Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Straight Black Men are the White People of Black people-BULLSHIT!

According to an article on Straight Black men like myself are the White people of Black people.

I guess I didn’t get the memo. And most of the other brothers I know didn’t get it either.

This article on is nothing more than propaganda made up by White liberals, Black feminists and their Beta black male stooges.

There are lies and then there are DAMN LIES. And this is a DAMN LIE.

What most Black folks need to understand is that most mainstream Black media these days is owned by White owners. is owned by Comcast, one of the big six media. And Big six media wants to push a narrative to degrade the image of Black men in American society. It’s no different than Alice Walker’s The Color Purple or Sapphire’s PUSH. Most of the buckdancing coons on there will write whatever their slave masters tell them and push it as the truth.

When you read a piece propaganda like this you have to ask yourself some critical questions:

If Straight Black men are the new White people in society then why are over 80% of Black men like myself unemployed?

If Straight Black men are the new White people then why are so many Black men in prison?

If Straight Black men are the new White people then why are so many Black men victims of Black-on-Black Crime?

If Straight Black men are the new White People why are so many Black men being shot and killed by police these days?

And if Black men are the new White people why can’t Black men get justice in the American Criminal Justice System Eric Garner, Michael Brown, Alton Sterling, Philando Castile haven’t seen their killers get any prison time. And most brothers who go through the criminal justice system can’t get a fair trial.  

Yet according to this article Straight Black men are the new White people.


I first noticed the war on Heterosexual Black men when I entered the CUNY Hiring pool in 2007. When I went to that Civil Service interview I noticed that most of the White Supremacist HR people there preferred females of color and gay men over Heterosexual Black men. If you are a Heterosexual Black man you are considered a threat to the world.

Why? Because Heterosexual Black men represents Real Manhood to White Supremacy and its supporters. And Heterosexual Black men are the leadership and power in a community. They are going to become the fathers who will teach their sons the life skills to survive in the world and compete in the world. This is why they are a direct threat to White Supremacy. 

 It’s straight Black men who will be the protectors of a community and the providers in a community. It is Straight Black men who establish the structure for the Black community, the standards for how that community operates, and build the economy in the Black community that creates a real Black middle class.

This is why White Supremacy wants heterosexual Black men eliminated from society. And why White Supremacy will never let a heterosexual Black man have any of the economic or political privileges a White male enjoys living in America.  Because Heterosexual Black men are COMPETITION not only to White men, but to men all over the world.

There is nothing scarier to White Supremacy than an educated intelligent self-aware heterosexual Black man. What makes him terrifying to White Supremacists is that he understands the game and can see through all the bullshit and nonsense White Supremacists, White Feminists, Black feminists, Liberals, thugs, homosexuals and other minority groups will run on the rest of the world.  If there are large numbers of Heterosexual Black men in the Black community they represent a driving force that can completely undermine White Supremacy by leading their community and preparing the next generation on how to set a course to deal with the racism they participate in by creating a strong culture and economy for their Black children to enrich themselves with.

Heterosexual Black men are NOT the new White People. There is a WAR being waged on Heterosexual Black men and Black men need to understand that they are an enemy of the state and that they are on their own in this country called AmeriKKKA.

1 comment:

  1. I don't normally comment on your political posts, but yeah, there's plenty of people out there who hate black people but weasel around saying it straight out. Instead, they suggest ideas or direct hatred at ideas or people that give hope for the future.

    Say it for what it's worth!

