Friday, June 1, 2018

John Haynes: Dark Succubus Sample Chapter


Been Busy writing stories, so Here’s a sample Chapter of the upcoming John Haynes: Dark Succubus. In this story The Man Who Rules the World is tempted with an offer he can’t refuse from a soul-stealing she-demon!

Chapter 11

I stir out of a sleepy daze feeling refreshed from my afternoon nap. Maybe E’steem waking me up so abruptly is what threw my body’s rhythms off this morning. Looks like all I needed was a little more sleep to get myself right.
I catch the time on the clock on the nightstand and smile. 1:45, it looks like I’ll be able to prep Sunday dinner and have it on the table before five. Just as I’m about to roll out of bed I feel a presence sitting next to me and smell a familiar perfume that isn’t E’steem’s. When I look over at the foot of my bed and see Selene sitting there in her black dress and heels I paste on a smile. How’d she get past security downstairs? “Hey John.” She greets smiling at me. “Enjoy your brunch?”
“I take it our meeting at the Java Joint wasn’t a coincidence.” I reply scowling at her as I jump out of bed.
“No, it definitely wasn’t a case of Déjà Vu.” Selene says hopping off the bed. “I’ve had my eye on you for a while.”
We just met today. “I’m taken.” I say grabbing the phone off the night table.
I start punching in numbers for security’s extension. When I can’t make the numbers sequence, Selene smiles at me. “I wouldn’t waste time calling security.”
“What did you do to them?” I say dropping the receiver.
 “Nothing.” Selene says smiling at me.
“You had to do something to them-”
“Can’t do something to someone I never met-”
I point daggers back at Selene when I realize where I actually am. “We’re not in the tower.”
“Oh, your body is still in the tower. But your soul is in another place.”
Selene gestures and a flash of light takes us from the bedroom back out to the living room. When I see a brick wall where the elevator was my hands clench into fists. “What do you want?”
 Selene saunters over to me and smiles as she wraps her arms around my shoulders. “Why I want to make your dreams come true.”
John Haynes: Dark Succubus will be available….Sometime in 2019. I finished the first draft a few weeks ago and now I’m working out the kinks. I’m halfway through 2018 and I’ve got most of the fall 2018 SJS DIRECT UNIVERSE books ready for release, most of the 2019 SJS DIRECT UNIVERSE catalog already set up, and I’m talking to artists about covers. Man I’ve come a LONG way in 10 years!

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