Saturday, September 15, 2018

Shawn ROASTS Netflix’s Iron Fist Season 2

When I saw Danny Rand on Luke Cage Season 2 it looked like the character was going to make a change for the better. Danny was acting masculine, and counseling Luke just like he did in the old Power Man & Iron Fist Comics. And after seeing Luke and Danny play “patty cake” I was anticipating what would happen in the upcoming Iron Fist Season 2.

I should have known better than to get my hopes up. Pick the worst Arrow Season 3, or 4 episode And it’s better than ANYTHING in Iron Fist Season 2.

After the impressive opening sequence of the first episode of Iron Fist where Danny knocks the engine block out of a truck’s front end Iron Fist Season 2 starts tuning into a bigger shit show than season 1. Yeah, the fight scenes have improved but the writing on this show turns into 100% pure SJW feminist propaganda. Over the course of ten episodes I got completely disgusted watching Danny Rand gets completely CUCKED and made into EVERYONE’S BITCH.

Seriously, I haven’t seen a guy get emasculated this badly since Alice Walker’s the Color Purple and the dark skinned brothers in Tyler Perry movies.

The story for Iron Fist Season 2 is supposed to be about Joy Meachum helping Davos, the Steel Serpent on his quest to take the Iron Fist from Danny Rand. Unfortunately, that story gets lost in all the gynocentrism and feminism that are shoved down our throats. We get so much GIRL POWER pushed on us that Iron Fist becomes a background character in his own show.

Almost every episode is about the SKRONG women like Colleen Wing, Misty Knight, Joy Meachum, and Typhoid Mary. They get all the story and character development while the principal hero Danny and his nemesis Davos are just afterthoughts.

And that’s what completely FUCKS UP this show. The title of the show is IRON FIST. Danny Rand should be FRONT AND CENTER in HIS OWN DAMN SHOW. The show should have been about Danny Rand keeping his promise to Matt Murdock to be the guardian of New York City and learning about crime below 96th Street.

But instead of taking on a MAN sized Responsibility Matt gave him, Danny Rand BITCHES UP. And as he BITCHES UP by doing things like punching doors in an abandoned subway tunnel we see MEN cucked and completely EMASCULATED throughout the season.  

Thanks to all the gynocentrism, we don’t get ten episodes that building into an intense martial arts throwdown between two of the greatest male martial artists in the MCU. Instead we get a jumbled mess of poorly written storylines regarding Golden Tigers, Hatchets, Tong wars that don’t really build into anything significant except showing us how Danny Rand is a BITCH.

Dude trains hard for over 20 years in the Martial arts, EARNS the Iron Fist, loses it to another Beta Male, who gets a WOMAN to fight his battle for him, then goes out and gets his girlfriend to take the Iron Fist because he can’t handle the responsibility. Then after he gives his power to a WOMAN he goes to “Find” himself.

Fuck kind of bullshit is this?

What really pisses me off about Iron Fist Season 2 is how Bitch-Made™ the men in this show act. Instead of being a leader who makes his own path in a new urban jungle as he kicks ass, Danny Rand turns into a complete Beta Male following the lead of Colleen Wing. And instead of showing the world why he’s the world’s greatest martial artist worthy of the Iron Fist he just becomes a completely submissive docile WIMP no MAN can RESPECT.

And Davos, a complete BADASS in the comics who is supposed to be BIGGER and STRONGER than Danny Rand, has been turned small effeminate looking guy who looks like he spends more time on an Incel message board than in a gym.

I just can’t believe either of these two guys are master martial artists raised in a community of MEN. The martial arts require a man to learn discipline, patience and self-control. But Neither Danny Rand nor Davos express any of those character traits based on the submissive and emotional ways they act.

If anything both Danny Rand and Davos act more like Women while Colleen Wing acts like she has a ten inch dick swinging between her legs.

Damn. Just Damn.

I had to wonder if Collen Wing’s real name was Mary Sue. Because Colleen Wing could practically DO EVERYTHING this season. From coming up with the solution for the Gang War, beating down 5 to 6 guys in martial arts fights, outfighting Danny Rand as she helped retrain him after Davos broke his leg, and wielding the Iron Fist, Colleen Wing’s arc in this dreadful season was completely RIDICULOUS. 

Everything Colleen Wing was doing Danny Rand SHOULD have been doing. But because the producers wanted GIRL POWER this season and wanted to show STRONG WOMEN Danny Rand’s balls were put in Colleen Wing’s purse.

As a writer of strong heroines, It just pissed me off that the men had to be made weak so the women could appear strong. A good writer could easily find a way to bring balance to the storytelling to show how the strengths and weaknesses of men and women complimented each other, but because the producers of this show were all about pushing a feminist narrative in a man’s show they emasculate Danny Rand over the course of ten episodes.  

One of the most mind-boggling moments in Iron Fist is an episode where Colleen Wing tells Danny to get in control of his emotions and think before he acts. Think about that.


*Deep Breaths. Trying to remain calm here as I try to write this review of this horseshit show.*

Women are emotional by nature. So Colleen Wing trying to teach Danny Rand to be in control of his emotions and think before he acts is some BULLSHIT.

Seriously, the producers and the writers need to get over their emotional attachment for Colleen Wing. Yeah, I get you like her. But the show is called IRON FIST. It’s supposed to be about DANNY RAND. And if you can’t write GOOD DANNY RAND stories then CANCEL THE SHOW and make DAUGHTERS OF THE MARY SUES YOU ORIGINALLY WANTED TO MAKE.

*Because it wouldn’t be like any interpretation of Daughters of the Dragon I ever read in the comics.*

It just pissed me off watching Colleen Wing turned into a saint worthy of the worst fanfiction. And watching Colleen Wing and Misty Knight and Mary beat down men twice their size. Because it’s BULLSHIT. Men have EIGHT TIMES the UPPER BODY strength of a woman. No matter how much martial arts or fighting skill a woman has ONE HIT from the weakest MAN and a woman would get KNOCKED THE FUCK OUT.

As I suffered through the back five of Iron Fist I just shook my head as I watched feminists toss logic out the window. Davos hits men with the Iron Fist and they die from suffer shattered spines destroyed internal organs and caved in skulls. but Joy Meachum gets hit with the same Iron Fist, just falls several dozen feet and just breaks a leg.

Because Girl power.


It’s clear to me that the SJW Cancer that infected Spider-Man: Homecoming and most Marvel Comics published over the last two years is starting to creep into the Netflix shows. Instead of giving us an action packed martial arts show featuring the world’s greatest martial artist we get feminist propaganda that kicks every male comic fan in the nuts. 

Iron Fist Season 2 is a complete shit show you need to avoid. The show walked away from the source material and is all about promoting the identity politics. When a show emasculates its hero it has jumped the shark. Just when I thought Arrow Season 6 was the pinnacle of TERRIBLE, Iron Fist does it one better.


  1. Regarding this version of Danny being a complete wuss, you left out the cringiest part: Colleen dumps the guy after she gets the Fist, then he runs home with his tail between his legs to tidy it up (!!!). If that weren't enough, Danny is the one who leaves the house even though he is the one who pays for it and Colleen would be living in a community center instead of working in it if it weren't for Danny's deep pockets.

    It's hard to believe last time I read an Iron Fist comic back in 2015 he was banging a hot chick in his penthouse flat while not even bothering to learn her name right.

  2. I agree with the disgust and disapointment on how the current state and form of feminism has polluted fiction. i call it ultra modern liberal feminazism. On another note I used to respect the comic book universe, but now i am starting to hate it. Before long I will just probally go back to daredevil only. If im not wrong, at least dare devil hasnt been diseased by current state of feminist propaganda?.. of course if and when disney gets a hold of it, matt is going to have a big red pussy! Disney of course has already cashed in with the whole emasculation along with gender warfare. if a power house of shriveled cocked male fem drones and dick growing femcreature disney executives has ruined star wars, then i wonder if marvel or dc is next. oh wait..disney owns marvel! it already has ruined it. now for dc i wonder if disney had already polluted batman? I used to respect batman, however there was a few issues last year with harley quinn the last issue showed batman saving harley by impossibly jumping out a window while still holding her? in the same issue she gives this emotional propaganda about how messed up she is and of course looked as a victum by you guessed batmans white knight persona to save distressed females.. ha ha i fucking hate feminist society! okay though lets look in correlation. i know was bred into a alpha beta, meaning beta of the alpha persona, so im a beta, i know personally my man hood to whats left has been negitively influenced by feminist forces. like public institutions such as school,homes run by females, my father, my sisters, and especially californias liberal nightmare. however my point is in the form of questions how much worse will ultra modern liberal feminazi feminist ideology get? also what aspect of society will it not currupt?

  3. Going back to alpha males, why would any of them hire you, a rival alpha male? Wouldn't that upset some sort of social structure?

    1. Their social structure needs to be upset. They're going BROKE pushing a WOKE agenda.

      If Disney hired me to write Iron Fist the Show would be in the middle of planning a season 3 with Danny Rand taking on Shang Chi.
