Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Isis: All That Glitters and E’steem Goddess of? Covers by Bill Walko


Last week I got the final cover art for Isis: All That Glitters And E’steem Goddess of?  from Bill Walko and they look AWESOME!

Bill did an AMAZING job on both these covers. The action on the Isis: All That Glitters cover is just like I imagined it in my head when I wrote the confrontation between Isis and Golden Shine in the first chapter. The evil grin on Golden Shine’s face has me worried for the goddess next door! How’s she gonna get out of this one?

I love all the little details in this picture that tell the story, from the broken silver safe to the contrasting gold walls and the sparkling floor to the worried people looking out the window. The scared little girl and her mom and the people recording the upcoming carnage tell a compelling story in a single image that screams BUY ME to the customer. And you definitely want to buy this one because it’s an updated take on the old superhero vs. bank robbers story!

All I can say about the E’steem Goddess Of? cover is that it’s a MASTERPIECE. This one reminds me of the old 1970s Marvel Comics I used to read in my brother’s comic collection.

There’s a great story in this picture. The Island of Solitude looks serene, but the action between E’steem and Avarisk The Tormentor is intense! With this cover Bill took an idea I imagined and took it to another level!

 You literally feel like you’re on vacation in the South Pacific looking at this cover. The bikini clad E’steem looks like an animated version of Salli Richardson Whitfield (the actress who inspired E’steem) and Avarisk, The Tormentor’s costume POPS off the page like an oldschool Marvel super-villian. This cover screams BUY ME to the reader and tells them come back for the next book and the back issues too!  

Looking at Bill’s work on both these covers has me anticipating what his work would look like in the pages of an Isis Graphic novel. Bill tells a great story with pictures and his images are so dynamic it’s like they’re animated! I would love to see what he does with 62 pages of a comic book! I’m hoping everyone donates to the upcoming indiegogo for the Isis graphic novel next year, because the comic I want to share with you is going to be a CLASSIC!

Isis: All That Glitters and E’steem Goddess of? Will be available in spring of 2019 in paperback and KindleUnlimited. And if we can get the indiegogo funded the Isis graphic novel will be available in 2019 too!

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