Monday, February 23, 2015

Isis/E'steem Kickstarter 2015

The Isis E'steem Kickstarter starts this week! You can donate to the Isis/E'steem Kickstarter here:

The Isis series is action packed fantasy fiction featuring the Egyptian goddess next door. Isis series books and eBooks have a growing international audience and have been sold to readers in the US, Canada, the UK, France, Italy, Germany and as far as Australia and Japan.

Unfortunately, most people judge books by their covers. Most of my covers look like this:

But I'd like them to look like this: 

 And one of the things that keeps the Isis series from building a larger international audience among readers are the covers. Because I’ve been out of work for several years I’m usually forced to draw the covers myself. A cover by a professional artist like the one featured on Isis: Wrath of the Cybergoddess will help me make a powerful first impression on a growing audience of customers all over the world.

For 2015 I’m planning a crossover event between the Isis series and the E’steem series. The story starts in Isis: Night of the Vampires and ends in E’steem: Undercover. And to kick off the event I really need to have a pair of strong book covers to leave that lasting impression on prospective readers and readers of both series.

To pay a professional artist to design both covers in this crossover event I’d need to raise a minimum of $1000. That $1000 would be used to pay the artist for designing and coloring both of the covers for both Isis: Night of the Vampires and E’steem: Undercover. If I can raise more than the $1000 I’ll try to pay for some interior art.

The rewards to donors on this project include:

For a $20 donation a donor will receive:
An autographed copy of Isis: Night of the Vampires OR E’steem Undercover featuring the new cover art.

For a $50 donation a donor will receive:
An autographed copy of BOTH Isis: Night of the Vampires AND E’steem: Undercover featuring the new cover art.  

For a $100 donation a donor will receive:

All the paperback editions of the books in the Isis series so far.
*      Isis: Trial of the Goddess
*      Isis
*      Isis: Amari’s Revenge
*      Isis: The Ultimate Fight
*      Isis: The Beauty Myth
*      Isis: My Sister, My Frenemy
*      Isis: All About The Goddess
*      Isis: Wrath of the Cybergoddess
*      Isis: Power of the Princess

With your help we can get this project Kickstarted and take the Isis series to the next level! 

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