Friday, December 8, 2017

John Haynes Series Progress Report

In between editing The Legendary Mad Matilda, editing E’steem: Ascension and writing new Isis and E’steem stories I’ve been putting together the framework for a new John Haynes series.

The momentum for a John Haynes series has been building for a while. To let readers get to know John, I’ve featured him in numerous Isis series books like Isis: Wrath of the Cybergoddess.

And I took readers into John’s world in Isis: Night of theVampires, E’steem Undercover and Isis: Bride of Dracula as a supporting character. And he’ll be featured in the upcoming Isis: Escape From Translyvania and Isis: Revenge of the Cybergoddess.

John also had his own solo story The Man Who Rules the World in 2016.  And interest in the character has remained strong.

I’ve completed the first story in the series, A Conversation With Death, a short in the style of E’steem: No Good Deed. A Conversation With Death deals with the aftermath of The Man Who Rules The World and will be a teaser to set up the John character and the character transformation arc he’ll go through in his storyline.  

I’m still working out the outlines for the first two stories for the John Haynes series and the members of John’s supporting cast. But E’steem will feature prominently in a John Haynes series. While she has her own series, E’steem is John’s his right hand woman and will always be at his side.

And Lilith Graves from Isis: Night of the Vampires will be a major character in John’s series. While E’steem is his right hand woman, Lililth is his left hand. As someone who knows all about Morris Phillips corporate culture, she gives him some perspective on things he wouldn’t get from E’steem. As an ex-vampire Lilith will give us more insight into the Vampire culture in Lucifer’s Legion.

Claudius Johnson from E’steem: Demons Anonymous will also appear in one of the first two stories I’m planning called Dark Succubus. And he’ll show us some insight into Incubus/Succubus demons and their culture in Lucifer’s Legion.

As for bad guys Lucifer is still the lead villain. However, there will be some new demon rogues like the Succubus, and some of the corporate underlings like Brent Morrison. And depending on how things work out Dracula could possibly make another appearance.

And Brimstone Jack. I gotta bring Brimstone Jack back. Because he’s a demon pimp who sounds like Ice-T. And he’s got demon strippers. And Demon strippers are awesome.

The John Haynes series will be a dark spooky fantasy/horror series in the style of Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, Ghostbusters and Supernatural. It’ll still follow the keep the Monster High all Grown up theme I established with the E’steem series.

I’m working on trying to get out the first John Haynes story sometime in 2018. So until then pick up his appearances in the Isis series, the E’steem Series, The Man Who Rules the World and The Temptation of John Haynes.

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