Wednesday, February 6, 2019

A critical Question to Incels

Most Incels believe that having sex with an attractive woman will be the thing that makes them a man and defines their manhood.

I have propose a critical question to Incels regarding that belief:

If a Retarded male has sex with an attractive woman does that make him a man?

Moreover, if a retarded male who has a lower IQ than an Incel has sex with an attractive woman dos that make him more of a man than the Incel who is smarter than he is? Does it make him a better man than an Incel who has all of his mental capacities?

Would that retarded man become Chad? Would he become Tyrone? Would he become an Alpha?

When one thinks critically about that scenario they see how completely ridiculous it is for a boy or a man to define himself by the validation and approval of women.

Most Incels have been miseducated by years of imbibing Gynocentric media created by Madison Avenue Advertisers, and Hollywood movie studios and the Porn industry that tell him that his manhood is defined by getting the attention of women, getting the approval of women and the opportunity to have sex with women. That he will graduate to manhood if women approve of him and see him as worthy of having sex with.

It’s a lie that’s been passed down from one generation to the next that too many men have believed as the gospel truth.

The truth is having sex is not the thing that defines whether a boy graduates into manhood. What puts a boy on the road to manhood is the fact that God made him Male.  

And Under the standard God a man is to have no other gods before him.  When an Incel defines his manhood by relationships and sexual encounters with a woman he is making women into gods. And putting her before The very God who created him.

In Corintihians it states that it is not good for a man to touch a woman. And if a man doesn’t have a wife he shouldn’t go out seeking a wife.
It also states in the Corintihans that the unmarried man cares about things related to God and is focused on pleasing God. This means he’s focused on being a steward of God and doing the work of the God on earth.

That’s what defines a man under the standard of God is the work he does for God on this earth. What he accomplishes in this life. That’s what makes him a man.  And that’s the standard incels need to start focusing on.

A retarded man has sex with a woman is still retarded at the end of the day.  And a man with low self-esteem like an Incel is still the same troubled man after he has sex with an incredibly attractive woman.

Incels, stop defining your manhood by whether or not you have sex with a woman.  The foundations of your manhood and masculinity were not created by women. It was created by God. So go find out what kind of man God wants you to be and stop worshiping women.

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