Friday, November 17, 2017

E'steem: Ascencion Sample Chapter

Here's a sample chapter of the Upcoming E'steem: Ascencion, the action packed climax to the first E'steem series story arc! You want to pick this one up, it's a MAJOR turning point for the E'steem character! 

E'steem Ascencion will be coming this Black Friday in paperback & e-Reader Pre-order your copy on Kindle and Smashwords today! 

Chapter 7

A flash of light takes Carol and me from the Morris Phillips Tower to the Java Joint. I can’t wait to share my favorite latte with her.
I’m given a friendly smile as I get the door for Carol. As lead her over to my usual table at the bustling coffee house, Claudius rushes from around the counter and greets us both with a smile. “Welcome to the Java Joint.” Claudius greets. “What cup o’ Joe can I get my two favorite ladies today?”
“Claud is that you?” Carol asks giving him a curious look.
“Yes it is, Mrs. Williams.”
“I thought you had a good job over at Lucerne. What are you doing here?”
“Doing the work of The Lord.”
“Why would he have you working here?”
“Claud runs Demons Anonymous, a support group for Demons who left the Legion.”
Carol gives Claud a curious look. “You left?”
“Yeah. A lot of New Breed demons have left the Legion like E’steem and I have.”
“Aren’t you afraid of the Lord’s wrath?”
Before Claud can answer her question we hear the screams of people outside and hear footsteps scrambling up the street. When we look out the picture window to see what’s going on we barely catch a glimpse of a creature with bat wings before it crashes through the pane of glass in the front of the shop. 
“I don’t think you’re gonna have time to hear the specials.” Claud says.
Why do the monsters always come out when I go to lunch? “I’ll go see what it is. Stay with Carol.”
Claud leads Carol to the back as patrons scramble out of the coffee shop. I jump out of my seat and rush over to confront the creature that flew into the Java Joint. When I meet the reptile eyes of the mocha skinned she-demon wearing a pink T-shirt, blue skinny jeans, and pink sneakers I frown. From the looks of her she’s got herself a major power upgrade. I really don’t want to beat up D’lilah in front of her mother. “Haven’t seen you in a long time.” I say.
“I’ve been busy licking my wounds since your sister beat the crap out of me.”
“So why aren’t you picking a fight with her?”
“Because I’m here to kill you.”
I guess the beef has always been between us. And it looks like she’s looking to finally settle the score once and for all. I make a desperate plea I hope doesn’t fall on deaf ears. “D’lilah, don’t do this.” Not in front of your mother-”
“Don’t tell me you’re gonna wimp out on me now you big nerd.” D’lilah snarls. “Mom really needs to see what a loser you truly are.”
D’lilah lets out a growl and swings at me. I duck the blow and D’lliah and slam a fist into her the gut. I let out a gasp and wince in pain as I shake my fingers. What happened to my powers?
Before I can even ponder an answer to that question I’m given a backhanded slap that turns the room into a blur. The force of the blow is so hard it knocks me out of my shoes and sends me crashing into a bookcase in the back of the coffee house.
My body aches from being hit so hard; I hear footsteps rushing towards me and do everything in my power to get to my feet. Get up girl, get up…

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