Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Shawn ROASTS CW’s SJW Crisis on Earth X

What do you get when you mix Nazis, Alternate DC Universes and sour grapes about the 2016 Presidential Election?

The SJW hot mess known as Crisis on Earth-X.

Crisis on Earth X is the second crossover event from Greg Berlanti. After the disaster called Heroes and FAILIENS last year, he decided to go back to the drawing board to craft another crossover between the four CW shows. Only this time instead of half assed adapting a DC Comics, event like Invasion! He decides to use the DC Universe as a soapbox to express his anger about Donald Trump being elected President of the United States.

Good Gravy, Hollywood’s liberals need to get over this shit. If Berlanti really wants to make a commentary about the 2016 Election he’d make a show about the 60% of American White women who voted for Donald Trump in the same way a large majority of White women voted for Adolf Hitler in the late 1930s.

 But SJWs and liberals always give White women a pass. Because White women can never do anything wrong.

Anyway, the opening scene to this SJW Cross-over takes us Earth-X’, a world taken over by Nazis. James Olsen as a Captain America Knock-off goes into action. Unfortunately, this super soldier is killed by Nazi Green Arrow.

Damn. Just Damn. Even on Earth-X James Olsen can’t catch a break.

I just love how Greg Berlanti uses the DC TV Universe as a soapbox to project his unresolved issues about the 2016 Presidential election but still has time to express his racism towards Black men. First five minutes of this crossover and he finds a way to emasculate a Black man.

Don’t you just love the hypocrisy of these SJWs?

Anyway, Nazi Arrow and Supergirl find a machine capable of taking them to other earths. And having conquered their own world, they want to take their Fourth Riech… to other Earths in the DC TV Universe.

Basically Justice Lords +Savage Time+ SJW butthurt over Trump winning 2016 Election = Crisis on Earth X.

I liked both these stories better when they were done on Paul Dini and Bruce Timm’s Justice League 15 years ago. The Justice Lords was a powerful story about what happens when good guys cross the line. And Savage Time shows us what happens when someone time travels and screws up the timeline. Both stories still resonate with viewers because Paul Dini and Bruce Timm weren’t pushing SJW identity politics. They just wanted to tell a story about good guys and bad guys.

That passion for creating a great story isn’t in Crisis on Earth-X. Crisis on Earth X isn’t a crossover event, it’s leftist propaganda posing as a superhero show. It’s designed to manipulate our feelings. The only reasons why Nazis were chosen as the bad guy is because they represent the ultimate evil to liberals, not because they are a formidable threat to the heroes. The Nazis aren’t characters, they’re just stand ins for what Greg Berlanti, and Marc Guggenheim believe Donald Trump and his supporters represent. That’s why they come across as shallow, flat, paper-thin characters.

If Berlanti’s writers had spent some time writing an actual STORY for this event with multidimensional characters the way Paul Dini and Bruce Timm did for the Justice Lords episodes or Savage Time maybe Crisis on Hot Mess it would have been passable. But what the presented onscreen is a HOT mess. One-dimensional characters, a heavyhanded story, cliché dialogue, and absolutely HORRIBLE CGI make this crossover a bigger DISASTER than Heroes Vs. FAILIENS.  

Here’s a tip Berlanti: Keep your personal politics out of DC’s Superhero shows. People watch these shows to watch good guys beat the bad guys, not for you to use them as your personal soapbox to present your personal grievances regarding politics. Yeah, comics make social commentary about the world around us. But what you presented in Crisis on Earth-X showed no respect for the characters or the source material they were based on. It was all about you and your feelings about the 2016 Presidential election.    

I never thought it’d be possible to have a fail bigger than the epic fails of Batman V. Superman and Justice League, but here we are. Crisis on Earth-X isn’t a Superhero Crossover, it’s bad SJW propaganda posing as a superhero crossover. Berlanti, IT’S TIME TO STOP. Don’t do any more events until you can craft a STORY that treats the characters and the source material with the RESPECT THEY DESERVE.


  1. Perfect analysis, Mr. James. The only CW/DC show I watch is "The Flash", because it's relativelly free of a liberal agenda... but this "Crisis"... oh my, that's four hours of my life that I've lost and will never get back. Wish I'd read this earlier.

  2. Yep, they even talked about how satisfying it was to 'punch Nazis' a catchphrase of the SJW 'Antifa' crowd.

  3. I don't understand why you keep on watching these live-action adaptions of comic books. Sure I'll admit that some shows like the 1960s version of Batman have their charms and fond memories, but this is what I've come to believe after seeing stuff like all the Batman movies: live-action only lowers the quality of the source material due to budget limitations and the like.
