Thursday, January 15, 2015

Reggie Mantle and the Pussy Beggars Anthem

 I was going through my old Archie Double Digests when I came across this old Archie Comics strip. In it we see a clear example of Pusssy begging. 

In the Idle Idol Idyll Reggie finds it ironic that Veronica spends time Archie when he’s willing to date her.

The better question: is Why is Reggie wasting his time being concerned about a woman who is NOT AVAILABLE? And why is Reggie wasting his time trying to pursue a woman who is ALREADY IN A RELATIONSHIP?

In the Idle Idol Idyll Reggie says Archie is below him. But the logical question a man has to ask is: Why is Reggie lowering his standards trying to pursue Veronica?

Reggie follows the flawed logic most pussy Beggars share that since Veronica is rich and he’s rich that they have something in common because they’re in the same economic class. And because they’re in the same economic class they should be dating each other. But relationships don’t work like that. Most people are attracted to people with similar values. Usually like attracts like. And if Veronica is attracted to Archie, then she has to be on his level.

If Veronica is pursuing Archie then he must be her standard. And if Reggie believes himself to be a man of a higher standard, then he needs to start pursuing higher standard women than Veronica. Women on his level. Women who will actually see how great he is.

The problem with guys like Reggie is they don’t understand their value as men. And instead of seeing the women on their level, they lower their standards to meet that of women who are actually beneath them.

Many a Pussy Begging White Knight like Reggie here spends months, weeks and even years of their lives waiting for a female body to drop in a relationship. They hope, wish, and pray for the day where they can ride in on their white horse and save the day of a damsel in distress in the aftermath of a breakup or an argument. Eager to take any crumbs from the table of another person’s relationship instead of pursuing their own. Lowering their value as men.

What’s truly appalling is that in his quest for scraps from another woman’s table is that the Pussy Beggar like Reggie misses out on a full satisfying relationship with a single available woman.  The time he wastes trying to get scraps of attention from a woman already in someone else’s relationship like Veronica is time he could take to pursue a woman who had a lot more to offer him.

The saddest part of the Idle Idol’s Idyll is the amount of time guys like Reggie waste stalking other people’s relationships. Time is not on the Pussy Beggar’s side. Every second of life a man wastes pining over a woman that’s in a relationship with someone else is time he’s never going to get back. Many a Pussy Beggar like Reggie have lost years and even decades of their lives chasing the girl of their dreams. And in that quest they have missed out on the best that real life has to offer them.

A man who begs for pussy does not wind up getting the best in life. While they settle for scraps falling from the tables of other people’s relationship in the dating scene they miss out on all the great women who are interested in making a full commitment to them. If they’d wake up they’d see these Real Women have a lot more to offer than the woman of their dreams. The final question a guy has to ask is: Why settle for half a relationship with someone elses’ woman when you can have a relationship with a whole one of your own?


  1. Sir, when are you going to put up an article on the CW Flash?

  2. I didn't mean to say that since I was being impatient.

  3. Coming up Thursday Ad. Was busy finishing Isis: Night of the Vampires and videos and blogs about this Selma Oscar mess. But Thursday will be the blog about CW's Flash.
