Friday, August 16, 2019

The Black Man's Survival Guide Sample Chapter

I've been busy working on books, making videos and livestreams. And I've been busy writing and editing four projects on the 2020 SJS DIRECT catalog. So I haven't had much time to write blogs.

One of the projects I'm working on is The Black Man's Survival Guide.  After seeing many young brothers like Bakari Henderson lose their lives and others like Albert Wilson wind up in prison on false rape charges I realized that Black boys and young Black men aren't being taught the unwritten social rules Black men need to follow living in a White Supremacist world. 

 I'm hoping the book can help young brothers plan a course of survival in a world that hates them and possibly save some lives.   I'm working hard to get this book done and I hope to have it done in early 2020. 

Chapter 3
Unwritten Social Rules For Black Male Survival.

How do Black men survive in a world that sees them as an enemy? By having a protocol for navigating hostile territory.
During slavery and Jim Crow, Black men understood there was a target on their backs from overseers and slave masters. And in order to survive the oppression and terrorism they encountered, they developed a set of rules to follow so they could live to see the next day.
Because many of the emancipated slaves couldn’t read or write they weren’t able to write down this protocol. Instead they taught these rules to their sons orally. And with the oppression they faced daily, many Black men realized it was better to keep their rules for engaging and interacting with Whites and nonblacks oral so that White racists and their supporters couldn’t find out their code and make plans to thwart it.
These Unwritten social rules for Black male survival were passed on from father to son from generation to generation. And as the generations passed from slavery to Jim Crow To the Civil Rights Era Black men added more unwritten social rules to this code to so they could adapt to the times and avoid the pitfalls and traps racists set up to destroy their lives.
However, as Black men transitioned from the Civil Rights Era to today they weren’t able to pass these unwritten social rules for survival to their sons. As Black women got involved with the feminist movement and the welfare state they prevented their sons from having relationships with their fathers. And because those boys didn’t have that relationship with their fathers they weren’t able to learn these unwritten rules regarding how they were supposed to carry and conduct themselves in the White Supremacist world.
Most Black single mothers in the late 1960s and 1970s thought they could raise a boy to be a man on their own. However, without a Black father there to teach their sons the unwritten social rules of engagement in America many young Black boys wound up getting caught up in situations where they were harassed by police officers, racially profiled by store owners, and threatened and attacked by neighborhood racists just for walking in the wrong neighborhood or looking at the wrong woman. 
Without a father and men in the community to teach Black boys and Black men the unwritten social rules to they aren’t able to identify the racist predators in and out of the Black community and avoid dangerous situations with racist Whites and nonblacks who hate Black men. Nor are they able to develop the critical thinking and problem solving skills to diffuse situations with racists and other enemies from the state when they run into confrontations with them.
A Black man who doesn’t know what the unwritten social rules for living in a White Supremacist world is a sitting duck. And the reason why he’s vulnerable is because he has absolutely no understanding of how to carry and conduct himself when he goes out in a world that’s against him. So any reaction he takes can lead to racists taking actions that could cost him his life.
Only a Black father can teach his son the unwritten social rules of engagement of White Supremacist America because he has to live by that code every day. Unfortunately, since two three generations of Black men and Black boys who have grown up without fathers and men in the community to show them the protocol for interacting with the White Supremacist world this is why so many young black boys and young black men are becoming easy targets for imprisonment or extermination.

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