Wednesday, January 10, 2018

E’steem: The Sands of Time Sample Chapter

I finished E’steem: The Sands of Time last week and I’m really excited for this one! Here’s a sample chapter and a color model sheet of Egyptian E’steem!

Note: This is based on the first draft. So things may change in the final book! 

Chapter 1

4987 B.C.
I am a woman.
 Well, I’m starting to be. I turned 14 a month ago. And with me officially coming of age, I think I’m ready to show High Priestess Mamnet I’m able take on more adult responsibilities around the temple.
Ever since Seth ordained me to be a “child of the gods” I’ve been studying day and night to become a High Preistess like Mamnet. I believe it’ll be the way I can honor the gods for adopting me into their family. They all love me like I’m one of their own children. And I want to share that love I have for them by serving the people of Egypt.
While the Priestesses in the temple tend to the needs of patrons in the temple hall, I’m busy studying the papyri of ancient texts for spells. As I peer up from the text I’m reading I notice an older woman walking into the temple vestibule. The honey colored woman dressed in a white linen dress, gold armlets, bracelets, a beaded usekh collar and sandals anxiously looks around hoping to get the attention of one of the priestesses. With everyone busy they don’t see her. The last thing I want her to think is that Osiris has forsaken her. I spring up out of my chair and rush over to her. “Welcome to Osiris’ temple.” I greet. “How may I be of service of you?”
The woman gives me a skeptical look as she meets my eyes. “Aren’t you a little young to be working in the temple?”
If she only knew that this temple is like my second home. “I’ve been a part of this temple since I was a child.” I reply. “And I’m as well versed in the potions and spells of the ancient texts as any of the priestesses.”
“Well, I guess you can help me then. I need a tonic to help with the growth of the herbs in my garden.” 
I know that potion like the back of my hand. “I can definitely make that potion for you sister.”
“Are you sure?”
“I was taught magick by my mother Isis and my Aunt Sekhmet. So a simple potion like this is no problem for me.”
“So you’re that Child of the Gods everyone talks about in Nubia?”
Sounds like word about me has gone past the city of Heliopolis. “I’m a woman now.” I say. “I turned 14 a month ago.”
“Well, then you can show me what you know about magick young lady.”
My spirits feel lifted on the vote of confidence. The woman follows me over to shelves where we keep the ingredients for the potions. As I grab the ingredients for her potion off the shelves I learn more about her problems with her garden. “How long have you had trouble with your garden?” I inquire.
“Since last spring.” The woman replies. I plant seeds in my backyard and they just wither away and die right after they sprout up.”
“Do they get enough sun?” I ask putting the ingredients for her potion on the table.
“They get good sun. And they get good water. But they never grow to the point where they bear fruit. That’s why I came to Temple. I have to wonder if there’s a spell on my ground-”
“There’s no spell on your ground.” I reply. “You just need a little help from the gods to make your plants prosper.”
I feel the woman’ anticipation build as I begin making her potion. I start by pouring purified water into the clay jar. Then I add some dried dung beetles, dried pomegranate powder, and some wormwood. After I pour in the wormwood, the mixture starts to smoke and bubble. That’s definitely not how the potion is supposed to come together.
The woman’s eyes grow wide as the potion starts to become green foam that starts to bubble up out of the top of the clay jar. I let out a shriek as it erupts out of the top of the jar and the green mixture sprays all over our dresses. “I’m sorry-” I say rushing around the table to the woman.
“Sorry!” The woman barks pushing me away. “You’ve ruined my finest dress!”
I feel the eyes of everyone on the temple floor on me. “I can fix that with the Raimentus spell-”
“I think you’ve done enough E’steem.” A voice calls out across the room.
Oh. My. Ra.
I look across the room over and see High Priestess Mamnet standing in the distance. The slender caramel colored woman dressed in a white gown, gold armlets and bracelets and a wig filled with dark braids rushes over to me. “What’s going on here?” She orders.
“This so-called child of the gods said she could prepare a growth tonic.” The woman snarls cutting a cold look at me. “But all her potion making has done is ruin my finest gown.”
Mamnet gives the woman an earnest look. “I’m sorry that you had this experience at The Pharaoh’s temple.” She apologizes. “Let me fix your gown. Then I’ll have one of our more skilled priestesses prepare your tonic.”
Mamnet gestures in the direction of us both. Restorus Raimentus Anewus!” She chants. In a few moments the green slime that splattered us disappears and our white linen gowns becomes as clean as they were washed in the Nile.
After cleaning our clothes, Mamnet gestures to Sakarra, one of the priestesses in Osiris’ temple. While she darts over to Mamnet she gives me an annoyed look. “Sakarra, prepare her growth potion. E’steem, come with me.”
While Sakarra gets to work on I follow Mamnet into the back of the temple. Oh my Ra, I’m gonna get it.

E’steem: The Sands of Time will be available…Soon. I’d love to have it out for the summer reading season, but I’m short on funds to pay an artist to design the cover. However, I can fast track it for release if you donate to my paypal or my patreon!

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