Thursday, July 8, 2010


I’ll be attending the Harlem Book Fair at table R11 on 135th Street and Malcolm X Boulevard Saturday, July 17, 2010. I’ll be offering autographed copies of Isis, The Cassandra Cookbook, and All About Marilyn. The prices will be cheaper than most magazines! Heck, they'll be cheaper than dinner at most fast food restaurants!

So if you’re in New York City make a day of it! Come on down to the village of Harlem and:

  • Meet an obscure, unknown, self-published published writer!
  • Get an autographed book from an unknown, obscure self-published writer!
  • Get your picture taken with the same unknown, obscure self-published writer if you bring your own camera!
  • Ask him questions about his books and the thankless and not-so lucrative world of self-publishing. (Hint: DON’T QUIT YOUR DAY JOB FOLKS!)
  • Help a struggling unemployed brotha pay his bills by buying a book! (Or at least break even on the table this time!)

So remember, Shawn’s going to be attending The Harlem Book Fair Saturday July 17, 2010 at table R11. Mark your Calendars!

And remember folks, each book you buy at this fair helps Shawn towards his goals of publishing new titles, keeping old ones in print, (THE PLUG WILL BE PULLED ON THE CASSANDRA COOKBOOK IF HE GETS NO TAKERS THIS YEAR!), and attending the Circle of Sisters Expo as a Vendor!

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