Monday, October 23, 2017

John Diggle is the New Green Arrow…WTF?

Just when I thought it was safe to watch Arrow again….Greg Berlanti pulls a swerve.

Damn. Just Damn. I should have known that Season Premiere was too good to be true.

On last week’s episode of Arrow, Oliver Queen decides to stop being Green Arrow so he can raise his son. And taking his place will be John Diggle. The same John Diggle who has been set up to be a scared brotha over the last two episodes.


Yeah, we get a Black Green Arrow, but he’s beings set up to be played this season’s minstrel by Greg Berlanti. Instead of us getting a bumbling stumbling Mr. Terrific we’re gonna get a cowardly incompetent Negro Green Arrow who fucks up on the job.

I love how they want to bring Isis on to DC’s Legends of Tomorrow to take a jab at Donald Trump for being Islamaphobic but can’t see how racist they’re being by presenting the world with a grossly unqualified Black man as Green Arrow. But liberals lime Marc Guggenheim and Greg Berlanti can never see how hypocritical they are about racism.

It seems like Greg Berlanti finds new and creative ways to emasculate and degrade Black men on his shows. In making John Diggle the new Green Arrow he passive aggressively takes another shot at Black men. Yeah, we get a Black Green Arrow, but he’s grossly unqualified for the job. So white racist fanboys can enjoy watching a Black man be presented in a way that makes him appear to be incapable of being a hero on the same level as a White man.

John Diggle is NOT qualified to be Green Arrow. While he has a wealth of military and combat experience dude has never shot an arrow in his life. So why make him Green Arrow?

To make a Black man look like a complete FOOL on TV that’s why. And to set it up to show why the White man is superior in the role of being the hero on the show when Oliver comes back later in the season.

Seriously, why couldn’t they just hire someone else to play Roy Harper? Have him put on the Green Arrow suit. Have him be the outsider who has friction with the new Outsiders- I mean Team Arrow. Roy was right at Ollie’s side in Seasons 1-3. He learned archery and all the martial arts and hand-to hand skills from Oliver. There’s a great story to tell about him having friction leading the new team and getting used to life in Star City again. And a great story about Oliver clashing with Roy over his approaches to being Green Arrow.

It’s a shame that Greg Berlanti just can’t get over his issues with Black men. Because Arrow season 6’s premiere was on par with oldschool Marvel Studios movies like Iron Man in terms of storytelling and setup. I believe this show could start finding its legs if Greg Berlanti and Marc Guggenhiem could leave their issues with Black men out of the scripts and focus on the action and adventure. As I see it, Arrow is this close to actualizing its potential as a show. But the only thing keeping the show from getting to the next level creatively are the issues the producers have with Black men. 

And The Legendary Mad Matilda is Now Available for pre-order on Kindle, Smashwords & the iBookstore!

The Legendary Mad Matilda will be coming this Halloween to paperback & e-readers. However, it’s now available for pre-order on Kindle, Smashwords, Nook and the iBookstore. If you use digital platforms like e-readers, tablets, and Smartphones, you can reserve the conclusion of the Spinsterella trilogy today!

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