Thursday, March 31, 2016

DC Comics Rebirth is Just a Re-Hash of the New 52

Comic fans were promised something new and different with DC Comics Rebirth. A relaunch, not a reboot.

Unfortunately all they’re getting is more of the same. I wonder when are comic fans going to stop falling for the okie-doke?

No, DC Comics Rebirth is not a reboot. No, it’s just a Re-hash of the New 52 Basically DC’s editors are just putting lipstick on a pig and calling it salmon. Throwing up yet another middle finger at DC Comic fans.

Yeah, the original Superman is Back. But he’s in the New 52 Universe. Along with the New 52 Superman who will be Clark Kent. And we get a whole host of characters like New 52 Black Kid Flash in Wally’s classic costume shoehorned into the New 52 Universe. And more new costumes.

Again, lipstick on a pig’s asshole. Same shit, different day.

And sadly many comic fans are ready to plant a kiss on those pig’s ass cheeks. Not understanding how DC Comics continues to shit on them.

DC Comics editorial says they want to change. That they understand how they’ve alienated comic fans and in the face of all the losses. That they want to reconnect with comic fans.

But it’s clear they JUST DON’T GET IT.

Giving readers the exact same universe with the a few old characters sprinkled in with some new number one issues is just another SLAP in the face. Proving nothing will change at DC until there is an end of the Didio Era or DC goes bankrupt, whichever comes first.

What DC’s Editors are doing is no different than an abusive husband does when he beats up his wife. After he finishes beating the shit out of her he says he’s “sorry” and offers her “apology gifts” like jewelry or expensive clothes. After She accepts the gifts and the co-dependent cycle continues.

Dan Didio, Jim Lee and DC’s editorial team continue to beat up on comic fans by pushing their New 52 Universe down their throats. Then when they walk away for five years and DC starts losing money and market share they offer DC fans the Original Superman and a couple of characters as an “apology gift” for the disaster known as the New 52 Universe.

An attempt to get DC Fans to return to the co-dependent relationship they had with his dysfunctional DC Comics.

I’m hoping many comic fans don’t take the apology bait and buy those new #1 issues that are a part of DC Comics Re-hash. Because all that’s going to do is enable DC to remain a dysfunctional and damaged brand. The more comics readers buy the more co-dependent they become. And life is too short to allow anyone to abuse you.  

If DC’s editorial can’t respect comic fans then they don’t deserve their money. Simple as that. Create products the customer wants and the customers will come back.

DC Comic fans have said from day one all they want is their CLASSIC DC Universe back. And they should accept no substitutions. Vote with your wallet and let DC’s Rebirth be stillborn at the first issue. Comic fans, you deserve BETTER than what DC has to offer.


  1. Right on Shawn. I walked away from DC somewhere around 2006. I'll still buy the occasional back issue of a DC Comic, but anything after about 2004 I avoid like the plague.

  2. I will occasionally pick up a trade paperback of the pre52. But I will only purchase them at Goodwill or Savers, so that my money will go to help someone in need, not DC.

  3. Re-hash? Funny thing is at least you saw black heroes in New 52. Rebirth? We have Fake Wally West, Duke Thomas, John Stewart & Cyborg. Plus a black nerd in Supergirl who looks like Static. Not one black female. It has long past time for Dan and friends to go.

    1. There's a Black female Huntress. But all of these characters are just tokens. Not fully developed characters.

      It was time for Dan and friends to go way back before Identity Crisis. When he proposed a rape he should have been fired then.

  4. I have had a few things of the New 52, I am not going to lie. But like before the New 52, it once again is bogged down with Crossover Events. However, what's funny to me is that what I liked most about DC has not even been it's canon books, but the Elseworlds or alternate universe stories, because they often do what isn't done in the regular titles.

  5. I suspect that Didio, Lee, and Johns were forced to create the New 52 by the leadership (Jeff Rubinov, in particular) of Warner Bros. to create dark and gloomy characters (that Rubinov liked after seeing Batman Begins) for a cinematic universe. That being said, I can't stand Didio and Lee and have lost a lot of respect for Johns. I haven't purchased a DC Comic since August 2011 and (at my age, 56) probably never will again short of back issues through my LCSG. Convergence was just another tease to older fans to gain their interest then crush their spirits by pulling Rebirth. I didn't buy into it (pun intended).

  6. I suspect that Didio, Lee, and Johns were forced to create the New 52 by the leadership (Jeff Rubinov, in particular) of Warner Bros. to create dark and gloomy characters (that Rubinov liked after seeing Batman Begins) for a cinematic universe. That being said, I can't stand Didio and Lee and have lost a lot of respect for Johns. I haven't purchased a DC Comic since August 2011 and (at my age, 56) probably never will again short of back issues through my LCSG. Convergence was just another tease to older fans to gain their interest then crush their spirits by pulling Rebirth. I didn't buy into it (pun intended).
