Thursday, May 21, 2015

The Isis/E’steem Crossover is now available on Kindle Unlimited and Paperback!

The long awaited Isis/E’steem Crossover is HERE! Featuring a pair of AWESOME covers by Hero Busine$$ artist Bill Walko, this unique cross-over features the goddess next door and the devilish diva in a pair of action packed fantasy adventures!

Vampires! When E’steem is given a project that takes her out of the office, Isis fills in for her on the job at the Morris Phillips. While she’s escorting CEO John Haynes to a charity event the demon D’lilah and a brood of disgruntled Vampires crash the party looking to take a meeting with him. Can the goddess next door help her boss take care of business dealing with the undead?

Bad Girl Gone Good! Good Girl goes undercover! When E’steem and John find stolen boxes of Marshmallow cookies in a Bronx Bodega, she goes undercover at the Nabiskit factory in Philadelphia to find the employee responsible for the thefts. Can the Devilish Diva stop the cookie crook and put an end to their confectionary caper?

I want to take a moment to thank Bill Walko for designing the AWESOME covers for both paperbacks. Both look AMAZING and I absolutely LOVE them!

And I want to take another moment to thank all the Kickstarter donors again for making this project possible! If you paid for a Reward you will be getting your paperbacks in June. All the donors will be a mentioned on the inside of the Acknowledgements section of both paperbacks and the eBook. Without your support I wouldn’t have been able to get this project off the ground!

Both Isis: Night of the Vampires and E’steem: Undercover will be FREE Memorial Day Weekend on Kindle! And if you have Kindle Unlimited after that, you can BORROW both books for FREE!

And if you don’t have Kindle Unlimited, you can buy both books for just 99 cents on your kindle and $10 in paperback! Get your copy of the paperback and eBook starting this Friday!

And in other SJS DIRECT news:

Lawrence Cherry has informed me that the long awaited sequel to Commencement will be coming this June! So everyone will finally find out what happened to Tim! 

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