Friday, January 19, 2018

E’steem: Goddess of? Sample Chapter

The SJS DIRECT 2018 Catalog is coming soon! And to get readers excitied I’m presenting a sample chapter of the first post E’steem: Ascension story, E’steem: Goddess of ? In this story The formerly Devilish Diva is figuring out what her role will be now that she’s no longer a demon. In this story, E’steem faces off against Avarisk, the Tormentor, a dangerous demon dominatrix!

Chapter 5

Osiris disappears in a flash of light. And since the boys wont need me for the rest of the day, I think I’ll just take some time to lie on the beach and work on this tan of mine.
I was sure that Osiris would want me to be the goddess of something. But it looks like he sees the value in the freedom Jesus has given me. I always thought Id be able to help people as a goddess the same way I helped them as the YouTube Devil Lady. But maybe God has another plan for me. One where people wont turn me into some sort of deity. Itd be hard for people to see God do His work if theyve got me on a pedestal.
I stroll across the beach taking in the view of the crystal blue waters of the South Pacific. When I find a nice secluded spot of beach on eastern shore of the island, I gesture and make my black beach towel fall out of a flash of light down onto the soft white sand. Then I peel off my armband, lie on the plush Turkish terrycloth and drop my iPhone next to me. Once I get comfortable I close my eyes, and let the sun’s rays radiate down on me. I better enjoy every moment of this little vacation, because when I get back home to John its gonna be work, work, work.
Im falling into a somnolent state when I hear a whip crack and feel something sting against my earlobe. As my earring falls off and my eyes flicker open, Im wondering if Horus and Anubis have simulated another surprise. When I see a tall attractive blonde she-demon dressed in black leather bondage gear and tall stiletto-heeled boots standing across from me with a pair of whips in her black manicured hands I know Im not dealing with a hologram. This demon comes straight from the sixth level of Hell.

I’m working hard to get the SJS DIRECT 2018 catalog together. And many of the books like E’steem: Goddess of? Are ready to be published. All I need to do is raise the funds to pay an artist to design the covers. So if you could donate $1 or more to my Patreon, or my PayPal it’d help me get E’steem Goddess of? To the marketplace!

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