Thursday, December 6, 2018

Crunching The Numbers On The Isis Graphic Novel Indiegogo

Coming in 2019!
Over the last few weeks as I’ve been packing boxes for my move from Morrisania to Parkchester I've been working out the logistics and crunching the numbers for the Isis Graphic novel.  And I’m definitely gonna have to do an indiegogo to raise the money to publish it.

I definitely want to hire Bill Walko to do the art for the Isis graphic novel. Bill has done an AMAZING job on all the Isis and E’steem series covers and people just love his work. His art is bold, dynamic and puts a smile on readers’ faces. I believe if we work together on this project we can tell a great story that showcases my writing and his art.

To comission Bill it works out to about $9300.

After Bill does the art, I also have to hire a colorist to color Bill’s work. Most colorists charge about $100 a page. That’s another $6200.

In addition to I have to hire a letterer to do the special effects and the word ballons. That’s about $50 a page. That’s about $3100.

Then I have to hire a proofreader to look the finished files over. Their rates can be anywhere from $10-100 an hour depending on who I hire.  

Once I’ve hired the creative team and they’ve finished their work, I have to get the books printed and shipped to all the donors. So that’s another couple of thousand dollars. More if international buyers who have read my work in places like the UK and Germany pick up the book.  

Crunching the numbers I’m going to need to raise about $30,000 to publish the first Isis graphic novel on indiegogo. If I can raise more than $30k, I’d love to set up  some stretch goals like a variant cover or a couple of posters and prints. I’d love to offer a Josh Howard variant cover or a couple of prints with the book, he’s an artist I’ve been eager to work with for YEARS!

It’s been a challenge laying the foundation for the Isis graphic novel and I’m learning a lot as I go. Writing and publishing Comics is completely different than novels, screenplays or nonfiction. I’ve always wanted to work in comics ever since I was nine years old, and people say my Isis series stories read just like comic books.  I’d love to finally see one of my stories turned into a comic book by one of my favorite artists.

I’m hoping to launch the Isis graphic novel indiegogo in 2019. And I’m hoping it’s as successful as Josh Howard’s T-Bird & Throttle, Ethan Van Sciver’s Cyberfrog or Richard C. Meyer and John Mailin’s Jawbreakers: Lost Souls.
--> The comic version of  Isis: All that Glitters is going to be an oldschool all-ages superhero story that’s filled with action adventure and FUN, and I want to be able to bring it to you next year!  

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