Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Support Shawn's Kickstarter project!

I just launched a Kickstarter to raise funds to hire an artist to design the paperback and eBook covers for Isis: Wrath of the Cybergoddess.

Anyone who pledges $20 or more will get a FREE autographed copy of the paperback edition of Isis: Wrath of the Cybergoddess when its published.

Anyone who pledges $100 or more will get autographed copies of ALL SIX paperback books in the Modern Isis series and Isis: Wrath of the Cybergoddess. Those donors will receive:
Isis: Trial of the Goddess
Isis: Amari's Revenge
Isis: The Ultimate Fight
Isis: The Beauty Myth
Isis: My Sister, My Frenemy
Isis: All About the Goddess

I really want to take my books to the next level this year, and I've been working hard to improve the quality of my publications. With your help I can hire that professional artist and have a cover that will get the attention readers and get them to give the Isis series a try. Donate $1, $5, $10, or whatever you can, with your help, we can make this project a success!

Again here's the Kickstarter link:


  1. I can help you with the book cover. Tweet me @TRieLLePaccia.

  2. If I can raise the funds, I'll contact you.
