Sunday, February 23, 2014

Venereal Disease In The Bronx- Why Shawn Keeps it in His Pants

I’ve been celibate for the past 25 years. Why? I live in The Bronx.

Having sex with women here in the Bronx is like playing Russian Roulette with your dick. The Bronx leads the nation for herpes, Chlamydia, gonorrhea and HIV.

If a woman says she lives in the Bronx, I’d advise you brothers to go get tested for VD and insist she take a VD test too. Chances are she’s got some sort of venereal disease from having sex with one of these dirty dick dusty dudes that live here.

In fact, last year the zip code next to the one I live in, 10457 had the highest percentage of reported venereal disease cases in the United States.

18 or so years ago Bronx resident NuShawn Williams infected over 25 plus women here with HIV. Looking at the statistics for venereal disease here in The Bronx, I’m starting to see he was the rule, not the exception here.

I don’t know who’s walking around with what around here. That’s why I’ve kept it in my pants over the past two decades. If the Bronx leads the nation in reported venereal disease cases, the unreported number of cases of Bronx residents having venereal diseases and not knowing it must be through the roof.

Even with all the free condoms available, it’s clear to me, most of the sewer crotch women here in The Bronx are letting all sorts of dirty dick dudes go up in them raw. And it’s more clear to me, most of these women residing here in The Bronx won’t tell a man up front they have an incurable disease like Herpes or Genital Warts.

Many of these females with thug boyfriends who went to prison for a bid or a jail term, won’t even acknowledge the possibility that their ex-man or their man has taken a dirty dick in the jawbone or in the ass while they were on that bid or waiting for trial.

Worse, many more men and women don’t even know they’ve been carrying a venereal disease for years. That’s how long they’ve gone without seeing a doctor. Again, if the reported numbers are bad, the unreported numbers for venereal disease have to be worse.

It’s sad day when Porn stars working in California’s San Fernando Valley do a better job taking care of their sexual health than most Bronx residents. It’s also more of a shame that a pornographic actress has cleaner genitals than most of the regular women who live in one of one of the biggest cities in the world. Even more embarrassing is the fact that same pornographic actress knows more about her own sexual health and sexual history considering both women have probably had the same amount of penises inside their vaginas.

If you’re sexually active, you’re supposed to get a blood test for Venereal Diseases and HIV every three to six months. Unfortunately, most Bronx residents have next to no education about sexual health. Many have never been tested for venereal diseases in their entire lives.

 Some say many don’t get tested for Venereal diseases due to a language barrier. Others say they’re ashamed to talk about sex because of their religious beliefs. And many more use these same excuses for not using birth control such as condoms or that would prevent people from being infected with a sexually transmitted disease.

The way I see it, everyone should be educated about sex regardless of language or religion. Everyone needs to be educated on the numerous ways venereal diseases are transmitted. The best way to prevent a venereal disease infection is to educate yourself about sex before you have sex. That way you make the right choices for yourself.

The way I see it, if a woman can’t produce a document from a doctor stating they’re disease free, before going to have sex then there’s no sex going on between a man and that woman. Period. That’s the standard Porn stars have. And it’s the standard more American people need to establish in their personal lives. All this casual sex without standards for health and safety really has to stop.

For the most part the Porn industry has been disease free for the past 20 years. Yes there have been outbreaks here or there, but when they happen, the Porn industry shuts down the entire industry, tests everyone and quarantines those performers. Some like the Milf Hunter Sean Rees used to use condoms when they performed with newcomers to ensure there is no transmission of disease on the sets of their productions.

20 years after NuShawn Williams infected 25+ women with HIV, the Bronx has become the capitol for venereal disease. Sewer crotch Women are giving up pussy to dirty dick dudes and not thinking of the long-term consequences of their actions.

That’s why I decided to stay celibate the last 25 or so years. It’s just safer for me to keep it in my pants these days. No sexual intercourse = No Venereal Diseases. Can’t get any safer than that.

Now I know there’s all this propaganda talking about you can live with a venereal disease. I call bullshit on that. Who wants to live with HIV? Who wants to live with incurable venereal diseases like Genital warts or Herpes? Who wants to go get a prescription like Famvir to deal with Herpes outbreaks every month? Who would want to deal with all those side effects?

For me risking my health isn’t worth ten minutes of pleasure with a jump-off. It’s a better quality of life knowing you have no diseases because you haven’t slept with anyone.

Most people in The Bronx aren’t honest about their sexual histories these days. Most don’t even know what the words sexual history or sexual health even means here in the Bronx.  And since I don’t know who has what it’s better to just keep it in my pants. Who Knows if any of NuShawn Williams jump-off’s are still out there?

The safest sex is no sex. I learned that when I was a teenager way back in Junior High school in 1986. The way I saw it back then, no pussy= No VD. It seems like that was the smartest decision I ever made.

 I saw this VD apocalypse coming way back then. In the time of the AIDS epidemic, Girls as young as 12 and 13 were letting dirty dick dudes go up in them raw just to get a tray of fried rice and chicken wings for dinner. Things have gotten worse over the last 30 years.

And instead of Bronx residents taking more responsibility over their sexual health by practicing safe sex, or even getting tested, they’re acting like it’s the Free Love 1960’s and 1970’s sticking dirty dicks in dirtier vaginas. The smart thing for any critical thinking brotha here in the Bronx is to either move or keep it in his pants. And since I’m broke and out of work, I’m just keeping it in my pants.

Again, brothers, if you live here in The Bronx, you need to go get a blood test for all the venereal diseases out there including HIV. There’s plenty of places to get tested for free. It’s better to know if you have something than not to. Because the faster know you have something, the faster you can put a plan of action in effect to deal with your infection.


  1. Ok, I can understand abstaining because of religious reasons, but saying all women in the Bronx have STD's, that is generalizing people isn't it?. Why not try to date someone from Queens, or Brooklyn, or Staten Island, or Jersey, if you are concerned about Bronx women?. Or, how about wearing a condom?. Or how about you and your intended partner go to the Health Department together, get tested for HIV, and any other sexual health screenings, and then go from there?. I think you may be asexual and just do not realize it.

  2. Deflections, Deflections.
    The article was about The VD rates in the Bronx. No one is generalizing about these females, this is FACT proven in numerous studies and articles. Best way to avoid VD is to keep your dick out of these females.

    Condoms do not protect against HERPES! Nor do they protect against Hep-C or Genital Warts!

    The next article won't be about BRonx girls. Again, The Bronx is the Baby Mama capitol of the world

    Obviously you don't like this page. So why do you keep coming back here? Are you trying to get some pussy points with some female? There's 3.9 Trillion webpages out there, why keep coming back to one you don't like? Is your life that pathetic that you have to keep clicking on my links?

  3. Never said I hate The Bronx. Classic Mangina tactic here putting words in someone's mouth.

    I'm secure enough to see you're insecure that you have to troll other people's pages looking for a fight.

    I write these blogs to inform brothers and sisters about what's going on out here. And the truth is there's a lot of dirty dick dudes like NuShawn Willams out here and hoes who will have sex with him.

    A positive person will tell the truth about these people and try to wake people up to what's going on. That's more than about my books. That's about letting you know the real.

    Obviously you don't want to hear the truth. Go watch Steve Harvey or some shit like that.

  4. I am not sure who you intended the deflections, deflections comments for, but I was actually being sympathetic towards you. I was trying to say that instead of dating Bronx women, you could try to date women from other areas. I just read what you were saying about women from New York, and it is written about people, in several zip codes, not just the Bronx. That is scary, if that is all you have available to date. Why not go to the health dept like I suggested before, you and a woman you start having feelings for, get tested, and then go from there?. What about that can you disagree with?. Research asexual, it could be helpful to you to understand your complete sexual avoidance, it could answer some questions you might have, perhaps.

  5. Sorry if I misinterpreted your comments. There was another commenter who came in with shaming tactics and I had to check them.

    I am not asexual. Nor am I avoiding sex. I am very heterosexual, but here in NYC area you have to watch yourself. Lots of dirty dicks out here and sour pussies.

  6. Shawna,

    you are not asexual. I was the same as you until I discovered the world.

    now I only have sex with foreign women in locales the have low VD rates and brothas are treated with some respect.

    The key: $$$$ .. You have to find a way to make some $$ in order to buy flights, etc....

    Keep your head up.

  7. What do you mean brothas are treated with respect, as if all women in America treat black men with disdain. I for one, love my brothas. As far as going to another country to meet women, how is he going to emigrate to another country without job prospects, or mucho money in the back?. Unlike our country, you can't just show up, and say I wanna live in the UK, or the Netherlands, or most other countries. If you don't believe me, then pick any country you want to live, any country at all, and research the immigration rules. I have lived in London, Seoul South Korea, and Germany, and almost moved to the Netherlands, but changed my mind, because I was homesick for Anerica. You think you have it bad here, you ain't seen nothing!

  8. If Shawn wants to date somebody, I am sure he could find a nice young lady in Connecticut, or DC, there are loads of nice eligible women there, and on the train it would only take maybe 2 hours on the express train. He doesn't have to go to Timbuktu to find someone.

  9. This is a guy so insecure with himself that he always goes for extremes for why he's not employed, sex, and lack of book sales.

    Yikes! Burn.

  10. Someone is projecting.

    If you don't like the content, you can just vote with your mouse. There's three trillion websites out there. You don't have to keep coming back here.

  11. I know some chick in the bx 10457 area knowingly having unprotected sex and she is HIV positive. But everytime I even try to tell anyone I'm labeled as a hater, so I don't even say anything anymore because it's pretty simple the people either don't care or they have the same diseases and do the same thing she does. If they don't have it then they obviously don't care about their life
