Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Isis: Escape From Transylvania Now Available in Paperback and Kindle Unlimited

Isis: Escape From Transylvania
ISBN: 978-1973739340

Kindle Price$2.99(Kindle owners with a KindleUnlimited Subscription can read this Isis series book for FREE!)

Hunted! After Isis and John Haynes’ fight with Dracula was the most watched live stream on the web, Dracula’s daughter Lucretia, hostess of Vampire Hunters is looking to break the Internet again. And for an encore she kidnaps Isis and John and forces them to participate in a reality game show where they have to fight hordes of vampires out to get a million dollar prize. If John and Isis win they get their lives. However, if the vampires win they die!

You definitely want to pick up Isis: Escape From Transylvania! In this third story in the Vampire arc, I put a fresh take on vampire lore, reality shows and social media. You’ll be surprised with the action and twists and turns in this action packed Isis series story!

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