Sunday, September 21, 2014

When Opportunity Knocks…

Sometimes you run into opportunities that can’t be passed up.

If Bill Walko wanted to do another cover for the Isis series I’m going to make sure it happens.

If George Perez wanted to draw a cover for one of my books I’m going to make sure it happens.

If John Byrne asked me to draw a cover for one of my books I’m going to make sure it happens.

If Josh Howard asked me to draw a cover for one of my books I’m going to make sure it happens.

If Gail Simone wanted to write a story in the Isis series, I’m definitely going to make sure it happens.

Why? Because they’re once in a lifetime opportunites.

Artists like John Byrne and George Perez are LEGENDS in the comic book business. You don’t say no to them. You just make it happen.

Like Bill Walko, Josh Howard is an artist whose work I love. I’m eager to see what Isis would look like in his distinct style.

And writers like Gail Simone are masters of their craft. If she wanted to do a story with my characters, I’m going to say yes to her.

Now I believe in Black Group Economics. But I also believe that if there’s an opportunity to work with some of the best talents in the comic book industry I’m going to take it.

I want to give my readers the very best publications at SJS DIRECT. And I’m willing to work with experienced professionals in the industry towards giving them the best reading experience.

The opportunity to work with Bill Walko this summer was one of those a once-of-a lifetime chances. Here was an artist whose work I loved who wanted to draw a cover for my characters. Someone who had done art that had been featured for products seen across the country, and is a known name in the comic book world. I had to take the opportunity to work with him.

In business, you have to focus on the big picture. If the art from a nonblack artist will get my book exposure with a larger audience of both Black and nonblack readers and that exposure increases my sales, that helps my Black-owned business help the Black community. And the sales from those books allows me an opportunity to hire other artists and photographers for my projects.

God blessed me so everything came together so the Isis: Wrath of the Cybergoddess cover could be produced. And the response to the cover from most of the people I’ve shown it to has been extremely positive.

Would I hire a Black artist for one of my projects in the future? Yes. Again, I do believe in Group Economics. If I could work with a Black artist like Darryl Banks or Mark D. Bright on a cover, and we could come to an agreement on terms I’d take the chance.

Some opportunities are once-in-a lifetime. And you just have to take them. Because they are a chance to take your business and your career to the next level. That’s why I worked so hard selling my collectibles on eBay and made so many sacrifices to make this project happen. Having been out of wok for over five years, I know how hard it is to get a break. And when I get a one I take it. Because sometimes that small break I get can lead to a bigger one in my career in the future.


  1. I've been taking a lot of time off from blogging to focus on my writing career with the help of my father. He edits magazines and when I have to get my stories published in anthologies and newspapers I have to comply with the guidelines and restrictions.

  2. Great Ad! I'm hoping it works out for you. Looking forward to reading your work in print.

  3. Just googled bill walko, and clicked on his Google images of his art work. I scrolled down and your isis cover was included as his work. Congratulations! The cover looks great!

  4. Thanks! I loved working with him and I'd love to work with him again on another cover.

  5. I'm the person from the article that inspired this article. The issue in my opinion was the way you carried on about Black group economics and how people need to put their money up and support YOUR kickstarter, but you in the end didn't pay it forward. So it makes it seem like BGE is only worthwhile to you if it benefits you. Almost like implying that everyone who disagreed with you wasn't taken care of their own.

    You can't attack people and challenge and you don't even give back to the same principal that you were bemoaning. You didn't set the example that you expect others to set.

    The cover is great and well done, but it shows a lot of bloggers talk a big game of uplifting and supporting the black cause, but only when it's convenient to them
