Tuesday, October 16, 2018


Two of my favorite comic artists are crowdfunding to get their books published. And I want to help get the word out about their awesome projects!

This week Bill Walko is launching a Kickstarter to print the Hero Business Season 2 graphic novel. The Hero Business is a FUN webcomic that’s The Avengers Meets NBC’s The Office and reminds me of the late great Dwayne McDuffie’s classic Marvel comic Damage Control. I never miss a Hero Business strip, and here’s a GREAT opportunity for you to find out how awesome this comic is!

A few years ago I backed the first season graphic novel for The Hero Business, and I’m backed this one on the first day it was launched! When you support Bill’s Kickstarteryou’ll have a chance to get both the first and second season in paperback or digital or you can opt to donate on one of the higher reward tiers for one of the variant covers, the Hero Business mug and the new AWESOME Hero Business pins!

And Josh Howard is raising funds on indiegogo to publish the second issue of T-Bird & Throttle. Having read and reviewed the #0 and first issues I can honestly say this is one of the BEST comics of 2018. After reading those first two issues I was so eager to find out what happens next in this story, I made my donation on the first day the project was launched!

Along with the second issue, Josh is offering the first and #0 issues and some awesome extras like variant covers and commission sketches if you decide to pledge on one of the higher reward tiers.

Bill’s Kickstarter just launched yesterday and is ¼ of the way to getting funded!
Josh’s indiegogo is half past there and has been extended for two more weeks. I really want to see both these GREAT artists get their projects funded, because I want to get great comics in the hands of readers and both these GREAT artists build a larger audience of readers!

You can donate to Bill’s Kickstarter until November 15th.

And you Can donate to Josh’s indiegogo Until the end of October. Let’s get these AWESOME projects funded!  

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