Tuesday, October 31, 2017

The Legendary Mad Matilda Now Available in paperback & On E-Readers

The Legendary Mad Matilda
ISBN-13: 978-1548070397

It’s Not How She Falls…

“Mad” Matilda Crowley has become an urban legend in New York City’s Goth scene. Known for her outrageous underground parties where anything can happen, Matilda gets caught up in her own raving insanity when she’s arrested at one of her own parties in a police raid.

 After she’s released from jail, Matilda learns it’ll take legendary discipline, courage, and character to her rebuild her life. Can a lady get back up? Or has she taken her last dive off the stage of life?

You can pick up The Legendary Mad Matilda along with the two previous novels in the Spinsterella Trilogy Spinsterella and Spellbound at Online booksellers today!


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