Monday, August 13, 2018

The Invasion Of Men’s Personal Spaces-Deleted Chapter From THE MAN CRISIS

Busy editing the MAN CRISIS  And here’s a chapter that I had to cut from the final book. 

The Invasion Of Men’s Personal Spaces

As part of the War on Men, Feminists have been making efforts to invade male spaces, places where men come together to share common interests and hobbies.
 In most cases feminists say they need to that they are entering male spaces to allegedly fight sexism and promote equality. However, this is a lie. What they want to do is take over these men’s personal spaces and control how men behave in them. By invading male spaces feminists can ensure men are “good little boys” in their own little spaces and not disrupt the smooth gynocentric world they’ve created.

If feminists were really about equality as they allege, they would have no problem letting men enter female spaces. However, when men propose to enter predominantly female spaces like nail salons, spas, hair salons and Yoga classes, these same feminists will say that those men are being perverts and sexual deviants who need to stay out of women’s personal spaces because they make them feel uncomfortable. So the move to enter men’s personal spaces is all about women trying to make men be men on a woman’s terms in their own private space.

Women entering men’s personal spaces puts men in crisis because it takes away men’s freedom to be themselves. It’s clear that these efforts to invade male spaces isn’t about diversity and inclusion, it’s about insecure feminists using their power to try to take control of male spaces so they can monitor men’s activities.
If these women wanted to share their interest in the same hobbies and interests men participate in like comic books and video games they could do so in their own female spaces. However, most women don’t want to create their own personal spaces to engage in male hobbies. They want to encroach on the male space and eventually take it over for themselves.

Feminists just don’t understand that there are male personal spaces and there are female personal spaces. Places like Barbershops, comic book stores and gyms are places where men come together to relax and be in the company of other men. It’s in these places where men feel comfortable about being a man and being masculine and expressing their natural masculinity. Yes, there’s a lot of swearing and even some crude talk in these spaces about women, but women swear and talk just as crudely in their personal spaces like spas, gyms beauty salons about men.

Feminists also don’t understand that Male spaces aren’t just places where men share common interest in hobbies; they are places where men learn the unwritten social rules for manhood and learn male life skills. While these men bond over their favorite hobbies, older men oftentimes teach younger men the male life skills they’ll need to survive in the world of adult men. It’s in these spaces that boys and younger men get the guidance and support from older men that helps prepare him for the rough road to manhood.

As men bond and form relationships with men that they trust in these male spaces, men talk about their lives, their problems, and their issues. Getting feedback from other men allows them to get perspective on their problems and work towards solutions to move their lives forward. 

It’s important for boys to enter male only spaces like barbershops and comic book stores at an early age. The faster a boy enters a male space the faster he can start seeing manhood modeled for him by other men. And he can start learning how to socialize with other boys and men.

Moreover he can have masculine energy transferred to him. It’s this masculine energy that enables him to grow into a healthy young man. When a man starts getting masculine energy at an early age, he starts to build the confidence he needs to go out and take the risks he needs to go out and do things like go out to make a living or be able to talk to girls in his peer group when he’s ready to date. 

Feminists just don’t understand that Men and women need time away from each other. When men and women are in spaces together for prolonged periods of time they feel stifled because they have to put on an act to be around each other. In male and female private spaces men and women can de-stress and recharge. It’s in that time they can take a breath and relax. It’s in those spaces that a man can learn how to be better man and a woman can learn to be a better woman.

Right now THE MAN CRISIS is up for Pre-order on Kindle and will be available this October on Amazon and KindleUnlimited!


  1. If this is a deleted chapter posted here for free, I'm definitely looking forward to the book itself. I don't think it's that these feminists don't understand more than it is they simply don't care. It's about a gynocentric monopoly and control with them.

  2. Having been raised in a single mom household, I can only agree with this article. As a kid my mother would often take me to her friends house, female fashion boutiques (I would hide in the racks while she wasted her fixed income on these crappy clothes), and because my sister was older she had precedence over the tv. This and the lack of exposure to male spaces put me in a disadvantage when it came to learning how to charm women.

  3. excellent read, accurate info. looking forward to the book.
