Monday, May 1, 2017

The Legend of Mad Matilda News

Okay, I haven’t written a blog in a week. And that’s because I’ve been busy.

For the past week I’ve been pushing towards finishing the first draft of the Legend of Mad Matilda manuscript. I started this manuscript in February and for the last few months I’ve been writing a chapter to two chapters a day.  I finally finished the first draft a few days ago.

This book has been a LOT of work. Getting facts right, Getting dates right. Finding the right songs to fit a scene, Brushing up on 1990’s history. Brushing up on 1990’s Goth history. I felt like I was going crazy for a minute.

Note to readers: Don’t EVER try to write a trilogy backwards. You’ll save yourself YEARS of grief.

The Legend of Mad Matilda is designed to be the bridge book between Spellbound and Spinsterella, and answer a bunch of questions that weren’t answered in Spellbound and Spinsterella. Legend of Mad Matilda features Matilda in her Goth prime as she transitions from the club scene to corporate America. Set in 1995-1996, it’s a story set during the roughest year for many young people, senior year in college and the year after college graduation. During that time people are trying to find out what direction they’re going to go in and what they want to do with the rest of their lives.

In Spinsterella, Matilda describes the last days of the Mad Matilda era as the worst period of her life. And it’s the worst period of her life because like many young adults who finish college she’s trying to figure out who she’s going to be. I always saw people’s early 20s as a dark period because you’re out of college and you’re trying to figure out who you are and what you want to do. It’s during this period someone starts to put off the things of adolescence and start being an adult.

And as Matilda tries to figure out who she is, she’s pondering what role she’ll not only play in life but in the Goth Subculture. While The Black Widow was Matilda’s babybat phase as a Goth, Mad Matilda is the adolescent phase of Matilda’s role in the Goth Subculture. As Mad Matilda she’s got big dreams and big plans. Readers will learn all the reasons why those plans got derailed and how she wound up becoming Spinsterella.

The Legend of Mad Matilda will be the final book in the Spinsterella trilogy. I’m gonna be starting edits soon, so this book may be out….sometime. I have a cover concept that I’d love to see rendered professionally by an artist like Josh Howard or Bill Walko, but…Money. There’s still a lot I have to do before I have a book ready for publication, but this is gonna be the DARKEST book in the Spinsterella trilogy.

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