Thursday, February 27, 2014

The SILENCE of Michelle Obama

The position of the First Lady of the United States allows a woman to wield a lot of power. From that position many women have launched campaigns to influence the behavior of all Americans.

In the past First Ladies such as Nancy Regan used the position to get kids to Just Say No to illegal drugs and advocate for mammograms. And Hilary Clinton used the position of the First Lady to actively legislate for Healthcare reform, become a two-term U.S. Senator, the Secretary of State of the United States and to launch two campaigns for President.

Michelle Obama in contrast  has has done….NOTHING to wield her power as First Lady. Sure she’s had some superficial campaign to fight obesity, but over the last five years she has not actively used her office to influence the behavior of Black women in America.

Here is the first African-American First Lady with the power to use her position to speak out on serious issues of African-American women and she remains SILENT. What’s disturbing about her silence is that she says NOTHING about the current dysfunctional state of Black women.

In an age where 72 percent of Black women have children out of wedlock Michelle Obama is SILENT.

In an age where 70 percent of Black women are single, Michelle Obama is SILENT.

In an age where Black women lead the nation in HIV/AIDS cases Michelle Obama is SILENT

In an age where Black women lead the nation in venereal disease Michelle Obama is SILENT.

In an age  where Black women lead the nation in abortions Michelle Obama is SILENT.

In an age where Black women have a 60 percent dropout rate from High School, Michelle Obama is SILENT.

In an age where Black women post fight videos on You Tube and World Star Hip Hop Michelle Obama is SILENT.

In an age where the image of the Black woman has been hypersexualized by  entertainers such as Rihanna, Beyonce and Halle Berry, Michelle Obama is SILENT.

In an age where Black girls as young as 8 participate in Twerk videos and post them on YouTube, Michelle Obama is SILENT.

By her ACTIONS Michelle Obama has shown that she co-signs the irresponsible and dysfunctional behavior of the 21st Century Black woman.

Michelle Obama has the power and the position to speak out on a variety of serious issues pertinent to the American Black woman. But instead she remains SILENT.

And by that silence she shows that she co-signs the irresponsible and immoral behavior of Black women throughout the United States.

In an age where the image Black women is TARNISHED Michelle Obama says she wants to be like Beyonce.

Run that through your mind. Here is a College educated lawyer saying she wants to be like an entertainer? An entertainer who sells an oversexualized image of Black womanhood to the masses. What kind of message does that say to young Black girls? What does it say about Michelle Obama?

Michelle Obama has the power to make the issues of Black women  national prominence with the office of the First Lady. But instead of talking about those issues, she chooses to talk about entertainers like Beyonce and Justin Bieber.

Or she chooses to make statements such as saying “She’s a single mother”. Even though she’s married to the President of the United States.

Or she chooses to make statements that she’s hooked on the TV show “Scandal” A show promoting the image of a Black Jezebel.

Good Gravy.

Is our First Black First Lady that shallow? Is she that irresponsible? Does she care about the image of Black women? Does she understand that she represents the image of Black women to the world?

Or does she think that by remaining SILENT like all the other Black women she can get a free pass for her own bad behavior when she leaves the White House?

I never thought I’d see the day when a First Lady would cosign Hood Rat behavior. Nor did I think I’d see the day where a First lady would condone the behavior of Hood Rat Black women in Black communities. But here we are.

I have to wonder if Michelle Obama sips her malt liquor in a glass or does she drink it straight from a bottle with a straw.

It’s sad to see that our elite Black women such as Michelle Obama Halle Berry, Oprah Winfrey who have the power and position to change the TARNISHED image of the Black woman and elevate it doing NOTHING  in an age where the image of the Black women all over the world has been dragged back to the racist stereotypes of Antebellum South. These are the top women in our community and they say NOTHING about the irresponsible and debaucherous behavior Black women participated in over the past decade. 30 years ago many of our prominent sistas would have been doing things FIX the TARNISHED image of Black women if they saw it this way.

But today our most powerful Black women are SILENT as the image of the Black woman is dragged into the sewer.

It’s a sad day when the most powerful Black woman in the world is does not know how to wield the power of her position to influence the masses of sistas out there. To demand Black women do better. To insist Black women raise their standards. To force sistas to get out of the sewer they’ve been in for the past decade by establishing a STANDARD for behavior they can follow.

It’s even sadder when you understand that Michelle Obama’s husband was elected on a platform of Change for America. But the more we look at the Obama White House Change for America just means business as usual for the Black woman. No accountability, no responsibility and no dignity. From the outhouse to the White House the state of the American Black woman is sad and pathetic with no hope for change.

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