Friday, October 4, 2013

Shawn Responds to Commenter This is 8:31- A deconstruction of my points about Halle Berry

There’s a troll calling themselves This is 8:31 or something like that who only comes to comment on blogs I write about Halle Berry. They seem to think I have an issue with White Men dating Black women. And they think I hate Halle Berry because I criticize her for her behavior.

First let’s deal with the issue of Shawn’s opinion of interracial dating:

I could care less who Black women date. If you Sistas want the White Boys go right ahead and date them. Heck, go ahead and marry them. But don’t get upset when things don’t go the way you expected.

You will not get treated like Olivia Pope on Scandal.

If anything, you’ll get treated like Tonya Pinkins in Real Life.

Now there are dozens of Black women married to white dudes and dating them. And I haven't written a thing about them.

Celebrities like Karyn Parsons. She’s been married to a White man for almost 20 years. Never wrote a blog about her.

Tamera Mowry is married to a White Man. I never wrote about her or posted about her except to talk about her new talk show The Real. And there I just wrote about how shallow and ignorant acting the sistas on that show were.

George Lucas is married to a Black woman. I haven’t written a thing about her.

Roger Ebert dated Oprah Winfrey Back in the day. Didn’t write about that either.

Shondra Rhimes is married to a White Man. I only wrote about her in the context of that Scandal Show of hers.

Paula Patton is married to Robin Thicke. I may have mentioned her once in a blog. And I’ve never written about her husband.

Robin Givens dated numerous White Men such as Brad Pitt and Howard Stern She even had kids by a White Man. I never wrote a blog about her.

Kerry Washington, the star of Scandal dated White Men for years. She was even engaged to one.

One of my favorite actresses Salli Richardson used to date was once engaged to Matthew McConeghey, the White man every white woman drools over. Yeah, he liked the chocolate Back in the day. And I wrote an entire blog discussing how much Salli’s work inspired characters in mine.

So that deconstructs the argument regarding my alleged issue with Black women dating White men. If I were to have an issue with interracial relationships with Black women and White men I’d have singled out a dozen other women like Tamera Mowry or Paula Patton and blogged about them. But Shawn has no beef with those sistas.

8:31 also believes I’ve singled out Halle Berry for criticism. Time to deconstruct that argument.

I told Jada Pinkett to shut the fuck up TWICE. Once, for her statement about White Women on the cover of Essence Magazine, and then just a week or two ago when I told her and her stupid ass son Jaden Smith to Shut the Fuck up after he made the statement telling kids to drop out of school. I criticized both because I know their statements would influence the Black community in a negative fashion the same way Biggie Smalls and Tupac’s statements about dropping out of High School in the eighth grade influenced a generation of Black boys to drop out 20 years ago.

And even in the blog where I discuss how Halle Berry tarnished the image of Black women I go as far back as 1988 to Lisa Bonet and Angel Heart. I mentioned Lisa Bonet to show readers how far White Supremacists have gone to destroy the image of Black women.

The only reason I write about Halle Berry is because of her influence on Black women and Black culture. I see the negative impact she has had on Black culture over the past decade and how she has had a hand in steering Black women and girls down the road to becoming Black Jezebels and breathing new life into old stereotypes.

Berry has been used as a tool by White Supremacists to breathe new life into the Jezebel stereotype. Monster’s Ball ushered in a new age of Jezebels, minstrels, coons, and other old racist stereotypes not seen since the 1930’s.

Clearly anyone with a brain can see the influence Monster’s Ball had on Black women over the past decade. Clearly anyone can see how the images of Black women have changed for the WORSE over the past 10 years.

In 2001 Before Monster’s Ball Black women onscreen were depicted as intelligent career women. In 2013 they are scantily clad and sexually promiscuous.

In 2001 before Monster’s Ball Black women like Joan Clayton, Fancy from Jamie Foxx were portrayed onscreen as wanting relationships with Black men. In 2013 after Monster’s Ball they are portrayed as White Man’s Side Pieces and White man’s sex toys like Beyonce, Rihanna and Olivia Pope on Scandal.
Before Monster’s Ball we saw Black Beauty as the norm. After Monster’s Balll we were presented with hypersexualized images of Black women as the norm. Numerous images of Black women could be found on MySpace and Facebook skimpy lingerie trading their dignity for likes and thumbs up, or taking sexy pictures on blogs.

We went from fashionable, dignified and beautiful sistas in Black magazines like Ebony and Essence Who wore clothes that drew us to their faces to Ass models in thongs in magazines like King, Smooth and Straight Stuntin. Even Ebony and Essence got in the exploitative game trading their substance for the flash of a Black woman’s ass.

Before Monster’s Ball We saw the faces of teenage Black girls like Tia and Tamera Mowry on Sister Sister with a focus on getting an education, going to work and going to college.

In 2013 we see Little Black girls as young as 8 and 10 years old are shown shaking their asses and twerkin on YouTube and posing for borderline child porn on Facebook for likes.

All of this is fact. All of this can be substantiated with research. Heck, just look out your window if you live in a Black community.

It’s clear to me that Halle Berry’s participation in Monster’s Ball tarnished the image of Black women. She was clearly used by White Supremacists as a way to bring back the Mammy and the Jezebel stereotype as the idealized image for Black women in AmeriKKKa. With her girl next door looks and seemingly sterling reputation as an A-list starlet, she was seen by many Black women the ideal image for what a Black woman should be. As the role model for a generation of Black women she influenced Black female culture and even white female culture.

 I doubt there’d have been a Kim Kardashian sex tape if it wasn’t for the success of Monster’s Ball. I doubt Montana Fishburne would have done hardcore pornography if Monster’s Ball wasn’t successful. Monster’s Ball rewarded a Black woman with one of the top awards in film not for acting, but for literally having sex with a White Man. Making a statement that Halle Berry is the White Man’s whore.

Why do I write about Halle Berry? Because I see how she negatively influences Black women and Black culture. I see the impact she has had on Sistas over the past 20 years. As a Black man who loves Black women and promotes Black-on-Black love, I cannot stay silent when I see an assault on my community by destructive media created by Madison Avenue and Hollywood.

I live around Hoodrats and ghetto chicks. I see their story outside my window every day. And it’s one that goes like this: Chick hooks up with bum who goes to prison, drops out of school, creates kids and then gets on welfare, raises more kidis who hook up with bums and hoodrats and then they drop out of school, get on welfare or go to prison. And that’s if they aren’t shot and killed by either: Police or each other over Air Jordan tennis shoes, Half-eaten snickers bars or light skinned big butt heffas (taken from 5723 Michael). That’s not a story for a movie.

8:31 may think Halle Playing the crackhead was so great in Jungle fever, but we don’t need more roles like this. I live around crackheads and they’re even more pathetic than in that movie. Scavenging for bottles in garbage cans, begging for change, or selling pussy for less than $5.

The truth is we’ve got enough negative images of Black women out there. That’s why I make the best efforts to create positive images of Black women in my writing like The Thetas, The Isis Series, A Recipe For $ucce$$ or my screenplays All About Marilyn and All About Nikki. I make every effort to present a humanized balanced image of Black womanhood in my work, and this is why I’m so passionate when I write about Black women.

I understand that The Black woman is the transmitter of culture in the Black community, and if she’s teaching her children White supremacy then they don’t learn about Black pride. A generation of Black children in this new millennium are learning that not to love themselves for being Black when they imbibe media like Monster’s Ball, Precious, Something New, The Help, and the Butler. They are learning not to love themselves when they see images of Black women who pursues White men instead of the Black men onscreen. Moreover, they’re learning in this media that Black men are undesirable when he is presented as lazy, incompetent, violent and sexually perverted when compared to the intelligent professional and organized light skinned or white male hero.

And worst of all, they’re learning that if a White man doesn’t approve of them or choose them, they are inferior or that’s something is wrong with them.  When there’s nothing wrong with them at all.

 I want those brothers and sistas to know Black is beautiful, and to be proud of their Blackness. If that offends you 8:31, then you’re the one with a self-hate issue. I criticize Halle Berry based on her actions and I hold her accountable for those actions. Halle Berry has clearly betrayed the Black community and as I see it, does not deserve the support of the Black community. It’s women like this who do harm to Black women and Black children by transmitting the dysfunctional culture of White Supremacy.


  1. Thank you Shawn for writing this piece. That troll got a good taste of the medicine for the audacity to criticize your article about Halle Berry and her impact on Black women in popular culture and the media. Yes, Halle willingly took the role of Jezebel/Bed Wench in white supremacist Hollywood. She set Black women 150 years back. Nobody wants to talk about this but Halle set the tone for Black women, from Beyonce to Lolo Jones. There's a video by Black Truth Forever on the Lolo Jones phenonemon. How the white supremacist media used her as a sexual object. They focus more on her looks than on her tracking career.

    What are your thoughts?


  2. Reading more about Lolo it seems like they'e trying to turn her into a sex object, when it's clear she's more focused on her goals as an athlete.

    But this is how the White supremacist media views Black women. In their eyes all a Black woman is good for is sex. This is why we Black people have to take control over our image and how its represented.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Very good Shawn in your rebuttal with your troll issue. Congrats! KIMF!

  5. OBAMA is Black. Who said he wasnt?? I was referring to people like Mariah Paula and Lolo who have white skin.

  6. Watching the Video on Lolo Jones and it's Lisa Bonet all over again. Little mocha colored Black girl pushed as the next big thing based on sex appeal.

    Then she falls flat and then discarded by the wayside by the White Supremacist machine. She's only been pushed by the media because she's a light skinned Black woman not because of her talent.

  7. Mariah, Lolo, Paula, Halle are all as Black as Barack Obama.

    no they arent just Halle. The others have white skin and long curly hair.

    Now if they weren't Black, Why did they go to BLACK magazines and publications to promote their work FIRST? Why would they go to places like the NAACP image Awards or and other Black programs FIRST? Why do they go to Black media outlets FIRST?

    THATS easy to answer! Because they know they will be dragged and crucified by them if they dont! THEY know blacks are brainwashed by the racist one drop rule. They dont wanna be labeled sell outs. They also know that its super easy to get on the cover of ebony or essence or jet than it is to get on SPORTS illustrated, or VOGUE, or People. They know its super easy to win a BET AWARD or NAACP AWARD vs a GRAMMY or ESPY. You know IM right.

    Why is Paula Patton featured as a star in Baggage Claim, a BLACK movie?

    Because she is also brainwashed into thinking she is black when she isnt. The Black community will embrace anyone who claims to be Black. Thats how delusional they are. If Jennifer Lawrence and her camp released a bullshit story about her having a black grandmother the Black community would eat it up! You would see her on jet magazine and starring in films like baggage claim next.

    And why is Mariah Carey married to Nick Cannon a BLACK MAN?

    AND?? ARE U SERIOUS?? What does that have to do with ANYTHING??!! So because she married a black man she is black??? PAULA is married to a white man or did you forget?? THAT is the silliest thing you have said thus far. Im gonna pretend I never read that.....

    Watching the Video on Lolo Jones and it's Lisa Bonet all over again. Little mocha colored Black girl pushed as the next big thing based on sex appeal.

    mocha colored??

    [falls out of chair laughing] you are so delusional. What is Halle if thats "mocha" colored?? And there you go again with your silly conspiracy theories. Every female athlete with a pinch of sex appeal is thrown in a bikini for a photoshoot. Do u live under a rock?? ANNA Kornikova? Maria Sharapova?? Danica Patrick? Alana Blanchard?? Lindsey Vonn?? Amanda Beard?? They have all done the traditional half naked photoshoot. What does race have to do with it??

    - 8:31

  8. In my first response I was caught up in the surface story of Lolo jones. I was going on the spin of the media around her. But after watching BTF's Video on Lolo Jones I've come to understand how she's a fraud. How they IGNORED two dark skinned GOLD MEDAL winners and pushed this light skinned diva ahead of them in spite of NEVER WINNING A SINGLE MEDAL? Did you not see and read how the White Media demonized their little light skinned darling once she was proven to be a failure? How she's piggybacking on bobsled team just to get a medal?

    if Lolo was dark skinned people would have forgotten about her because she brought home no medals.

    Lolo didn't get on the cover of Sports Illustrated because she won no medals.

    I will state this again. Halle, Barack Obama, Lolo Jones, Paula Patton are all BLACK. in White supremacist AmeriKKKa, a "Biracial" person is BLACK whether they want to be or not.

    If they want to be celebrities, they call themselves BLACK. Otherwise the audience doesn't give a shit about them. Biracials can't sell to White publications and white audiences. But they damn sure make an effort to reach out to Black folks and work in our projects and talk about how Black they are. Why? Because they know Mr. Charlie ain't hiring their asses for no White roles.

    When they call Barack Hussein Obama the president he's known as the FIRST BLACK PRESIDENT. Halle Berry is known as the FIRST BLACK ACTRESS to win a Best actress Oscar. Not the first biracial, but the first BLACK actress.

    I'm done with debating you, no matter how many facts I present to you, all you do is present are emotional responses with no facts. As far as I'm concerned the discussion of this matter is closed.

  9. I'm done with debating you, no matter how many facts I present to you, all you do is present are emotional responses with no facts. As far as I'm concerned the discussion of this matter is closed.


  10. Lolo Jones, Rihanna, Beyonce, and Halle Berry are used and abused in white supremacist America. Multiracials such as Halle, Jennifer Beals, Lolo, Zoe Saldana, Mariah, Erika Harold are regarded as Black in America. Just ask conservatives, white liberal hipster racists, Stormfront folks. MrSuperboy explains it best in his myriad videos that any person of color is more or less considered Black in white supremacist America.

    Are Asians rushing to embrace Kimora, Tiger, Chilli, and Amerie? No.

    Are whites embracing Vin Diesel, Wentworth, the girl in the Cheerios commercial, the Rock, Shemar Moore, Faith Evans, Lonette McKee, Soledad O'Brien, Melissa Harris-Perry? Heck to the no!

    the 831 person is a lost and confused person.


  11. Are Asians rushing to embrace Kimora, Tiger, Chilli, and Amerie? No.

    Are whites embracing Vin Diesel, Wentworth, the girl in the Cheerios commercial, the Rock, Shemar Moore, Faith Evans, Lonette McKee, Soledad O'Brien, Melissa Harris-Perry? Heck to the no!

    what do you mean specifically by "embrace"?? Do you honestly think those celebs only have black fans??

  12. Another derailment from Anon. One-drop rule is still rules America. Even if they're mixed, they're not white.


  13. This comment has been removed by the author.
