Monday, April 29, 2019

Black Women & The Tenth Commandment

Eighty percent of Black Women say they are Christians. However, Eighty percent of Black women violate the Tenth Commandment without even knowing it.

The Tenth Commandment says thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s house. However, most Black women covet everything White women have. 

The sad fact is most Black women covet the beauty that they believe White Women have in American society. They covet the attention White Women receive in American society. They covet the social status White Women have in American society. And they want to be elevated to the high position of social power White Women have been given by White Men in society.

When Black women covet the beauty of White Women they sin against The Living God. Making the image of White woman a god they put before the Living God who created them.

A God who said His followers are to have no other gods before them.

Jesus stated that no man can serve two masters, they’ll love one and hate the other. And Black Women shows how much she hates The Living God by her lust after the appearance and position of a White Woman.

When Black women covet White beauty and White beauty standards they deify White people. And instead of them having their eyes on God, they have their eyes on the White man and the White woman and make efforts to please them instead of the God who created them.  

Showing how little they Love the Living God. And how much they love the gods they truly serve, the White Man and White Woman. 

The reason why so many Black women deify White people and covet White beauty and White power is making the mistake of believing that the White Woman is her neighbor. However, she is not her neighbor.

She is her enemy.

An enemy who puts her at enmity with God. Because those who put a god before them like most Black women who worship White people have are an enemy of The Living God. And In their quest to receive the acceptance of False gods in this life, most Black women put their souls at risk of  eternal damnation. 

The Truth is as  Black women covet White beauty and White power they don’t love White women as they love themselves. Instead they are jealous and envious of them because they covet the attention their beauty standards and social position get them.

Coveting White Beauty and the position of White Women is not just self-hatred, it shows a hatred of God. It shows ingratitude towards the God who created Black women by saying what He created as perfect wasn’t good enough. That what He made needs to be changed to meet the standard of a false god.

When Black women sew in a White woman’s hair into their head bleach their skin and cut off their beautiful Black noses and lips to appear White, they show the world they don’t serve The Living God, they serve false gods, the White man and White Woman.

Black women need to understand that God made Black women. He knew what he was doing when he made your skin and He knew what He was doing when he made your hair. He made you in His Image. And He made you PERFECT.

Black woman, The Living God loves you. And you need to understand that if The God who created loves you and sees you as perfect you should love yourself enough to see the you He created as perfect.

God made your dark skin perfect. He made your kinky hair perfect. So stop trying to change it to meet the standard of beauty of a false god of your own creation.

Instead of coveting the White woman’s beauty and the position that White women have in Satan’s world system, Black women need to see the power of the position God has given them in His Natural Order. As the Helpmeet and support of the Black man God has given you great power. And if you embrace the love of the Living God and the Black Man he gave you, He will bless you to be in a greater place in His Kingdom  than any place you could be in The White Man’s fiefdom.

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