Monday, November 24, 2014

Bill Cosby, The Big Black Brute

Several White Women have come out and alleged that Legendary Black comedian Bill Cosby raped them over 30 years ago. In less than a week, Mr. Cosby has gone from America’s Dad to AmeriKKKa’s latest Black Brute.

I’m going to go on record saying I don’t believe any of these White women. Why? Because their actions do not fit within the historical pattern of AmeriKKKA regarding rape and sexual assaults committed by Black men.

Protecting the chastity of White women in AmeriKKKa is one of the cornerstones of White Supremacy. White racists burned down entire Black towns such as Black Wall Street and Rosewood over allegations of Black men raping White women. Thousands of Black men were lynched and jailed over unsubstantiated allegations of raping White women from the 1880s to the 1960s.

With that history of violence and terrorism we’re supposed to believe these same White racists and White Supremacists are going to let the rape of over a dozen White women slide because Bill Cosby makes them laugh?


I do not believe for one minute the children of the same White Supremacists and racists who tortured, castrated, and murdered Emmitt Till for just whistling at a White Woman would have given Bill Cosby a pass for slipping a roofie in the drink of several White women and raping them.

No, the historically consistent action of White men on hearing about these allegations of rape would be to make every effort lynch Bill Cosby the same way they did Emmitt Till. And they would lynched him 30 years ago when he was accused of assaulting the FIRST White Woman.

Whenever there’s a Black Brute about, White Supremacy has always made every effort to put him down no matter his position in society. When Desiree Washington made rape allegations were made against Mike Tyson in 1990, prosecutors made every effort to arrest and charge him with rape as soon as possible.

And when OJ Simpson’s ex-wife Nicole Brown Simpson and her Friend Ron Goldman were murdered, Los Angeles prosecutors did not look for any other suspects. They went right after Orenthal James Simpson and filed charges against him within days of the murder.

Tyson was at the apex of his careers in 1990 when Desiree Washington accused him of rape. Former football icon OJ Simpson was still a popular movie and TV star in 1994 when he was accused of murdering his ex-wife Nicole Brown and Ron Goldman. But supposedly from 1970’s to 1984 around the Apex of Bill Cosby’s career prosecutors in several states say they can’t bring charges against him.

Seriously, one of the most prominent men in Black America acts like a Black Brute and proves everything White Supremacy says about Black men being true and we’re supposed to believe that White Prosecutors in several states across AmeriKKKa are going to do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING?

If you believe this I have a bridge I want to sell you.

Prosecutors LOVE cases like this. Because these are the kinds of cases that make their CAREERS. It’s these kinds of cases that cement their chances at becoming judges and plans to run for higher political offices like Attorney General, Mayor and Governor. Some even use them to go for offices like Senator and Congressman.  Taking down Bill Cosby for raping a White woman would have made a prosecutor into one of AmeriKKKa’s greatest heroes.

The only time when rape cases against White Women aren’t prosecuted are when they’re against rich Jews. How many years has Woody Allen been molesting Soon-Yi and Dylan? That pedophiliac piece of shit has gone on for over 30 years with impunity in the land of the free and the home of the brave. It seems the only person who can give Woody Allen Justice is God Himself. If there’s a reserved place in Hell for anyone it’s Woody Allen.

Seriously, when celebrity White women like Janice Dickinson are making sexual assault allegations against a prominent Black man like Bill Cosby, White Supremacists are going to make every effort to capitalize on the opportunity to tarnish his image and destroy him. Dickinson was a top supermodel in the 1970’s and 1980s, and a case featuring her as Bill Cosby’s accuser would have made the papers all over the world back then. It would have been the Trial of the Century before the alleged Trial of the Century, the OJ Simpson farce.

What’s highly illogical about this situation is that most of these women who say they were raped by Cosby continued to have a relationship with him. Hoping, wishing and praying that he’d make them a star. Now rape is a horrible crime. And most women regardless of race who have been violated this way by a man want NOTHING to do with their attacker. The only places they want to see him is either dead or behind bars.

Some women like Barbara Bowman women claim that no one would believe them. But it seems extremely inconsistent and out of character for a rape or a sexual assault victim to continue to be mentored and have a consensual sexual relationship with their attacker after being violated. Some victims even claim to have came back to allow themselves to be assaulted several times. Others said they stayed in the room and continued to converse with Cosby after he allegedly tried to sexually assault them. Again, out of character and inconsistent with the actions of most rape victims.

In many of the cases Prosecutors claim they didn’t have enough evidence. But throughout the Jim Crow period in AmeriKKKa all a White woman has to do is accuse a Black man of rape and he would be lynched.

And in modern times, he’d be put in jail for the rest of the life based on just her word. It didn’t matter if he were Jack Johnson, Brian Banks, OJ Simpson, Mike Tyson or Bill Cosby. A Black Brute is a nigger that is ALWAYS put down by White Supremacy. 

What happened here sounds like most of these White women have sour grapes about being screwed on Hollywood’s infamous casting couch. Listening to many of the stories from most of these victims it seems many sucked on Mr. Cosby’s pudding pop in the hopes of getting on the fast track to fame in Hollywood. But after they had their one-night stand with the stand up comic they got stood up when it was time to do business.

Par for the course in Hollywood. It’s happened to many an 18 or 19 year-old girl who got off the Greyhound bus on 7th Street or who stepped off the coach section of a redeye flight at Bob Hope International Airport. Oftentimes these girls would meet a star at the waitress, sales, or reception job they worked at. Then they’d hook after hours at his hotel or his house. The morning after letting him get his leg over, they’d think they’d have a leg up on a shot at stardom.

But when he threw them out like the morning trash they’d realize all they were was a piece of fresh ass for established stars like Bill Cosby to stick the chocolate pudding pop in the cherry pie while they mugged into an orgasm. It was usually a painful lesson a girl learned as she took the walk of shame to the D-Agent in the Valley and kept working their way through shitty waiter and reception jobs while going out on auditions.

The truth is that beautiful White women are a dime a dozen in Hollywood. And most who come to L.A looking for a career in entertainment think their vaginas will give them an edge in competing with all the other wannabe actresses. Unfortunately, most of the White women wind up disappointed when they realize that the pussy that gave them leverage with the Simps in Spokane has no value to the most prominent and the powerful in Hollywood like Bill Cosby. For most established celebrities they are just another jump-off.

At the worst it sounds like Bill Cosby was dipping his chocolate pudding pop in the vanilla bowl for some Chocolate/Vanilla Swirl action. Having some White pussy on the side. The same thing Tiger Woods was doing a few years ago. What he was doing was immoral, not illegal.

And an opportunist crab-in-the bucket coon comedian like Hannibal Buress is looking to get his 15 minutes of fame by tearing down Bill Cosby. As the late Khalid Muhammad said “There’s always a buckdancin’ boot lickin’ Uncle Tom ready to do the White man’s dirty work.” And that’s what we have here by Hannibal Buress in his attempt to defame Mr. Cosby.   

From what I see the only reason these allegations are coming to surface and becoming national news is because the White Liberals who made Mr. Cosby an icon don’t like the message he’s been preaching as of late. You know the Come on People, Black people need to get their shit together message. That message of doing for self runs counter to the White Liberal’s view of Black people as poor miserable and needing the help of a Great White Savior.

Since Cosby’s views no longer fit within the White Liberal’s narrative he can no longer be AmeriKKKa’s Dad. And now instead of being the paragon of what the ideal Black man is, now he’s just another Black Brute. Another violent savage looking for a white woman to rape. Another nigger they need protect the world from. Another nigger they need to put down.

What’s happening to Bill Cosby is just another high-tech lynching. When a prominent Black man like OJ Simpson or a Bill Cosby is believed to have bitten the hand of the White Liberal that fed them efforts are made to put that Black man in his place. That’s what’s happening to Dr. Bill Cosby now. For all of his doctorates in education, his lifelong career as a Black entertainment icon, Black role model and Jell-O spokesman, he’s just another NIGGER in AmeriKKKa. 


  1. That's so true. I thank you and Harvey for analyzing this instead of jumping on the bandwagon and accusing him of "rape".

    There's a double standard in this country when it comes to Black men accused of crimes against women. Nonblack men can get away with abusing and murdering women. Robert Blake, Woody Allen, Johnny Carson comes to mind immediately. Bill Clinton and JFK did the same thing and got away with it scot-free. This won't go away as long as WS is alive in America.

    La Reyna

  2. Have to agree with you S.Baldwin. As long as WS is the standard in America this kind of demonization of Black men won't go away.

    I had to deconstruct and analyze this in the context of history. And when you look at the bigger picture it's clear that there was no rape.

  3. I have been reading your blog for the past few days and all I have to say is thank you for everything you've done.

    After reading your ebooks on Simpn' and Manginas I came to the conclusion that I was the unholy union of both. I had always wondered what I was doing wrong when it came to my relationships with women and people in general, but it I eventually discovered that I was the product of a Single Mother household. Thanks to the insight I received from your books, I am now on the path to becoming a fully-fledged Real Man.

    I also appreciate your no-holds-barred opinions on the state of African people in America. It helps to remind me that we as African people should build our own communities and stop our current position of co-dependence on the abusive system of white supremacy.

    I founded an organization known as the African-centered Bookstudy. It's purpose is to create a collective identity among African people through the weekly study of our history and culture. I'm bringing this up to let you know that you are not the only one trying to take action to improve our current situation. I know you must feel that way sometimes. I know I do.

    I hope you don't think I'm kissin' your ass or anything, man. It's just that I don't think I would have changed my current path in life without the help of the ebooks you wrote. So once again, thank you. Thank you so much. And don't give up on our people man. We are gods and the laws of the universe will not allow the action of the unjust to continue forever. We will make change come.

  4. Thanks so much for your kind words John. I write these blogs and the Men's issues books to help people. I'm glad to hear that you were able to get help from my writing. That means a lot to me. When I get information that helps me, I try to share it with others in my eBooks and blogs. The more you learn, the more you'll grow and take yourself to the next level.

  5. It's a shame. It's still the same. By these women's allegations, all of Bill Cosby's shows, academic endeavors, all gone. Why? White women, and unfortunately a few Black women who've jumped on the bandwagon, have accused this man of rape. I guess this is their way of getting attention.

  6. Bill Cosby (and Dick Gregory) was on the US government Enemies List since the 60s because of his civil rights activism. His phones were tapped and both he and his wife were subjected to visits from the FBI. I echo the points made and add that if Nixon, who detested him, had even a shred of evidence against him, the FBI would have used it. Today in 2016 there are even more inconsistencies in these accusers' accounts of events. Today, Tyler Kost is in prison because a group of girls made false allegations against him ("dog piling" of accusations as with Michael jackson), this is a pattern set to continue, sadly.
