Friday, May 5, 2023

John Haynes: 1987 Sample Chapter

Finished final edits on John Haynes: 1987! And I wanted to share a sample chapter of the book with  everyone! 

Chapter 17

I spot the Adam Clayton Powell Jr. building in the distance as the Bx15 bus I’m riding on pulls away from the stop on 125th Street and 5th Avenue. Pop should be finished with the afternoon Soul music mix right about now and ready to take his dinner break. Maybe he’ll have a minute to give me some advice on how to get with Tisha this weekend.

I know I’m risking a lot going on Katrina’s word. But I just got a feeling Tisha gonna be there at the Skate Key tomorrow. The last thing I want to do is be coming across goofy the way John does. I want to be up on game so I can be real smooth when I step to her.

The Bx15 starts to approach Adam Clayton Powell Jr. Boulevard. I hit the stop requested tape, jump out of my seat and hurry over to the back door. As it eases into the stop on Lenox Avenue and the driver opens the front door and passengers get on, the red light comes on to signal the back door release. I push it open and step out onto the sidewalk outside of the tallest building in Harlem.

I rush through the revolving door, reach into my pocket, and get out my ID. After I flash it to the security guards at the desk, I approach the elevator bank and get in one of the cars. When the elevator opens, I get in and press 16. As it ascends to the top of the tower I smile. Pop says all this gone be mine one day. So I gotta be able to handle business when I’m in school.

The elevator stops on the 16th floor. The doors open and I’m greeted with the script WGMS logo in red letters above the reception desk. As I approach the reception desk, Sadie, Pop’s receptionist greets me with a smile. “Hey Scottie, how was school?” Sadie asks.

“It was good Sadie. Where’s Pop?”

“He’s in his office. I’ll let him know you got back from school.”


While Sadie picks up the phone, I rush down the hall and pass by the broadcast booth where DJ Fab Fred is playing the afternoon R&B music mix. As I hear Whitney Houston’s I Wanna Dance With Somebody playing from the speakers in the ceiling, I make a right and approach the Pop’s office at the end of the hall. When I step in the doorway, I see Pop sitting at his desk. The slender caramel colored man wearing a tailored navy blue suit, white shirt and a yellow tie turns away from his computer to greet me with a smile. “Hey Scottie, how was school?” He asks jumping out of his office chair.

“Just counting down the days until graduation Pop.” I say dropping my backpack on the floor and flopping on the vinyl sofa. “The Principal had an assembly talking about she gonna suspend anybody who starts trouble.”

Pop rushes around his desk and has a seat across from me. “Well, you ain’t got to worry about that.” He says. “You gonna be out of them public schools in two weeks.”

I huff a sigh when I hear his plans for me. “Do you have to put me in that private school?” I sigh.

“Safest place for you Scott.” Dad says meeting my eyes.

“But all my boys are going to Brandeis-”

“Scott, if you want to take my place you gotta get a good education. And you ain’t gonna get that in these public high schools with all them hoodlums.”

Guess I gotta make sacrifices if I want to take over WGMS when I get older. “Yeah, but my social life is gonna suffer-”

“It ain’t gonna be as bad as you think. “You got a date for the prom yet?”

“I’m thinking about asking Tisha McRyan in 8B1.”

Pop raises an eyebrow when he hears who I’m planning asking to the prom. “Ain’t that the British girl you say is with that John fella you say is so crazy?”

She ain’t gonna be his girl if I get my chance with her. “I heard they might be breaking up.”

Heard they breaking up or are you trying to break them up?” Pop says giving me a look.

“Pop, she not really his girl.” I plead. “He hasn’t even kissed her-”

Pop scowls at me. “Boy, I ain’t raise you to be doing no dirty macking-”

“But Pop, she’s the flyest girl in school. I got to make her my queen for the prom-”

Pop shakes his head. “Boy, you don’t want to mess with another man’s girl-”

“I thought all was fair in love and war-”

“It ain’t gonna be fair to you.”

“How? I just want to take Tisha to the prom-”

“Scott, I know you want to make her your queen, but you gotta be careful about who you give a crown to.”

“You think John will want to fight me over her?”

Pop gives me an earnest look. “I think she may hurt you over him.”

“How’s she gonna hurt me?"

“Scott, girls get in they feelings for a guy they like. And them feelings just don’t go away like that.”

Doesn’t look like she has feelings for John if she’s having problems with him. “Tisha says she wants to meet with me at the Skate Key tomorrow. Can I go?”

Dad grimaces after hearing my request. “Yeah, you can go. But you better watch yourself with that girl.”

“I’ma keep my eyes open.”

“I hope so. Last thing I want to see you do is wind up in a mess of trouble that keeps you from going to the prom.”

You can Pre-order your Kindle copy of  John Haynes: 1987 today! Or you can get the paperback on May 26! 

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