Tuesday, May 28, 2019



Had an hour and sketched out a model sheet of The Block, the villain from the upcoming John Haynes: The Man With Nothing To Lose.

Marcus Jeffries, aka The Block is inspired by the late rapper Notorious B.I.G. aka Biggie Smalls. And just like Biggie he’s HUGE. Block is seven feet tall and six hundred fifty pounds. He’s a whole head and a half taller than John Haynes who is 5”10 and two hundred pounds. Breaking out of Rikers, he’s willing to sacrifice everything to get revenge against John Haynes, the man who got him locked up in the first chapter of The Man Who Rules The World

For Block’s outfit I decided to fuse hip-hop and comic books together. I drew inspiration from Bullet, a bad guy from the Awesome Ann Nocenti/John Romita Jr. Daredevil run from the late 1980’s. I loved how simple and sleek his costume was, an all black suit with one line. Minimalist like the 1980s, and I thought that design work well with the black track suits rappers like RUN DMC used to wear in the 80s. With some Jordans and a gold chain Block was ready to hit the streets as the irresistible force that becomes an immovable object and a motive to murder The Man Who Rules The World.

This isn’t the first time I’ve drawn influence from the Ann Nocenti JR/JR run of Daredevil. In Spellbound Matilda Crowley is sees Typhoid Mary as her hero and is inspired to become more assertive and find her voice by her character. And Typhoid Mary is the inspiration for the “Mad” in her Goth name Mad Matilda. It’s a great run of comics, and I highly recommend you pick them up!

In the Luke Cage Hero For Hire #14 homage Concept, Block and John’s outfits are supposed to contrast each other. Block is a man stuck in the past still trying to hold onto memories of when he ran The Block and controlled the projects. John’s outfit represents him as the common man. So as John fights Block he’s supposed to represent the everyday brother fighting against the thugs in the street to protect his woman E’steem and protect his community.

I’m Hoping to get John Haynes: The Man With Nothing To Lose out either Fall 2019 or Spring 2020. And I’m pondering putting TWO covers on this one!

you can get the latest John Haynes book: John Haynes: Dark Succubus  in Paperback or #KindleUnlimited June 18!

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