Saturday, July 3, 2010

NAACP endorses the legalization of the sale of Marijuana-ARE THESE NIGGERS CRAZY?

I read that the California NAACP is endorsing a measure to legalize the sale of marijuana citing “the disproportionate arrest rates for black men.”


I’m no advocate for the failed war on drugs, but legalizing marijuana will not change these “disproportionate arrest rates among black men.” It’s shortsighted to believe that legalizing marijuana and taxing it will stop the systematic oppression of black men. If anything, legalizing marijuana will further lead to the further oppression of black people.

The NAACP has it wrong. Black men don’t only get arrested for drug possession, they also get arrested due to numerous crimes committed while using marijuana. Domestic violence, sexual assaults, rapes, robberies, and even murders. In many cases individuals smoke weed before going out to commit crimes. To quote what I hear from people on the street: “When people get high, they do stupid shit.”

So does the NAACP realize what it’s advocating? Marijuana lowers people inhibitions. The side effects of marijuana use include impaired judgment, anxiety, and paranoia that leads to violent and dangerous behavior. Does the NAACP want more black people to have access to a product that turns functional brothers and sisters into unstable, irrational people who commit crimes? Has the NAACP read about the numerous mentally imbalanced brothers and sisters killed by police while on a drug-induced rampage? Have they read about the families who are torn apart by weed use?

But I guess the NAACP believes it’s more beneficial for the black community to suffer disproportionately from violent crime than for a few black men to do time for possessing a controlled substance.

Then there are the side effects of Marijuana on a person’s health. What most weed smoker’s don’t know is that one joint has the tar and nicotine of a PACK of cigarettes. A single blunt has the tar and nicotine of a CARTON of cigarettes. So brothers and sisters who smoke weed are more likely to get bronchitis, emphysema and lung cancer at an earlier age. Does the NAACP want to promote a product that is detrimental to the health of African-Americans?

But I guess the NAACP believes it’s more beneficial for the entire black community to suffer disproportionately from a variety of health problems related to a toxic product than a few black men to do time for possessing a controlled substance.

Marijuana use is also known to trigger schizophrenia in individuals whose families have a history of mental illness. In other individuals it’s known to alter their brain chemsistry that they become mentally unstable. The paranoid and dangerous behavior from mentally unstable marijuana users will lead to an increase in violent crime. Does the NAACP want to promote a product that will increase the violent crime rates among African-Americans? Does the NAACP wish to promote a product that is synonymous with turning functioning individuals into mentally ill wards of the state? Do they understand that caring for mentally ill brothers and sisters who become wards of the state will COST taxpayers money instead of these individuals PAYING into the system?

But I guess the NAACP believes it’s more beneficial for more black people to suffer disproportionately from mental illness than for a few black men to be arrested for possession of a dangerous substance.

In addition to damaging the brain, Marijuana can damage a woman’s reproductive system and causes a number of birth defects in children once they are born. These can range from learning disabilities like ADHD, to mental retardation. Does the NAACP really want to see more African-American children in special education classes?

But I guess the NAACP believes it’s more beneficial for more black children to suffer disproportionately from learning disabilities than for a few to be arrested for possession of a dangerous substance.

So that proposed legal marijuana isn’t as harmless as the California NAACP thinks it is. Yeah, short-term a few people (none of them black) will make money from opening smoke shops and selling herb to people. The state will receive a few tax dollars on the side as a kickback. And a few black men might not go to jail for drug possession (I’m sure the American legal system will find something else to charge them with like violating Federal Interstate Commerce Law or some other trumped-up charge). But the passage of this law won’t lead to the advancement of colored people. If anything, it’s gonna set brothers and sisters back to the Stone Age.

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