Monday, October 2, 2017

Shawn Roasts Marvel’s Racist SJW Inhumans

I took a moment to watch ABC’s new Inhumans series last Friday. And it’s just as bad as everyone says it is. I thought Marvel studios was in trouble after seeing the dreadful back six of Luke Cage, Netflix’s horrible Iron Fist, the wretched Spider-Man: Homeciming and Netflix’s awful Defenders series.  However, Inhumans shows me how much worse things are getting at Marvel Studios. If they keep putting out crap like this, the nails are going to be put in the Marvel Studios coffin sooner rather than later.

Just like Spider-Man: Homecoming Marvel’s Inhumans decides to make compromises and take liberties with the source material. And those liberties they take with the Royal Family of Attilan make for an absolutely unwatchable show.  

Marvel executives mistakenly believed that the Inhumans would be the next X-men, unfortunately this show has NONE of the elements that made the X-men relatable to readers for generations. The X-men were regular joes like you and me. They’re on the ground. They go to school like any other kid. They’re different. Just like the outsider kids who sit in the back of the cafeteria like the punks and the Goths, and the other people the world calls freaks. They want everyone to know they’re people and they just want to be left alone to be themselves do their own thing.

The Inhumans on the other hand are like geeks. And they exhibit the worst traits of Geeks and geek culture. They think they’re smarter than everyone else. They think they’re better than everyone else. They’re a bunch of elitists who walked away from humanity to form their own little perfect society on the moon. It’s hard for a Joe average viewer like myself to relate to a group of people who act like a bunch of assholes from minute one. I almost rooted for Maximus until he started Simpin on Medusa during his coup. That showed me that there wasn’t one redeemable person on this show.

What adds insult to injury is the fact that no one on this show looks like the Inhumans in the comics. No one acts like the Inhumans in the comics. And there isn’t a single soul on this show you can relate to or identify with. Instead of us getting an action packed show that’s as entertaining as the recently cancelled Agent Carter, Inhumans is a by the numbers formula show with flat characters and no plot.

Black Bolt has been named King of the Inhumans and Maximus has led a coup to overthrow him. And over the course of two hours he overthrows the Royal family who are teleported to safety by Lockjaw on Hawaii’ s islands. Only he teleports them to different places. So everyone is Lost and trying to find each other.


Seriously, Kevin Fiege needs to fire the head writer of this show. He FUBAR’D Iron Fist and now he’s fist fucked the Inhumans in the ass.  his guy has dropped the quality bar at Marvel studios in the shitter and his career in making superhero shows needs to be OVER ASAP.

Unlike previous Marvel Studios projects, Inhumans doesn’t doesn’t feel like a comic book come to life. It doesn’t even feel like a prime-time TV show like CW’s Arrow or Supergirl. If anythin it feels like a shitty syndicated 1990’s superhero show like Night Man, Sheena, or Adventures of Sinbad.

Man, the bar for Marvel Studios has fallen so low to the ground it’s getting ready to touch DC’s bar for cinematic quality.

Damn. Just Damn.

What really makes me sad about Marvel’s Inhumans is the confirmation that the SJW poison that has infected Marvel’s publishing division has now corrupted Marvel Studios. First Spider-Man: Homecoming was filled with shoehorned diversity that disrupted its flow, and now Marvel’s Inhumans has been corrupted by that same SJW plague. Black Bolt and Medusa and her sister Crystal are White, But we get an Asian Karnak and a Black Gorgon because…Diversity.

I love how all the lead characters are white, but the characters under them are minorities. In their passive-aggressive attempts at diversity these SJWs just shows me White Supremacist they truly are. 


What really pisses me off is that in this SJW attempt at diversity is the racism we clearly see in the stereotypes presented on the so-called “Diversity” characters. Karnak is Asian because Asians are supposed to be smart. And Gorgon is Black because Black guys are supposed to be strong and angry. And since Negroes are savages they can have hooves like Gorgon does.

FUCK YOU Marvel Studios. FUCK YOU.

Y’know what’s sad? On Agent Carter Season 2 we had Howard Stark, and Peggy Carter working with a Black scientist in Season 2. And that Black guy was presented on the same level as Howard Stark and as a love interest for Peggy. An actual picture of diversity in The Golden Age of Comics, one of the most racist periods in comic book history.

But thanks to racist fanboys, and racist Disney, ABC wouldn’t show a Negro swirlin’ it up with Steve Rogers’ sexual fantasy before he could wake up out of the ice and get him a taste of the atomic waste in them Peggy’s golden age granny panties. So he got emasculated in the same way James Olsen and Finn were on Supergirl and Star Wars: The Force Awakens.

And to add insult to injury, Agent Carter, one of the BEST ABC superhero shows was cancelled at the end of last season. And instead of a fun look at Marvel’s Golden Age, we get this shit show calling itself Inhumans as a consolation prize.

Again, FUCK YOU Marvel Studios. FUCK YOU.

Marvel’s Inhumans is nowhere near the level of Agent Carter in terms of writing, characterizations, costumes, or set design. It’s a sloppy forced together show that makes many of Greg Berlanti’s shows look like Marvel Studios movies. It’s one of the worst things to ever come out of Marvel Studios.

I said in numerous blogs and videos that Marvel Studios was in trouble. And clearly the brand is in decline based on what I’ve been seeing coming down the pipe since Diamondback shot Luke Cage with a Judas bullet. Since then we’ve gotten films and TV shows that are a complete betrayal of what Marvel Studios used to stand for, adaptations that made every effort to stay true to the source material and capture the spirit of what a Marvel Comic was onscreen. If things get any worse for Marvel Studios, we may need to call an undertaker for the Superhero movie and TV genre sooner rather than later.  

If you want to see the REAL Inhumans, pick up 1994 Fantastic Four cartoon on DVD and wach the 2-part episode that features them in Season 2. Those 2 episodes blow the doors off this dreadful TV series adaptation.


  1. There are people who say that Indigo on Supergirl's a ripoff of X-Men's Mystique: red hair, (nearly naked) blue skin.

  2. You seriously think that Agent Carter is a good superhero TV show? That's a laugh and a half. It's boring and trashy as hell.

    1. Agent Carter was WAY better than Supergirl and Inhumans. At least it told a story without ramming Identity politics down my throat.

  3. Shawn, you would be disappointed about what happened with X-Men in comic books, if you didn’t already know. I liked older comics where characters like McCoy had non superhuman friends and such, but more recently they are a superhuman commune, which worries me, because it feels a lot like The Inhumans. Maybe you could argue that X-Men live in the real world after school, but I don’t see that much.
