Thursday, April 26, 2018

John Haynes Series Update & Checklist

Readers have been wanting more John Haynes, and he’s gonna featured in THREE Stories this year!

First, John will be featured in May’s upcoming Isis: EscapeFrom Transylvania! And this vampire story is action packed! Reading like a movie, Escape From Transylvania builds on the Vampire story arc from Bride ofDracula and Night of the Vampires, and it puts a fresh take on vampire lore! This is one YOU CANNOT MISS!  

And the first John Haynes solo story is coming in June!

John Haynes: A Conversation with Death is going to be the teaser story that sets up the John Haynes series. Designed to be like a #0 issue of a comic, it reintroduces readers to John Haynes dark world and establishes his character transformation arc for the first storyline.

And to get readers to give the John Haynes series a try, A Conversation With Death will be 99 cents for the summer on e-readers!  

In addition to Escape From Translyvania, and A Conversation With Death, John will also be appearing in E’steem: The Sands of Time. This Fantasy Flashback set in Ancient Egypt not only takes us back to E’steem’s past, but it also shows us part of John’s past in High school!

Right now I’m working on the next John Haynes story, Dark Succubus. And I’m hoping to have it finished by the end of the summer. If you want to get caught up on John’s story you can pick up The Man Who Rules theWorld or the book that started it all, The Temptation of John Haynes! And pick up John's first appearance in the Isis series Isis: Wrath of the Cybergoddess

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