Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Vlogs Instead of Blogs and Other News

Last week posted a pair of vlogs (video blogs) instead of written blogs. I’m trying some new things in the hopes of expanding my readership.

One of the reasons I’m making videos is I believe that if people saw me and got to know me as a person they’d connect with me. And that relationship with readers would help them see my writing in a different light. I really want people to see the man behind the stories and the blogs form a relationship with him and see there is a person behind the fingers on the keyboard.

The other reason for the vlogs is because I’ve been really busy. I’ve been working on this new romance novel (more news about that coming soon) and it’s really been coming together. I finally found my groove on this story and the words are just coming to me. Characters are speaking to me in their own “voices” and the story is telling itself.  I’m practically writing three chapters a day and I’ve had a lot of fun writing this one.

On top of this new novel I’ve been editing three books for the summer reading season. Two YA, and a nonfiction. I’m trying to get everything right for the Isis/E’steem crossover paperbacks and eBooks and the new Stop Simpin Second Edition. I want the quality on all three to match the benchmark I established for Isis: Wrath of the Cybergoddess last summer that was almost error free.

On top of that I’ve been working posting and promoting eBay auctions. I’ve now got a year of sales experience on eBay and now that I’ve learned the ins and outs of the auction site. Right now I’m using all I learned about sales there towards my book marketing and promotion. Over the last year I’ve built a reputation for excellent customer service, communication and shipping product out in a timely manner. Some say I have the fastest shipping on the site!

And in addition to the novel and the eBay auctions I’m still promoting books. More titles will be coming to Kindle Unlimited this year like the new Isis: Night of the Vampires and E’steem Undercover.

With the Isis/E’steem Crossover Kickstarter being a failure, I have no idea what image will be on either cover. But both books will be out Memorial Day weekend.

In other Isis series news Isis: The Beauty Myth will be returning to Kindle Unlimited. After someone put the book on a site for a lousy Kindle covers, I’m going to turn a negative into a positive. So I’m going to give readers a chance to judge the book by its content, not its cover.

What many readers don’t know is that Isis: The Beauty Myth ties directly into Isis: Wrath of the Cybergoddess, a book which features a cover by Hero Business artist Bill Walko. I want readers to read both parts of the story and they’ll get that opportunity this summer.

Smashwords readers will get the New Stop Simpin Second Edition on Memorial Day Weekend. Just in time for the summer dating season. The New Stop Simpin is expanded with lots of new information and I believe lots of men will learn what NOT to do when it comes to approaching women. Like all the other books in the Simp Trilogy the Stop Simpin Second Edition will be FREE. 

If you want the original Stop Simpin though GET IT NOW. The eBook will be discontinued at the Start of Memorial Day weekend. However, I urge readers to get the new Stop Simpin as the information in it is updated and a lot more thorough in content than the previous version.

E’steem Undercover coming to the site later in the summer. E’steem has a big following on Smashwords and I want to give them an opportunity to add the book to the collection. Once the book is done on Kindle Unlimited in May, I’m hoping to release it there in August.  

E’steem: Undercover will also be the first E’steem book available in paperback. I’m thiking of releasing an Essential E’steem paperback so paperback readers can pick up her adventures. Unfortunately E’steem’s stories are too short to put in single volumes.

Once I finish this new novel, I’ve got to get to work on the editing of it. And writing the next adventures in the Isis and E’steem series. Running outlines in my head for both.

All this work on the SJS DIRECT titles is like a full-time job and I do it all while I continue to look for a full-time job. I believe I’ll get another full-time job. One of these days. Putting in applications and sending out resumes. Even posted several videos detailing what I bring to the table for a business.

A new blog will be up on Thursday I hope. I’m working out a schedule for videos and written blogs and I’m also pondering taking the blog and my YouTube channel in a new direction.

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