Monday, March 23, 2015

Shawn James, The Lightskin/Darkskin Issue, and the Isis/E’steem Kickstarter

Last Saturday I was invited to a Facebook group  to promote my new Kickstarter. In minutes I had Negroes talking about how Isis and E’steem looked like White women. Then when I said E’steem was inspired by on Salli Richardson and Osiris was inspired by Samuel L. Jackson all of a sudden it devolved into a lightskin/darkskin argument. 

Needless to say I will not be coming back to that group again.

Seeing the way many of the Negroes reacted I thought of what YouTuber David Caroll said in one of his classic videos: The Negro does not want solutions.

Now I came to the page to promote the Kickstarter. To get donations for my project like I was invited to do so. But all that got LOST because the Negroes in that group I had the displeasure of dealing with had NO CRITICAL THINKING SKILLS.

I’m finding the so-called Lightskin/Darkskin issue is a Straw Man argument many Negroes use to minimize something that doesn’t fit into the narrative their DNC White Liberal Slave masters regard as Black. Unable to digest the ideas presented to them on my plate, they go for a breadcrumb or onion ring garnishing it and use it to pick apart the meat of the concept instead of trying the new and different ideas that are presented to them about being Black.

Instead of taking the time to look at my Kickstarter video and proposal, these Negroes decided to take a single promotional image and turn it into a scarecrow to try to tear down my work. Using the deflection of Lightskin/Darkskin as an excuse to not participate in helping me with the Kickstarter. Showing me that these Negroes out here don’t want to participate in the solution. All they want to do is complain about a problem unrelated to it.

Or better yet get me to stop talking to them about my issue. If I pressed these Negroes to put money on the table for that same Kickstarter all I’d get is a bunch of emotional excuses about how Isis and E’steem don’t look like them, It’s not their definition of Black or a bunch of AFROSIMPTRICK Slowtep Egyptian ideologies so far away from Egyptian Mythology it’s not funny. Some will even insist on talking to me changing my concept before they shelled out any money.

A character created like Isis created by a Black man rooted in Black history and Black culture not considered Black by Negroes but characters like Storm who are created by White men like Len Wien and Dave Cockrum are considered Black by Negroes.

Only in the Black community is where this kind of logic makes sense.

And while these Shines come to me insisting on arguing with me about a character’s skintones before they spend a dime on a Kickstarter, they’ll go out and spend $200 on Air Jordan Tennis shoes, buy $400 PS4s, $500 big screen TVs, $2000 designer purses, 40 ounces, and 2-piece chicken dinners from Whites and foreign business owners and never once ask them ONE single question about the quality of the substandard products they receive.

Oh, The Negro will have money ready for his White Liberal Slave Masters. But no money for a Black man like Shawn James. No, all the Negro has for Shawn are excuses. These same cowards will go to a message board far away from my Facebook page, official blog, or YouTube Channel to complain about book covers. But when I offer them an opportunity to help me solve the problem:


Proving to me most of these Negroes do not want solutions. So they try to deflect by going into semantics to keep from discussing the heart of the matter. The resistance I ran into was not about light skin or Dark skinned Black characters. The resistance was to the idea of Black women who do not fit the stereotype narrative that their DNC White Liberal Slave masters present to them in minstrel shows like Empire, Scandal, and Tyler Perry movies. Women Black males can’t beat up on and say are the bitches and hoes oppressing them and Women Black females can’t turn into victims that have to be “strong and independent” because these Negroes can’t do shit for them.  

Because I am presenting a concept outside of the Negros’ co-dependent way of thinking they have to find some way to devalue it so they can go back to being the victim they believe themselves to be. Any person Black or White who dares present the Negro with an image or idea that a Black man can do for himself is someone the Negro does not want to deal with. Because people Black, White and nonblack may start asking that Negro to start taking responsibility for himself and doing for himself as well.

I ran into this same resistance and same Negro cowardice a year ago when I presented the Kickstarter for the Isis: Wrath of the Cybergoddess cover. After that Kickstarter failed, I sold parts of my personal toy collection to get that cover done, some people talked about my accomplishments on a message board far, far away from my blog.

But no one bought the book. Most of the Negroes stayed AWAY from that book ALL SUMMER when I showed I could solve the problem by doing for myself. In fact, most people didn’t start downloading the book until I offered it for FREE on Kindle Unlimited as part of my holiday campaign. 

Again, showing me the Negro truly DOES NOT WANT SOLUTIONS.

I’m coming to the conclusion that there is nothing I can do for many Black people like the Negroes in the Facebook group I’m leaving. I’m trying to move forward so I don’t have time to argue and go back and forth with those who want to remain on the White liberal DNC slave plantation. I’m trying to build a business and reach those who want to connect with me and my work. I’ve reached people all over the world with the Isis series books, but sadly the Negro is the only one who won’t accept a story with a character designed in his own image by a Black man. He or she is too busy debating skintone to understand Black is Black and the perpetuation of any image made by us that is NOT a stereotype helps Black people move forward.

Lightskin or Darkskin, a person is still BLACK in here in White Supremacist America. And the Black Experience is as varied as the shades of brown in the spectrum. My mission as a writer and a publisher is to write and publish those stories about the African-American experience and show the world there’s more than one narrative to our stories. It’s a shame these Negroes in the TMI group got so caught up in the color of a characters’ skin that they couldn’t take a moment to read the Isis series stories and see the content of the characters.

When it comes to this Facebook group I’m going to shake the dust off my feet Hit the Leave group button and move on. I don’t have time for Negro nonsense.

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