Saturday, August 30, 2014

The Double Minded Negro- Unstable in All His Ways

In the Bible it says to avoid a double minded man because he is unstable in all his ways. When it comes to the Negro, being double minded seems to be a way of life. Unfortunately, it’s this double-mindedness that keeps the Negro from actualizing his potential in America.

Black folks say one thing but then do another. Their actions don’t match their words. And that’s why nothing in the Black community has changed in the last 400 years.

For example, Black women will say they want a good man.

But will go out and date thugs, drug dealers, and dusty Negroes. Then complain there aren’t any good men out there.

Black men will say they want a good woman.

But will go out and date the same hoodrats, baby mamas and whores. Then complain that there aren’t any good women.

Black people will say they want positive stories in Black movies.

But will go out and spend their money to watch coonfests and minstrel shows such as Monster’s Ball, Precious, The Help, The Butler and Tyler Perry movies.

And when producers take the time and spend the money to make movies like Akeelah and the Bee, The Great Debaters, I Will Follow, Pride and Black Dynamite which feature Black people in a positive light the Negro won’t show up at the theater.

Black people say they want positive stories in literature.

But will go out and buy poorly written Street lit, Erotica and pseudo Christian fiction.

Even our Black President Barack Obama promised change.

But seven years later the country is still the same. Actually, I’d say it’s even worse condition than what George W. Bush left it in. All because of his double-mindedness.

Actions speak louder than words. And when it comes to the Negro his actions are not consistent with his words. What he says is never what he does.

The Negro is a double-minded creature. He says one thing and does another. It’s this inconsistency that leads to many nonblacks not taking him seriously. The Negro is never willing to commit to a course of action and follow it through to the end.

The Negros’ lack of commitment is why he is at the bottom right now. He never stays the course. He never finishes what he starts. For all his talk, there’s no walk.

Whenever things get hard, the Negro is the first to head for the exit. This is why he never accomplishes anything. The Negro will talk the biggest game. But when brought to the table he does not see things through to the end win or lose.

He just quits.

Then he blames others. If he can, The Negro brings in the race card to shame nonblacks he plays with into conceding that he’s been a victim of them because they have advantages over them and that they’re racist.

And if he’s dealing with other Black people, the Negro will go into his barrage of shaming tactics he learned from his single mother and call the Black person who calls him on they’re double-mindedness:

An Uncle Tom,

A Sellout,

Or tell they’re he is acting White.

Some will go into straw man arguments like the Lightskin/Darkskin, or they’ll go into circular arguments that have no point or conclusion other than to wear a person down so they can leave and they can attack them with their shaming language.

And if these tactics do not work the Negro will try to make light of a situation by turning things into a joke.

This is why Black business owners like myself cannot rely on the Negro. Whenever we take action that’s serious about taking our businesses to the next level, the Negro does not follow through and support us by working with those who want to work with him. Out of fear of offending their White Liberal Slave masters, when approached by Black people with a plan of action, The Negro will retreat instead of standing their ground with those acting in their best interest.

When the double-minded Negro sees Black business owners like myself taking constructive action, they run for the hills. And as they hide behind a rock for the dust to settle, The double-minded Negro looks for a way to undermine Black men like myself so they can gain power for themselves with the person who they trust more than any Black man: The White Liberal.

If the White Liberal does not approve of the Negros’ actions then the Negro does not feel secure in himself or herself. While some Black people feel confident about going out on their own, and will believe in themselves and work towards accomplishing what they wish to accomplish in life, Most Negroes are so insecure they need the White Liberal to hold their hands and walk with them every step of the way telling them exactly what to do and patting them on the head to reassure them.

And when they makes a mistake they need that same White Liberal to tell them its never their fault.

It’s this lack of unaccountability that leads to this double-mindedness in the Negros’ thinking. Thanks to the White Liberal’s enabling, the Negro never learns how to commit to anything or take responsibility for their own decisions. While The Negro looks to the White Liberal for approval like a small child looking up to their parents, The Negro winds up stranded in a vicious cycle where they wind up co-dependent on White liberals instead of working interdependently with other Black men and women in America.

The roots of the Negros’ double-mindedness are in his own dysfunctional Pseudo Christian Religion. The Bible says no man can serve two masters, they’ll either love one and hate the other. But I find with this double-minded Negro that he tries to serve two masters, the White Liberal and God.

Unfortunately, God loses every time to the White Liberal. And this is why the Negro is at the bottom of society.

The Negro has no faith in God or faith in self to commit to a plan of action. To commit to a course of action. To set a goal and finish it. No, his mind is primarily on pleasing and appeasing his White liberal slave masters.

Because in the eyes of the Negro God is White.

You see, the Negro wants his freedom. But he only wants it if his White Liberal slave master is okay with him being free.

Only the Negro does not understand simple logic. If you have to get approval from someone else to be free then you are a slave.

The double-minded Negro is still waiting for his White Liberal Slave master (god) to tell him it’s okay to put himself first. To build his own businesses. To create his own industry. To protect and serve his own people.

But the rest of the world doesn’t have to ask. They just Go and DO. Not caring what ANYONE THINKS OF THEM. Which is why every other race is passing the Negro behind.

Again, the Bible says no man can serve two masters, they’ll either love one and hate the other. As long as the Negro serves the his White liberal slave master, he can’t do the work God intended for him to do. It is what it is.


  1. Good points Kevin. I do listen to their videos, but my focus is on my publishing business. It's been my mission to change the image and perception of Black people by creating media to counter the numerous negative images of African-Americans out there.

    Talk is cheap, action is all that has value. Too many Black people talk when we need to be doing.

  2. Hello Shawn James, what is your opinion on the following videos?

    Why Does Kehinde Wile, Obama's Chosen Artist, Paint Beheaded White Women?:

    Michelle Obama Launches White Hating Rant:

    [Former FLOTUS Michelle Obama: The root of all problems are "All white man".

    In what may be one of her most bizarre takes yet, the former first lady was speaking at a women’s conference in Pennsylvania when the incident occurred.]

  3. What is Cultural Marxism?:

    The History of Cultural Marxism & Political Correctness:

    Culture of Critique for Normies - Part V - The Frankfurt School!:

    John Cleese: Political Correctness Can Lead to an Orwellian Nightmare:

    Khazars & the Ashkenazim:

    Genocide by forcing indigenous peoples to maintain low birthrates through the implementation of faux liberalism (or rather cultural marxism) and importing millions of 3rd world immigrants who maintain high birth rates. Deliberate population replacement of 1st world countries in order to fulfill genocidal passages found within the Babylonian Talmud, Zohar and the Kabbalah which contain a sizable amount of racist and supremacist passages.

    Barbara Lerner Spectre:

  4. May I simрly say what a relief to find somebody that genuinely understands whаt thеy are discussing over the
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    poρular because you certainly have the gift.

    Continue : Password Prоteϲt Fоⅼder It: Here’s How
