIN YOUR LIFE. He is the children’s father. He will ALWAYS BE THERE. Just give it a few years when those kids turn 11-16. They’ll be calling him like CLOCKWORK.

She has two beautiful girls who she was raising very well on her own.

Dude, she’s not raising them on her own. She’s got you to babysit. I hate to break it to you dude but you’re on Pullman Porter Duty. The Garbage man You’re basically cleaning up the mess she made with this broke alcoholic abuser.

How many times did she have kids with this alcoholic sod? TWICE. Once having a child with a bum is a mistake. Two times is intentional. If she knew he was such a deadbeat LOSER, she wouldn’t have left him after the FIRST CHILD. Obviously, there was something she was getting out of that relationship with him to stay long enough to have TWO KIDS WITH HIM.

Here’s something for you to think about: Have you asked her about having your own kids? What about what you want? What about your goals? I guarantee you the minute you start talking about having your own son or daughter she’ll be saying things like “we have enough kids” or there’s not enough time to do that” when you talk about YOUR goals or what you want.
She’s not raising those girls on her own. You’re doing most of the heavy lifting.

In fact, she helped me finance an auto because her credit was better than mine at the time.
And she put your balls in her purse. Financing that car was consideration for your manhood. Yeah, you got a car. But you lost your Dignity, self-respect and all your personal intangibles for a ride.  

Now, we go at it together and live quite a nice life, by the beach no less!

You live on the beach? Big deal.

You have no idea how fucked up your life is. That so-called nice life you live is on HER TERMS. She is dictating to you, you are not the head of your household. She is the one pulling your strings and telling you what to do and how to do it. Dude you are WHIPPED.

Anyhow, the single mothers who fall upon this, don't listen to this wanker, most of you are surely doing great. This chap doesn't know what he's talking about.

Look at the Mangina trying to get those Pussy points™ with his wife. He has no idea that I write blogs like this for MEN, not for women. The goal of this piece was to help MEN understand why they should avoid single moms and to let women know why men want nothing to do with them.

Sure the single moms are doing great. They have two sources of income. Their children’s fathers’ and SIMPS like Aidan here to pay for everything while they play Captain-Save-A-Hoe. I mean dudes like this are built in child care and child support all in one.

Aidian, I’d watch out for the Kryptonite DOO DOO that’s about to be smashed in your face. These Single Moms ain’t loyal. All that badmouth she gave you about the children’s father being a drunk deadbeat will be directed towards YOU when she can’t have the relationship on HER TERMS. The minute you disagree with her, stand up to her or won’t let her get her way, YOU become the villain and she becomes the victim.

What you don’t understand is that many single moms are narcissistic, and believe the world revolves around THEM and only THEM. And for these kinds of women men are TOOLS they use to get what they want. And once they finish getting what they want out of the relationship, they toss the man to the side and move on to the next SIMP around the corner.

Maybe Aidian from Australia won’t get anything out of this blog, but I’m hoping most of you other men out there see the pattern of Simping here. 


  1. Beautiful breakdown of simp logic.

  2. Example of another weak guy, soooo pitiful!
