Sunday, July 29, 2018


I haven’t had much time to blog over the last two weeks. That’s because I’ve been busy finishing the first draft of THE MAN CRISIS, the new nonfiction book I’ve been working on since April.

I mentioned THE MAN CRISIS on Obsidian Radio when I made an appearance on the May 11th show. And I believe it’s a book every man and woman should read. Because the state of affairs for American and Western Men is dire. A growing number of American and Western men are becoming frustrated, angry, and despondent as they try to make life work using the female life skills they learned from their single mothers in the world of adult men. As these men have mental short circuits due to the dysfunctional way they’ve been raised without a father in their lives, they explode in rage and participate a spectrum of violent behaviors from screaming fits to mass shootings.

And an increasing number of men are committing suicide because they believe they have no hope of ever finding a place for themselves in the western world as a man.

The MAN CRISIS is a book that came out of my numerous YouTube videos on Mass shooters. As I did my research on mass shooters, I began to correlate a pattern between these killers and single mother households. And I was shocked to find that 27 of 28 mass shooters came from a single mother household.

 As I did more research into the subject, I began to notice a historical pattern relating to the decline of men over the last 50 years and the rise of the Feminist movement and the establishment of single mother households in the late 1960s. As I did more research I began to discover that the second and third generation of boys raised in single mother and divorced households who began to come of age in the 1990’s and mid 2000s correlated with the increase in mass shootings and a spectrum of violent behaviors.  

Now I had talked about how destructive single mother households were to boys on the Men’s Advocate Show with Linda Gross a few years ago when we discussed my classic blog Ways Single Mothers Destroy Their Sons. And with the escalation in violence over the last few decades it’s clear to me that we are in a crisis right now due to the way women have raised boys to become men. Thanks to feminists telling women that they could raise a boy to be a man over 50 years ago, there are three generations of these Beta Males out there and they’re ticking time bombs due to the dysfunctional way they were raised in single mother households. Like land mines left underground decades ago, no one knows when they’ll explode or what damage they’ll do people’s lives when they go off.  

In THE MAN CRISIS I’m going in depth on the growing crisis related to American and western men and try to explain why so many men are in crisis today. It’s a subject most Americans don’t want to talk about because Big business and politicians are afraid of alienating the large consumer and voting blocks of American and European Women. But it’s something we have to talk about because if we don’t do something about the growing Man Crisis, there may not be a way to ever Make America Great Again.

Right now I’m working on the second draft and doing page layouts for THE MAN CRISIS. I’m hoping to have the book available in Paperback and Kindle formats this November. And I’m hoping men and women get this book because it may help many of those troubled men out there work towards breaking out of a vicious cycle and move forward with their lives.

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