Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Halle Berry's DISGRACEFUL Return To The Black Community

Actress Halle Berry recently made an appearance at the Essence Festival to promote her movie Kidnap. And while she was there she made several disingenuous statements about how she was so concerned about the issues of Black actresses, the lack of opportunities for Black actresses, and the low pay Black actresses receive in Hollywood. This chick is full of shit a toilet bowl gets jealous. 

I find it funny how Halle Berry is so concerned about the issues of Black actresses now that her star has faded with White Hollywood. She wasn’t worried about the issues of Black actresses back in 2001 when Lee Daniels was paying her $1 million for starring in Monster’s Ball, the film that destroyed the image of the Black woman. Nor was she concerned about the low pay or lack of opportunities for other Black actresses when she was being paid $10-$15 million a picture for films like Gothika, Die Another Day, and Catwoman by White Hollywood.

I wonder how concerned Halle was about the issues of Black actresses and Black people when she threw the Black community under the bus by bashing up Eric Benet in her divorce, saying things like she “Tried” Black men in the pages of Ebony Magazine, and flaunted White men like Gabriel Aubry and Oliver Martinez in the faces of Black people. Back then she didn’t seem too concerned about the struggles talented Black actresses like Tia Mowry, Salli Richardson Whitfield, Kimberly Elise, and many other sistas who could have gotten a boost from playing a supporting role in one of her films. Nor was she concerned about Black directors like Ava Duvernay who were trying to uplift the image of the Black woman. Halle could have easily used her A-list star power to help any of those sistas take their projects or their careers to the next level.

But she didn’t. After Halle won her Oscar it was all About TEH HALLE. How many doors did that Oscar open for you and other Black women Halle?

The same amount you closed in the faces of all those sistas behind you once you got yours. Now that you can’t play the role of the Jezebel for White men anymore and you’re too light to play Mammies, you’re so concerned about the struggles of Black actresses.

Fuck You Halle. Fuck You.

You only want to be “Black” and be around Black people when it benefits you, not when you can do something for other Black people. Piss off.

If Halle Berry had reached back for a single Black actress, worked with an indie Black director like Ava Duvernay, or a helped Black screenwriter like myself get their script greenlit after that 2002 Oscar win her appearance at the Essence festival would mean something and her words would have resonance with Black people. As they stand right now they’re just bullshit. Now that she’s a washed up 50-year-old single mother with two kids by two different White fathers, she’s not worried about the lack of opportunities for Black actresses, she’s worried about the lack of opportunities for herself. In her old age she sees that her Oscar has no value to White people anymore. And now, she’s looking to go back to the Black community to get a few slices of bread from Black people’s tables.

And because many Black men are a bunch of dumbass SIMPS she thinks she can get it from them. Broken down old Halle Berry knows that because many Negro men are thirsty and have ABSOLUTELY NO STANDARDS they’ll accept a 50-year Bustdown baby momma with two kids by two different White fathers just because they think she’s light skinned and pretty like in her old magazine pictures from the 1990’s.

And because Black women have absolutely no moral position they’ll accept Halle Berry back in their community as a fellow Sista because they want to keep getting a pass to continue getting away with all the irresponsible, reckless, and immoral behavior Halle legitimized as social norms over the last 15 years. If they let Halle come Back and be a Black woman in the Black community, then they can cement whoredom as a social standard for Black women and not make any efforts to raise the bar for moral standards out of the dirt Halle dropped it in.

Thanks to Halle Berry participating in Monster’s Ball the that bar for Black women’s moral standards is buried so deep beneath the earth’s crust it’s right at the molten core right next to the self-esteem of the Black woman. All those ass models in magazines like King and Smooth and pointing their butts up for a camera on Instagram? All those Twerk videos on YouTube? All those fight videos in fast food restaurants between Black women? Those porn websites like Ghetto Gaggers where White men humiliate Black women and call them the N-Word? All those reality shows like Love & Hip-Hop, Basketball wives and Real Housewives? All those TV shows like Scandal where Black women play the role of a side piece to a White man? All those Swirlers online praising White, Asian, Hispanic and Arab men as better than Black men?

You can thank Halle Berry for all that. That’s her legacy. That’s what she’ll be remembered for years from now. Driving the image of the Black woman straight into the GUTTER and corrupting the minds of a generation of young sistas to devalue and degrade themselves and hate their own men.

However, Essence Magazine celebrates this woman as some sort of hero at their Festival. Showing us how much the moral position of Black women has declined over the last 15 years. An unrepentant sellout betrays the Black community. And Black women embrace this harlot without holding her accountable for anything she’s done.

Damn. Just Damn.

The old African Proverb says “A Race can rise no higher than the moral position of its women.” And I see how low the moral position of Black women is when they accept someone who is as disgraceful as Halle Berry back into their community. In any other community a traitor like Halle Berry would be shown the door. But because Black people have no standards for anything, they accept her with open arms. Showing the world the reason why no one needs to respect Black people. Because Black people have no respect for themselves.  


  1. I totally understand your frustration. There's a lot of blacks who leave us high and dry to rub elbows with whites, and soon as their "massa" wants nothing to do them anymore, they want to come running back to us. I say to them, "Stay your a**es over there with them." We're good.

  2. Halle Berry isn't black, she's biracial as are most of the women you mentioned in your article. To be black both of your parents have to be authentically black. That means dark-brown to jet-black in complexion!!
