Saturday, October 20, 2018

Netflix Cancels Luke Cage….Sweet Christmas.

For Some bizarre reason Netflix has decided to cancel Luke Cage.

Sweet Christmas.

Now I can Netflix see cancelling Iron Fist because it was an absolute shit show. But this has to be the most boneheaded thing Netflix has done.

Luke Cage was the most popular series on Netflix. The first season literally CRASHED Netflix’s servers. And the second season was the best thing Marvel Studios EVER produced. With storytelling, acting and directing on the level of DC’s The Dark Knight It BLEW THE DOORS off the mediocre Avengers: Infinity War, subpar Ant Man and The Wasp and average Black Panther. And with the MASTERPIECE ending we got showing Luke Cage becoming a Power Man and about to be tempted by his new role as the Sherriff of Harlem to become corrupt everyone was anticipating a Season 3.

But because Marvel and Netflix couldn’t come to an agreement the show is ending without giving us what could’ve been a CLASSIC third season.

Some comic fans are speculating that the cancellation of Cage and Iron Fist means we’re gonna get a Heroes For Hire series.

I don’t think so.

With the way both series ended, a Heroes For Hire Series would be just as disjointed as Netflix’s dreadful Defenders series. In order to create a Heroes For Hire Series there needed to be an organic ending to the Sherriff of Harlem Storyline and the Immortal Iron Fist storylines set up in Cage Season 2 and Iron Fist Season 2.

Others are speculating that it’s because Disney wants to have exclusive content for its streaming service.

I don’t think that’s the case either. Daredevil got a Season 3 and Jessica Jones as HORRIBLE as it was got a season 3. And with Disney still smarting after making the BONEHEADED mistake of canceling Tim Allen’s Last Man Standing, a PROFITABLE TVshow that was WINNING its timeslot due to political reasons, the last thing they want to do is hand ANOTHER HIT SHOW to COMPETING network like they Did when Last Man Standing Went over to FOX and became a HIT.

Not to mention putting Luke Cage on Disney’s streaming service would leave a SOUR taste in most comic fans’ mouths. Taking a POPULAR show from a streaming service most people are subscribed to in an effort to get them to buy yours is a DICK MOVE that would ALIENATE customers.  

Plus the Hard R content on Luke Cage doesn’t really fit into Disney’s image. Nothing like characters dropping F-Bombs and having sex to rile up the ire of all those people who watch Disney Princesses, Zack & Cody reruns and Doc Stuffins.

From what I’ve read I’m thinking Marvel wanted to change the narrative of the show. I’m thinking executive producer Cheo Hodari Coker and Netflix wanted to keep the series dark and gritty like the comics, but Marvel wanted to find some way to shove their gynocentrism and identity politics into the show. With Netflix taking a hit on Iron Fist thanks to the gynocentric narrative, identity politics and the complete emasculation of Danny Rand, Netflix just decided to pull the plug on the show rather than produce a poor quality product they couldn’t sell.

That’s the reason I believe Luke Cage got cancelled so abruptly. Coker was already planning and writing season 3 but Marvel’s exexcutives had their own plans. Plans that would have emasculated Luke Cage over 10 episodes and made him a bigger BITCH than his modern comic book counterpart.

I’m thinking Marvel is the real villain here. The whole idea of a strong masculine heterosexual Black man as a hero who leads and protects his community makes many of the people who work at Marvel uncomfortable. The Luke Cage like Cheo Hodari Coker was presenting in his adaptation refuted many of the ideas many whites and nonblacks had about Black men and the stereotypes presented in the old Power Man comics. Coker’s Cage presented a narrative made by Black men for Black men that promoted a positive portrayal of Black manhood, Black masculinity and Black leadership.

That made many of the people at Marvel uneasy.

While Marvel and Disney had their grievances with Black Panther becoming popular they didn’t mind promoting him because he promoted a gynocentric narrative that appealed to Black women and emasculated Black men. But Luke Cage promoted a positive idea of Black manhood made by Black men for Black Men that showed the POWER Black men had in their communities and a way to use that POWER to take back their communities from the criminals that terrorized it.

White Supremacist media ain’t gonna have that on their platforms. No, the whole idea of promoting a strong Black man who LEADS his community on HIS TERMS on their platforms runs counter to White Supremacy. They’d rather have us watch cucked Black Panther in White Man’s Wakanda, butler John Diggle or bumbling stumbling Mr. Terrific or James Olsen be the Guardian of the Friendzone who hopes, wishes and prays that Kara Zor-El lets him get a look at what’s under her red Supergirl skirt than See Luke Cage literally take CONTROL of his Life and CONTROL of his community.  

It’s a shame to see Netflix’s Luke Cage end so abruptly. Luke Cage was the best thing Marvel ever produced. But because Marvel’s racism we’re not gonna get a Season 3 that will show us how Luke Cage is the Power Man, and how the Power Man protects the Black community from those who would threaten it.   

The cancellation of Luke Cage shows me why it’s important for Black men to own and control our own characters and our own media. Luke Cage was Marvel’s property. And because Marvel didn’t like the narrative that Cheo Hodari Coker was telling with their character they decided to make efforts to change it. It didn’t matter about how profitable or how popular the show was it was all about the agenda Marvel had and the identity politics they were trying to push regarding Black people. Marvel wanted their Luke Cage property to tell their kind of story, not one that the audience wanted.

This is why Black men need to own and control their own characters like I do with John Haynes. When I publish my John Haynes Stories like The Temptation of John Haynes, TheMan Who Rules the World or John Haynes: A Conversation With Death, I control the media and the narrative. And because I control the property I can tell the story of a Black man from a Black man’s perspective without having anyone to make efforts to censor it.

While I’m sad to see Luke Cage get cancelled I see an opportunity for Cheo Hodari Coker to take his craft to another level on another project. If Mr. Coker and Netflix ever wanted to produce a John Haynes series or a Temptation of John Haynes movie to fill the void Luke Cage has left, I’m game. Everything Cheo Hodari Coker did with Luke Cage I do in my John Haynes stories. And I think his production style would be a PERFECT fit for the character. So if he’s up for adapting the adventures of The Man Who Rules The World, I’m game. I think if we worked together we could produce something that can crash the Netflix Servers again. 


  1. Bye Bye Netflix. They better not touch Daredevil and Punisher

  2. Or it could be that this is yet another lame and idiotic show. Sometimes people invent conspiracies just to prove their point.
